WAREHOUSE 13 Recap: A New Hope
Warehouse 13 is back and I couldn’t be happier. I missed my artifact searching gang.
We pick up seconds after the season finale from last year. Pete, Myka and Artie are standing in the burnt down warehouse in shock.
They each look around at different melted or destroyed artifacts and remember back to when they found them.
Myka and Pete beg Artie to figure out a way to rebuild the warehouse…some artifact that will do it.
Artie is holding a watch that “may be the key to some warehouse failsafe devise.” But he doesn’t know. Artie actually looks defeated and on top of that something is leaking from a chamber at the bottom of the warehouse floor.
They go to Leena’s house. Leena and Claudia are on the couch looking even sadder than the other three. Pete and Myka tell them the warehouse was destroyed about the same time it comes out that Mrs. Frederick is gone.
Mrs. Frederick was organically connected to the warehouse so as caretaker when it went so did she.
The chamber at the bottom of the warehouse was holding Pandora’s Box. Now that it is leaking out chaos is ensuing all over the place. Wall Street falling for instance causing rioting and looting. Group suicides are occurring. “When Pandora’s Box opened the world lost hope.”
After watching the news for a moment they start to examine the watch Artie was holding, trying to figure out how it is going to help them.
There is Portuguese on the back that says, “Push the button”. So they do and the watch because a stopwatch that is counting down 24 hours from the moment of the warehouse blast.
They have 23ish hours to find the warehouse failsafe somewhere in the world and hopefully reset time.
The back of the watch comes apart and there are black diamond’s where Myka says there are usually rubies.
Artie rushes them back to the warehouse where he is calling the football back that flies overhead. It is actually an artifact tracer that constantly collects information and downloads it to the warehouse.
Artie types Black Diamond into the football to see if anything pops up. It comes up with a Templar Motto from France. The Brotherhood of the Knights of the Black Diamond.
They are off to France while Leena needs to talk to Mr. Keeler, a Regent. He has a history major and his knowledge will be needed to help formulate a plan if they are going to erase 24 hours and diffuse the bomb that destroyed the warehouse. Especially since they only have 22 hours and 18 minutes.
Claudia says she isn’t going. She says it is too late they won’t make it in time. She is going to take the metronome and bring Steve back. Pete tells her she can’t; bring him back to what…a world without hope. They have all lost someone they loved and if you live long enough it happens over and over. They need her. She says fine but then she pulls Artie aside and says this isn’t going to stop her, she knows what she has to do and she will do it. Artie looks concerned…
They get to France and start searching for the right building. There are two guys following them, from the Brotherhood, as if things aren’t complicated enough.
They get to the Brotherhoods castle; lair…the name on the building is Barbosa, just like the name on the back of the watch.
Myka and Pete are going to distract the Brotherhood while Claudia and Artie are going to look for the artifact they hope is there.
Pete’s distraction is acting like a tourist with Myka as his wife. The Brotherhood is not amused. Pete attacks the biggest one and a fight ensues.
At one point Artie gets discouraged while looking in the cellar of The Brotherhood and Claudia quotes Galaxy Quest “Never give up. Never surrender.” Man I love this show!
Claudia figures out how to get to the artifact while Pete and Myka keep the fight going.
They find Magellan’s compass. Which Claudia explains makes sense with the 24 hour watch because Magellan was the first person to sail around the world. Artie can’t believe she paid attention in 5th grade to which she responds, “Now think back to your youth and try to remember what he said to you on deck the night he crossed the International Date Line.”
Did I mention I love their dynamic?
There is an eyepiece missing from the compass though. As Claudia is looking for it none other the Brother Brent Spiner shows up and says the compass belongs to them. He can’t let them leave with it. The Brothers throw knives and Claudia is buried in the hole she was in looking for the rest of the compass in before Pete and Myka use their fancy electrocuting guns on the Brothers.
Claudia is trapped and can’t move. Artie is starting to lose hope. But Claudia says if they can find the rest of the compass they can erase the last 24 hours and she won’t have been trapped.
At least the watch now is displaying a new clue. The stopwatch is a watch again but it is displaying the wrong time, 4:18. They get Leena and the Regent to help figure out why.
Pete thinks it might be military time, 16:18. Myka and Artie say it is a chapter/verse of the bible.
The rest of the compass is at the Vatican…of course it is. So now they only have to break into the Vatican, find the missing piece and get back to the warehouse in less than 20 hours.
The group can’t decide who will stay behind with her but Claudia wants them to stop all of that…just go and figure it out. She will be fine.
They get to Rome where a lot of rioting is taking place. It’s Myka’s turn to cause a distraction. She gets arrested for rioting but Pete and Artie get into the tunnel that runs to the Vatican. They have 3 minutes.
They find an old elevator that they hot wire. Just as they find the piece they need two angry Brotherhood guys show up. Fight ensues and Pete kicks some ass…Of course Brent Spiner shows up and he pushes Pete into the elevator knife drawn. The doors open again and Brent has been stabbed in the chest and Pete has the artifact.
But Pete has also been stabbed. He falls to the ground, blood in his mouth and he dies asking Artie if it is all going to be okay.
At this point I have to keep telling myself they are going to rewind time and everything will be okay…everything will be okay…everything will be okay. I may have been rocking back and forth too.
Artie puts the artifact together and calls Leena. The Regent thinks that Gandhi’s robe will counteract the bomb since the bomb was made from pure hatred and Gandhi’s robe emanates pure peace.
Artie is about to put the artifact together and Brent Spiner, I’m going to keep calling him that because his character never gets a name, comes to and wants to know why Artie would be doing this. Then he cautions Artie not to tell anyone. Anyone he tells of his actions will be in grave danger. He says that if he uses the compass he will create an evil of his own making that will live with him the rest of his days.
Artie takes pause as Brent Spiner dies. He looks at Pete dead on the floor and puts it together activating the artifact. Time starts to rewind and they are back in the warehouse all of them including a very much alive HG Wells.
Artie tells them there is a bomb in Sikes wheelchair but the girls are confused as to how he knows all of this. They follow him to an aisle where Gandhi’s robe is. It stops the bomb for a second and then it starts to beep again. The hatred is Sikes…not the Bombs. They race to where Pete is fighting Sikes. Pete drags Sikes, (Anthony Michael Hall) from the portal throwing him to the ground in the process. They put Gandhi’s robe on Sikes and the bomb stops.
Sikes looks around and apologizes before dying.
Artie is explaining to Regent Kosan what happened. He is telling him that HG Wells is really rehabilitated. Mrs. Frederick shows up, Artie says people change, learn, and grow. He is really fighting for HG Wells, but Artie is trying to be vague because he can’t tell them what happened when the warehouse blew up.
They confer and end up agreeing with Artie.
Mrs. Frederick shows him a strand of grey hair, she says something is going on, something happened. He tells her nothing, nothing happened. She doesn’t believe him but she leaves anyway.
Artie is talking to the dog, he says don’t judge him, he had no choice and he hears Brent Spiner’s voice saying you will create an evil of your own making.
We flash to Claudia leaving Leena’s house with a box, which I think was the metronome.
Then we see Artie being chased by Claudia and subsequently stabbed causing Artie to wake up with a start.
“An Evil that will live with you for the rest of your days.”
Warehouse 13 airs Monday 9/8c on Syfy