COMMUNITY: Course Listing Unavailable

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In this week’s Community, as the study group comes to terms with the death of a beloved classmate, Jeff (Joel McHale) easily adjusts, while Britta (Gillian Jacobs) acts as grief counselor to the rest, employing what she’s learned in her psychology class. Meanwhile, Chang (Ken Jeong) is on a mission to increase his policing powers at the school and when the memorial service disintegrates into a riot, he seizes the opportunity to take more control over campus security.

Poor Starburns! The fact that he has a video to share in the advent of his death is both oddly comforting and awful at the same time. I also find it comforting that Troy is uncomfortable with Starburns sitting in their living room, and that he’s also not going to help write obituary copy either.

Troy’s going to crack me up all episode with his issues around death now. Calling his penpal is equally cute. Britta trying, now, to emulate Starburns is creepy and not at all helpful. Which is just another example of why Britta is the worst.

Dean Pelton, how are you real with your song choices? But trying to put on some different glasses to read over Chang’s new security changes is going to make me laugh. Only I think that’ll help Chang in the end.

Britta, you’re trying to get everyone’s emotions out with talk of killing puppies. How is that helpful to anyone right now? Can you all tell I don’t deal with death well?

A can-can outfit to tell the study group that the Biology class is cancelled, really Dean Pelton? It’s certainly not the most flamboyant outfit you’ve worn, but it’s one I didn’t quite want to see all the same.

This version of “Ava Maria” by Garrett is one I didn’t need in my life today. But, that doesn’t shock me coming from Garrett. How is Dean Pelton that slow about Starburn’s nickname, however? That seems slow, even for a man who has a fantasy about Jeff all the time.

Jeff’s eulogy turned into a rage spiral about Summer school. I’d call myself shocked, but again, this is Jeff. Now that Annie’s gone into a rage spiral, I’m really nervous about the potential Chang-volution that I’ve seen on the horizon.

At this point, Dean Pelton, you should not invite the Study Group up to speak about Starburns. It’ll only need to more animosity, as Shirley just demonstrated with her hatred of the Subway. Point made really clear: Pierce’s cry to burn this mother down!

Anarchy in the cafeteria! Only then there’s tiny riot gear and pepper spray and an evil laugh from Chang. Right, I should have seen this all coming, given how dissatisfied I know most of the Greendale students are, but still. No one likes to see defenestration or other forms of destruction.

Troy’s crying over being chased by the twelve-year olds, but claims it’s the pepper spray. At this point, the Study Group is now The Greendale Seven. I don’t think that Chang will make a good fallboy, especially when Chang knows it’s coming.

When we get a Dean doppleganger and then the school board is just impassive, nothing is going to end well. Nothing at all. Not even when Jeff tries to lawyer his way out of anything. At the point when Chang looks reasoned and measured with a cookie basket. The walk-through of the doppleganger!Dean makes it all the worse.

I’ve been on discipline committees before, but that expulsion seems pretty extreme, even to me.

Rolling die callback! Acknowledging that this timeline could be the worst of it.

This show continues to make me want to ship Britta and Troy, which is not the end of the world, but just a little awkward in my head. Only because it’ll be the end of Abed and Troy as man couple.

The tag is amazing, if only for the Styx and the Starburns tribute video. It’s so bizarre, and yet so right at the same time.

Roz lives in the Los Angeles area, and has been a long time California girl. Despite her better judgment, she enjoys shows about the shallow sides of her home city, but will also find time to watch iZombie, Jane the Virgin, and much more. With a love of history, she also watches anything that is grounded in real life, including Victoria and black-ish. Having worked with children, she also follows shows she knows they watch (reminding her of those days of yore for her in the process). Contact her at roz@nicegirlstv.com.