Comic Con
COMIC CON 2012: “She’s Good, She’s Bad, She’s Bi” – What Is It About LOST GIRL That Makes It So Appealing?
Last week at Comic Con, Lost Girl cast members Anna Silk, Kris Holden-Ried and Ksenia Solo were joined by writer Emily Andreas and executive producer Jay Firestone to talk about the popular sci-fi Canadian series that has made waves here in the States on Syfy.
When Jay mentioned the original pitch for Lost Girl – “she’s good, she’s bad, she’s bi” – the audience knew they were in for an interesting panel; and we were not disappointed. It was obvious from the moment the panelists took the stage that the camaraderie that is so apparent on the scene overflows into their real lives. The cast clearly enjoys working together and loves being a part of Lost Girl.
In fact, Kris shared that even from the audition process – when he was going out for the role of Dyson – he had ideas for the character, sharing his thoughts on Dyson’s backstory before casting was even decided.
When asked about his tendency to produce shows featuring strong women, Jay proudly shared that he always thought “Bond girls would be cool” and if his resume is any examine – besides Lost Girl, he has worked on La Femme Nikita, Queen of Swords, Andromeda, the Canadian series XIII, Relic Hunter and Mutant X – he certainly knows his “Bond girls”.
It was then shared that Emily is the only writer who has been a part of all three seasons of the show (while the series is in its second season here in the States, the third season is filming in Canada with the episodes to begin airing to our brethren up North this fall). She stated that Lost Girl is a challenging show because it has action, romance, mythology and humor. One of the most challenging episodes for cast and crew alike was the second season episode “Original Skin” where nearly all the main cast switched bodies. Kris shared that “it was the tightest the cast has ever been” and Ksenia joked that the read through of the script was confusing, though.
Jay was then asked what it was about each of the panelist that got them their roles and he said they almost gave up on finding the right Bo until Anna walked in; Ksenia sent in a tape and he “fell in love with her” and Kris had amazing chemistry with Anna. That being said Anna shared that sometimes the “love scenes are harder to film then the fight scenes”, but they have a “great stunt team and stunt doubles” to make filming that much easier.
Of course, the bulk of the show is not just about the camaraderie and love between the cast but also about the sci-fi elements and the Fae community. In order to do the storylines justice, the writers do “tons of research”, but after all this time “the characters have taken on a life of their own”. And to be honest we are all the better for it.
Some other interesting tidbits shared during the panel include:
• The costume designers are ‘”amazing” according to the cast members, being meticulous with every aspect of the incredible wardrobe worn by the cast;
• Ksenia “sometimes gets a little jealous” of the powers that her cast members get to “play” with as their characters; and would like to have a power for Kenzi even if it were for only one episode; and,
• When asked what Fae would they want among their friends if they could, the cast members all answered Vex (recurring actor Paul Amos).
For those wanting to see the debut season for the first time or get a chance to revisit it, season one will be out on DVD on October 23. This DVD will actually be uncut and feature 20 extra minutes of scenes. Season two of Lost Girl will continue to air here in the States on Syfy, moving to Friday nights as of tonight at 10/9c. Season three will air in Canada this fall on Showcase and will be on Syfy here in the USA sometime next year.