DALLAS: Family Business
Dallas really knows how to turn up the heat! Let’s get down to the good stuff because as always there is a lot!
Chris and Rebecca are trying to patch up the broken trust he has for her. They do some window shopping together and buy two cute monkeys for the twins. When Rebecca gets home, Tommy is waiting for her. He wants Rebecca to steal Chris’s work keycard so he can steal his alternate energy plans to sell to a silent buyer. She told him she won’t do it and he pushes her against the wall and tries to force himself on her. What a creep! She pushes him away and scratches his face. He threatened put a “bullet in her little fairy tale” if she doesn’t come through for him.
Harris visits Sue Ellen at her office and brought her a bottle of burgundy (even though she hasn’t had alcohol in 20 years). She declines when he offers her a drink but he pours her one anyway, and tells her he knows all about her bribing the medical examiner to get John Ross out of jail. He then asks her to let him use her campaign PAC to launder money, but she threw him out of her office. Poor Sue Ellen, she tried to walk a straight line but now she is caught up. She knows that Ryland will use this against her in the future.
Tommy has a meeting with his silent partner, who ends up being Cliff Barnes’ driver (the one JR has been looking into). He is not happy about the hold up with Chris’ plans. He gives Tommy one day to complete his task.
John Ross and Elena are looking over a survey of the Henderson land (which is next to Southfork), and they discover that they can drill horizontally from the Henderson land to the oil reserve beneath Southfork. They go straight to Bobby with their findings because this will allow him to keep his promise to Miss Ellie by not drilling directly on Southfork. This will generate enough oil to pay off the Venezuelans and keep Chris’s alternate energy plans in the family. Chris walks in and accuses John Ross of trying to steal Southfork and not being grateful for his sacrifice. They are about to go to blows when Bobby steps in and tells them they need to calm down. All the excitement was too much for Bobby because he suddenly gets light headed, and passes out.
They go to the hospital to find out how Bobby is. Elena tells John Ross that Bobby has cancer and they didn’t tell him or JR because Bobby thought they would use it against him to get Southfork back (wow! That is ice cold, but I wouldn’t put anything past JR). John Ross looks concerned and goes to JR’s informant and tells him to find his father. He said make sure you tell him that his brother is dying.
With Ann and Chris in the room, the Doctor told them that his cancer was still in remission but he suffered a brain aneurysm caused by high blood pressure. After the news, Bobby is determined to go home against the doctor and his family’s wishes. If it was his time to go, he didn’t want to be in a hospital with strangers, he wanted to be at home.
Rebecca goes to Southfork to offer Chris moral support. Chris leaves to help Bobby’s nurse and she goes outside. She sees Chris’ briefcase in his car. She reaches in and gets his keycard, but puts it back in his briefcase and leaves. Tommy won’t be happy about that.
JR surprises everyone when he comes to see Bobby. Ann is not having it and refuses to let him anywhere near Bobby. She told him she will shoot him if she catches him near her husband. JR is shocked by her behavior but leaves.
Chris has a talk with John Ross and tells him that he won’t fight him on the slant drill into Southfork if he can persuade JR to sign the Southfork deed back over to Bobby. He just wants his father to have some piece of mind in case he is dying. John Ross doesn’t think JR will do it, but he tries to talk to him anyway. JR is not happy to see that John Ross appears to have feelings and common decency where his Uncle Bobby is concerned.
On his way out, he tells Sue Ellen about JR and she marches right in his room and gives him a fantastic Dallas slap like only Sue Ellen could! She tells him to stop ruining their son’s life and that he has become a bitter old man. She leaves and then meets with Ann. She told Ann about her run-in with Ryland, and that her dreams of being the next governor may be over.
After Sue Ellen struck a nerve, JR went to see Bobby. Bobby tells JR that he understands that he is evil by nature, but he still loves him. This touched JR and he told Bobby that he tends to forget things so he expects Bobby to be there to remind him. Bobby says that no one lives forever.
Downstairs, John Ross and Chris are discussing the long time family feud, and decide to put a stop to it. They decide to go into business together in a company called Ewing Energies. They go to Bobby with an IOU for the first shares of their company. John Ross and Chris will be equal partners along with Elena. Bobby is surprised and tells them all to watch each other. He appreciated the gesture.
Staring at a picture of Miss Ellie, JR signs the deed to Southfork over to Bobby (wow does JR have a heart in there after all?). JR gives the deed to Bobby and he is shocked by his brother’s actions.
Bobby gets a call from the police letting him know that they’ve made some progress into the Fake Marta/Veronica Martinez case. There could be evidence linking JR to the bad deal and they want to know if Bobby is ready to send his brother to jail if there is. Bobby just tells them to let him know what they find. When he hung up, his blood pressure went up and he collapsed with another aneurysm.
Rebecca gets a call from Tommy demanding the keycard. She hangs up on him, and goes to a safe deposit box to get a gun. Tommy shows up at Rebecca’s and we find out that the whole plan to take Chris down was her idea! He put his life on hold to help her with this plan and now she wants out. He is furious with her and starts to throw her around and then tried to rape her. She fought back and got away and pulls out the gun. Bam! They struggle and the gun goes off and blood is splattered on the two monkeys she just bought. The question is…whose blood was it?
Insert deep breath here! Wow! I think this was my favorite episode of the season. I love John Ross whether he is mean or has a heart! What did you think of the episode? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below and check back with us next week for the season finale!
Dallas airs Wednesday Nights at 9/8c on TNT.