NIKITA Recap: “Homecoming” (Season Finale, Season Two)
Inside the walls of Division, Nikita survived the blast that took out the motherboards to Percy’s satellite weapon but, in doing so, Percy knows that she and Michael are there, calling out the hounds to go after them. In other words, he puts all of Division on lock-down, making communication in and out of there impossible; and issuing all of Division to take them down at all costs.
Meanwhile, Alex and Sean are knee-deep in a firefight with the Alpha team sent to the farmhouse to take them down. Thankfully the duo is able to take them down but right in the middle of the fighting the woman agent from the farmhouse nearly takes Alex down with a few well-placed chops of an axe, but Alex gets the better of her (seriously) with a rake. YUCK!
Back in DC, Ryan is attempting to get the President to hold off on the military strike against Division because of Nikita and Michael being stuck inside as well as the televised speech being forced upon him by Percy. But, for now, the President is going to play along with Percy’s demands; but if he goes down, he wants to take Percy with him.
Percy has his own agenda while all of Division is hunting down Michael and Nikita, he has Sonya call off the lock-down so he can make a phone call to the mystery man just as the President is making a speech, stating that he cannot support the peace treaty between Afghanistan and the Taliban. This move impresses the mystery man enough to say that Percy has been inducted into whatever organization for which the mystery man is a member – what is that group exactly, though, is anyone’s guess. But in the next breath, the mystery man says that Percy has a much bigger problem right outside his door: the hundreds of Marines that are on the move above Division. This move doesn’t bode well for Alex and Sean who are hiding out inside the barn or Michael and Nikita who are of course, stuck inside Division’s walls.
As Nikita and Michael attempt to find a way out, they soon realize that they need to get to Percy and stop him for good. Due to the lock-down being cancelled, outside communication can once again be established; and because of that the duo are on the line with Ryan when the President receives another call from Percy. Ryan keeps his call to Nikita active so they can hear the intercom conversation between Percy and the President, in which Percy explains that the satellite laser was just a big con. He actually used a well-placed bomb at the research facility made from the plutonium he acquired to fake the explosion.
The real problem now is that Roan, Percy’s most trusted operative, has another bomb that will be set off if the President doesn’t give Percy exactly what he wants: to walk out of Division with immunity. Roan will only be called off if the President agrees. Nikita tells Birkhoff to do everything he can to track down Roan’s Division vehicle with Alex and Ryan going after him once Ryan is able to help them get out of the farmhouse barn. In order to track down Roan, though, Birkhoff has to enlist help from Sonya. Thankfully, she agrees to help and soon enough Alex and Sean are outside a building in Bethesda, Maryland where Roan’s car is located. Unfortunately, there is a dead man inside who they soon determine through a search conducted by Birkhoff that the dead man worked as a waste remediation company for the NMR, which is actually a reactor under the White House that was put in place during the Y2K scare. It would seem that Roan’s mission is to plant the next bomb under the White House and it’s up to Alex and Sean to stop him.
Back at Division, though, Michael holds off the armed guards inside Operations with a grenade while Nikita goes after Percy in his office. She catches him before he can get out, making him announce to all of Division – over the intercom system – the truth. Surprisingly, Percy speaks the truth of what Division started out as and what it became: that he used all of them as mercenaries, turning Division into a criminal organization. Then he calmly states, that he doesn’t regret any of what he did to all the people in Division and for all of them to come after him. This insures – because of his heart tracker that will alert Roan he is dead, which in turn will make him set off the bomb under the White House – that Nikita will now have to protect him to avert a major catastrophe in DC.
Now the race is on to get Percy safely out of Division and for the military to not get inside Division. That plan works fairly well, as Percy and Nikita eventually make their way out; but Percy, in true fashion, tricks Nikita, starting a hand-to-hand fight with her that quickly enough leads to his shocking death as he falls inside the silo hatch (that Michael and Nikita used to get inside Division) and Nikita lets him drop to his death, breaking through the plastic prison that once held him. Fitting end to a psycho like him, right?
But, it doesn’t end there, as Roan receives an alert that Percy is dead and he moves to set the plutonium bomb. As Percy’s tracker goes off-line, Birkhoff is able to track the alert, finding out where Roan is inside the labyrinth that is the NMR and Alex and Sean get to his location in time to stop him but not before they both sustain some injuries from a nasty hand-to-hand battle with him that ends in Roan inadvertently electrocuted himself. Bad guy number 2 taken down.
Now the problem is getting the military to back off from Division; a team of military men are sent down inside Division, but are quickly dispatched by one of the strike teams. In an effort to avoid further bloodshed on both sides, Nikita convinces the Vice President, who is now on site along with Ryan, that she can go down and talk to all of the people inside Division to work out an accord. But, once she is down there, she warns all of them that because Division was never sanctioned that they are all still in jeopardy.
In the end, the only way to save all of them is to keep Division going; if they don’t, the Division agents all over the globe, who have learned about the breach, will go rogue and it will be utter chaos. As it turns out, Ryan is assigned to take over Division with Michael and Nikita taking over the position of farmhouse agents. Alex and Sean are then shown at a nearby hospital, where her injuries from the fight with Roan, are being treated. Throughout their ordeal, Sean was telling her that they needed to go out on a real date (it was his way of deflecting their situation) – if they made it out of their current predicament – but they never really get around to working that out because Nikita shows up to tell her about what happened at Division; ending it with “here we go again” when talking about what she said to Alex when she first asked her to infiltrate Division.
What that means is anyone’s guess as is the short glimpse of Amanda somewhere in the world getting intel off the black box that she and Ari obtained; and that alone could spell big trouble for the new Division. Also it should be noted that Birkhoff is back inside Division and he joked about who was in charge and then planting a big kiss on Sonya.
“Homecoming” is the season finale of the second season of Nikita. Nikita will be back for a third season this October on Friday nights at its new time – 9 PM – on The CW.
How did you feel about this episode? Were you surprised by the deaths of both Percy and Roan? How about Sean’s way of asking Alex out on a real date? And, how about Ryan being put in charge of Division; will that be a good or bad thing? What do you think Amanda is up to? And, can Michael and Nikita finally find some happiness? We’ll have to wait to see what happens in October. But in the meantime, please share your thoughts in the comments section below.