CONTINUUM Recap: “Family Time” Episode 9, Season 1
Kiera and a team of CPS officers are on a mission, chasing down two people, who turn out to be Kellog and his sister Laura (guest star Nikohl Boosheri). Laura was to be on a job interview, but she was actually on a mission to steal a thermalite detonator for Kagame. That explains why the CPS is chasing after them; and given her connections with Kagame leads the CPS to fire on them. The ensuing explosion takes down Kellog’s sister and as the CPS officers close in on them, Laura begs her brother to take the detonator to Kagame and escape before he can be captured.
In present day Canada, Kiera and Carlos show up outside a farmhouse that turns out to be Alec’s home. The cops were alerted to an inordinate amount of nitrates – or fertilizer – that was ordered and delivered to the farm; but once questioning, Alec’s stepdad, Roland, claims that he only ordered what they needed for the farm; nothing more.
While Kiera is petting one of the horses – out of her amazement at seeing a horse since they don’t exist in her time period – Alec walks out and inadvertently says “My God, what are you doing here?” when looking at Kiera. Thankfully he recovers in time, turning his attention to Carlos, who was suspected of murder and had been all over the news recently. While Carlos goes into the farmhouse to review Roland’s invoices for the purchased fertilizer, Kiera heads into the barn with Alec, seeing his elaborate computer “set-up” for the first time and discovering that he changed the color of her suit to black.
As it turns out, Roland’s dad ordered 438 kilograms of fertilizer, but the cops were told he ordered 15,000 kilograms. They head to the barn so Roland can prove that their information was wrong only to discover a lock on the door that he did not install. Once the door was opened, though, they find a white van filled with barrels of the fertilizer strapped with explosives. A few seconds later, four armed young men corner them – as they and Julian are behind creating the bombs – but when Alec’s mother interrupts them, Julian pulls a gun on them, shooting Carlos.
As the events roll out, Kiera and Carlos are locked inside the farmhouse’s food pantry, being guarded by one of the armed boys– Gates (guest star James Pizzinato) – while the other young men and Julian deal with Roland and Alec’s mom. Alec brings a first aid kit to Kiera and is able to knock out Gates so that Kiera and Carlos can attempt an escape; but that is short-lived, as the other boys figure out what is happening and stop them
It is around this time that a report makes it back to the precinct that there is a hostage situation at the farmhouse where Kiera and Carlos went, causing the chief and a SWAT team to show up. While Julian tries to convince the other boys that their fight is against the corporations not the cops or his dad and step-mom and he tries to convince them to just tie them up and leave quietly, they hear sirens and one of the other boys – Hoyt (guest star Wesley Macinnes) says the revolution will have to start right there. Hoyt mentions something about Day 1 – Theseus Day – while Kiera tries to talk the boys down; but that doesn’t work because soon enough the boys realize that the SWAT team is going to be soon moving in on them and they need to take action.
Kiera and Carlos are, once again, locked inside the food pantry and Julian’s dad and step-mom are tied up in the kitchen while Alec goes to the barn with one of the other boys (guest star Casey Dubois) to retrieve a pistol he stores there to kill rats that try to feed on the wires on all of his equipment. Alec tricks the other boy into touching Kiera’s suit, which shocks him, knocking him out long enough for Kiera to get in touch with the chief and the SWAT team leader Bradley (guest star Jonathan Walker), giving them intel on the situation inside the farmhouse; but when the boy with Alec starts to wake up, Alec has no choice but to disconnect the call.
Carlos’s condition is getting worse and SWAT is moving into place to raid the farmhouse when Alec brings more towels to Kiera to help stem the bleeding of Carlos’s gunshot wound – and he hides her suit inside the bag containing the towels. It is then that Bradley places a call inside the farmhouse with Julian pretending to be his father. Meanwhile, Kiera has safely covered Carlos to protect him, has put on her suit and starts taking down the boys one by one until Julian explodes the propane tank, knocking her out for a brief time. Shortly after that, the SWAT team is in position to move on the house, seeing Roland and Julian talking. They then, unfortunately, take down Roland and move on the house, realizing they shot the wrong man as Kiera goes after Hoyt and Phil – the last of the armed boys (guest star Curtis Lum). Phil surrenders but she is forced to take Hoyt down because he was going to set off the bombs in the van.
Soon enough, the situation at the farmhouse is under control, but Roland is dead and Carlos is in bad shape, being transported to the hospital; and Julian is on the run. Later that night, Kiera learns from the chief that Carlos made it through surgery and his prognosis is good. She is told to go home and get some sleep, but – instead – she meets up with Kellog. She tells him that she seems to be present for all of his significant losses – his grandmother and his sister – and then the story flashed back to his sister being trapped in the explosion. She dies, but Kellog doesn’t leave her as she asked him to, he drops the stolen detonator and allows the CPS to arrest him.
In the final scene, Julian is seen walking on a rather deserted street corner and answers a call on a nearby payphone: it turns out that it is Kagame on the other end. He will send his people to get Julian, because the events that took place on the farm will shape everything Kagame is and will become.
“Family Time” is the 9th and penultimate episode of the debut season of Continuum and was written by Floyd Kane and directed by William Waring. Continuum will air its season finale on the Canadian channel Showcase next Sunday, August 5 at 9 PM.
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