ALPHAS Recap: We Are All In This Together
And we are back…Alpha’s Season Two. I was lucky enough to sit in on the Alpha’s Panel at Comic Con so I’ve been giddy to get this season started.
We open eight months after the season finale.
Dr. Rosen is locked up for being mentally unstable. The hospital shrink is trying to talk to him about his “issues” but Dr. Rosen insists he doesn’t have any issues.
Hicks and Bill on the other hand are still working for the government. They are on a sting operation in a grocery store waiting on a tip they received. Just as Hicks is starting to get really bored the store lights explode, a SWAT teams enters and Hicks starts towards a girl holding the two ends of the power cables.
Side note: He is running across the tops of the shelves and jumping over the aisles which is fun.
They are almost to the girl when gunshots ring out. It’s a robbery.
Bill’s adrenaline kicks in and he throws the guy with the gun into a shelf, unfortunately for Bill the guy with the gun has the same ability, and no weak heart, and he shoves Bill back. Hicks and the SWAT team pull out guns but before they can do anything a guy at a register starts making a terrible loud vibrating noise into the com system incapacitating everyone. The bad guys rob the store and get away. Well all accept the chick holding the power cables. They manage to capture her.
We get back to the office where Clay is now in charge. Hicks and Bill are talking about Gary. Gary’s Mom hasn’t heard from him in two weeks. Bill is a little worried now that Gary works for the NSA and they don’t see him every day.
Rachel is next up in the where are you now and she has regressed. She quit her job and moved back home. She hasn’t left her room in months and her Dad is worried. She can’t seem to control the sounds she hears and it appears she has a constant headache.
We get a glimpse at what Nina has been up to and it isn’t any better. She is using her ability to go shopping and seeing a hot guy about to get into a cab she pushes him so he wants to share the cab with her. She is back to her old ways.
Hicks and Bill are bringing robbery girl to Binghamton where they hand her off to the guards there. As they are getting ready to leave they see Gary in general population. He has been “chipped” like the rest of the dangerous inmates so he is almost catatonic and unable to use his ability.
Turns out Gary, while working for the NSA, pushed a guy and hit him with a keyboard. Hicks is arguing with Clay that Gary is autistic and has a special routine that cannot be interrupted. This isn’t right and Clay knows it.
Side note: Gary sent to agents to the hospital which makes no sense to me since they are trained NSA agents…but I digress.
At the mental hospital Rosen’s daughter shows up for visiting hours. Rosen complains about his level of sedation and his daughter holds his hand and takes away some of the fuzziness. She doesn’t think the government is ever going to let him out of there. He says they are and soon. He tells her Stanton Parish is out there and when he wreaks his havoc the government will need him to help control the chaos.
His daughter looks concerned but I think only because she is working with Parish.
The robbery girl is being fitted with her chip while Bill is arguing with a guard to turn off Gary’s chip for just 10 minutes. The guards say there is nothing they can do. Clay is in another room with Hicks trying to talk to the NSA about removing Gary’s chip.
Robbery girls chip is activated only to have the power surge (part of her ability) and all of the power in the prison shut off. The chips start to deactivate, Gary’s included. Bill picks up Gary, throws him over his shoulder and pushes past the now rioting inmates. The guards are being overrun. Bill gets knocked over and Gary runs off. One of the inmates sees Bill and punches him in the chest. Another inmate grabs Bill and shuts him in a cell with Gary. Gary isn’t speaking but Bill keeps asking him to help them find a way out.
Robbery girl runs up to an inmate and kisses him. She disabled everything but the fail safe doors dropped.
The inmates assemble and Clay says they aren’t negotiating. They grab a guard and one of the inmates takes a gun, whispers into the guards ear and hands the guard the gun. He shoots himself in the head…but there are no bullets. The inmate (the one robbery girl kissed) loads the gun and says next time.
Then the inmate says he will only negotiate with one person…Dr. Rosen.
Rachel is still in bed when Dr. Rosen arrives at her door. He says he needs her help and she has to leave the room. Focus and take a step forward.
Nina is still using her ability on the hot guy so he wants to have dinner with her, kissing her and tell her she is beautiful. Dr. Rosen and Rachel show up spoiling her fun. He tells Nina Gary is in trouble and he needs their help.
Back in the cell Bill is telling Gary that he never should have let Clay farm him out to the NSA. Gary is still not talking. He is reading signals. Bill continues his apology. Gary doesn’t respond. Suddenly Gary says, “He is here.”
Dr Rosen, Nina and Rachel show up at the prison. It’s not a nice reunion between Hicks and Nina. When asked by Rachel what happened Nina says she woke up and Hicks says is that what you call pushing everyone you meet? He tells her she needs help. She responds in kind.
Rosen is going into the prison. He wants them to all work together. If it goes wrong they will need to come to his rescue…only if it is absolutely necessary.
Rachel is listening to Dr. Rosen through the vents. An inmate, the one that punched Bill in the chest, punches Dr. Rosen in the shoulder. The inmate in charge (the one that was kissed by robbery girl) apparently his name is Cornel says Rosen is their guest. He’s a big fan of Rosen’s. He brings Rosen into the general population room.
Back in the control room Rachel is relaying what Dr. Rosen is saying.
Cornel is questioning Dr. Rosen…why are they all in there? They aren’t being treated fairly, etc…
Dr. Rosen wants to help. He says they aren’t screwed up, they are all gifted. The ability isn’t the mistake it’s how you use it.
Gary and Bill are still in the cell. Gary is starting to talk…running through his daily routine, brushing his teeth and putting on pants, because pants are important.
Dr. Rosen is wondering why the inmates are all so calm. He wants to know if this is a delaying tactic. Cornel starts talking about us vs. them. Rosen says it sounds like something Stanton Parish would say.
Robbery girl shows up and says they are ready. Rosen wants to know what they are ready for.
Cornel grabs Rosen’s arm and the cameras go out. The inmates get to Gary and Bill and say let’s go.
The cameras come back up and Rosen, Bill, Gary and two guards are tied up on their knees. Hicks signals the SWAT team and runs toward the main room. On the monitors the punch happy inmate has a gun and he shoots a guard in the back of his head. While robbery girl douses Rosen in lighter fluid and Cornel sets Rosen on fire with his sparking hands.
Nina and Rachel are freaking out. Rachel starts to hear something from the vents. Rachel can’t smell the burning and the screaming is only on the monitors. It’s not right. She radios for Hicks who finds the general population room empty. In a side room they find robbery girl holding two power cables. She was manipulating the feed so the inmates could escape.
Nina and Rachel run out to the yard where the inmates are escaping and Nina uses her ability on Rachel so she isn’t scared and can focus. The Alphas, led by Cornel, leave Rosen but take Bill and Gary as hostages.
Hicks Grabs a gun and uses Rachel to hear which escaping SUV Gary’s voice is coming from. With the help of Dr. Rosen Hicks focuses and shoots the SUV, flipping it over. Bill pulls Gary out of the tipped over SUV but Cornel got away.
Rosen and Clay are walking down the sidewalk talking. Clay says they need Rosen to come back, full pardon, good consulting fee, etc…Rosen says that isn’t good enough. He will come back but only if he is in charge 100%, he picks the cases, he decides what is done with the Alphas. It’s all or nothing.
Clay agrees.
Back at the office Bill seems very concerned about Gary, which is really quite sweet. Gary still isn’t’ talking and the others are starting to worry. Rosen gives Gary a phone and talks to him until Gary calls his Mother. Rachel can’t help it and she hugs Gary, who doesn’t like people in his personal space. Bill even pretends to hug him. Gary starts a tirade about how they all left him. Dr. Rosen says they are all going to make it right together. Hicks and Nina look at each other pointedly. Nina hugs Gary after everyone else leaves the room. Gary doesn’t like it but it looks like he’ll get past it.
End shot is of Stanton being greeted by Rosen’s daughter. He is preaching better people, better world.
“Miles to go before we sleep”
He turns around and a few of the Alphas from prison including Cornel are there. They look at a train on the tracks below them and it blows up. They turn and walk away.
Alphasairs Monday 10/9c on Syfy