SMASH Recap: “Previews” (Episode 14, Season 1)
The big day is here for the cast and creative team of “Bombshell”. It is their opening night of previews in Boston; but first, there is some behind-the-scenes drama to get through first such as Dev sleeping with Ivy – and their subsequent hiding that fact from EVERYONE; Ivy being pissed at Derek for his paying too much “attention” to Rebecca and that pesky little infidelity issue between Michael and Julia, which just doesn’t seem to have gone away at least where Michael is concerned.
But first, let’s focus on everyone getting ready for opening night with rehearsals (that weren’t actually show) but rather all the prep leading up to the opening night (wait, that wasn’t really shown either) [yes, I’m being facetious]. So, instead let’s leap right into opening night with the cast getting ready backstage, the creative minds taking their seats throughout the theater and then the first night of “Bombshell” is land out – well, not all of it, but bits and pieces – some scenes and numbers we’ve seen before – and a full presentation of the new numbers specifically created for Ivy and Karen.
The audience seems to react well to the entire musical until the ending, which has Rebecca as Marilyn wrapped in a bed sheet in that now legendary death bed scene, ending the musical on a sad note the same way that poor Marilyn’s life ended. That sad ending leaves the audience, who was applauding loudly and seemed enthusiastic for the musical, with a less than tepid, overall response, which affects the creative minds as well as the cast. Sure it’s the first night; but Eileen demands they come up with a new ending while she handles the press so the poorly received final scene doesn’t make its way back to the eyes and ears of New York: the dreaded press and critics, that is.
Meanwhile, Karen and Dev seem to be back on par with Karen telling Dev to ask her again (to marry him that is) and she says “yes” – just wait until she finds out about his tryst with Ivy – or the fact that he can’t seem to find the engagement ring that he somehow lost during their night of debauchery. It doesn’t help that Ivy can’t seem to locate the missing ring – and don’t you just have it in the back of your mind that somehow Ellis has his dirty little hand on that ring – you watch…
Elsewhere, Tom and Julia are having issues because of the whole “Michael Swift issue”. Julia is absolutely livid with Tom for going behind her back and not working as a united front with her to keep Michael away from the production. But, the sad truth of the matter, as Tom bluntly tells Julia – the problem actually lays with Julia not him. Tom did what was best for the production because while they are partners, the production has to come first.
The duo do eventually make up after – of all things – a visit to Sam’s family’s church – while the entire production waits for the results of a scary health issue for Rebecca – who somehow inhaled peanuts (for which she is deathly allergic) in one of her smoothies (deliberate or not, she allowed it to happen as is revealed at the end of the episode, but more on that shortly). Many of the ensemble members decide to attend the service with Sam in order to pray for Rebecca’s well-being and recovery; and Frank talks Julia into coming along. Did Julia have an epiphany while watching Karen and Sam sing along with the church choir? It would seem so as she tells Tom that she has an idea for the much-needed finale scene change for which Eileen demanded.
In the end, Rebecca decides to leave town and leave the production, making it necessary for the creative minds to decide who will play Marilyn: the chosen understudy – Karen – who can do the role, but has spent no time on stage actually learning the scenes and numbers OR Ivy – the original “star” of the production who knows the scenes and numbers, but was booted because of the need to have a real “star” take over.
“Previews” is the 14th episode of the new series Smash on NBC. The season finale of Smash will air Monday, May 14 at10/9c.
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