PERSON OF INTEREST Honored at The Paley Center for Media

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In honor of the number one new drama of the 2011-2012 TV season, Person of Interest, the Paley Center for Media recently hosted a panel featuring cast members Jim Caviezel, Michael Emerson and Kevin Chapman as well as Executive Producer Greg Plageman and series creator and Executive Producer Jonathan (Jonah) Nolan.

Person of Interest Creative Team and Actors with Diane Gordon - Photo by Rueben

NOTE: Unfortunately Taraji P. Henson was in Atlanta filming a movie and was unable to attend the night’s event.

The evening was kicked off by Rene Reyes, Director of Public Programs at the Paley Center, who addressed the audience, welcoming the audience to the panel and introducing moderator Diane Gordon to the podium.

Soon enough, the screening began with tonight’s new episode, entitled “Many Happy Returns” being screened; and without giving away any spoilers, let’s just say the episode was filled with some new back-story on Reese and finished with an interesting twist involving Finch. It is not an episode you want to miss.

Greg Plageman and Jonah Nolan - Photo by Kevin Parry/Paley Center

The first question was lobbed to series creator, asking how the show was developed. Jonah explained that he had a general meeting with J.J. Abrams and the team at Bad Robot, hitting it off really well (with them); but they generally talked about movies until toward the end of the meeting when he mentioned to J.J. that he had an idea for a TV show. “I never worked in TV before, but I loved the shows that J.J. (has) worked on. (I told him) I had this goofy idea (for) what could be this weird police procedural…I found myself…pitching the (idea) to J.J. on the fly and they loved it”. As Jonah drove home, he called his agent and said “I think we’re making a TV show”.

Jonah proceeded to explain that the genesis (of the show came from) his growing up in the UK, which was the place where the surveillance state (started) very early on, having cameras up everywhere even if nobody was watching them. But when his family moved to Chicago when he was 11, it took (him about) a year to realize that the cops didn’t know every time (anyone) would sneak out. He joked that was a real eye-opener for him and the root of bad behavior in his youth; but as he watched the surveillance state come to America over the last ten years (or so), the show has explored that (whole) issue, posing more questions than answers

Then Greg and Jonah were asked about the superhero-type aspect of Reese and Finch, with Greg sharing that “Jonah is (well) known for the Batman series with his brother; and there’s an element of superheroes that works in features that’s a little more difficult to pull off in television, but I think the grounded aspect of the show, the technological aspect (makes it) more believable…that a man of (Reese’s) skill can do something like this”.

Jim Caviezel - Photo By Genevieve Collins

After having cut his teeth on a number of procedurals, Greg further shared that “there is an element of hope (in the show and while) we don’t (always) know which way it’s going to go, that (aspect) was extremely refreshing to me”.

Michael was then asked about how he came to the show and the challenges of playing his character stating, “I fretted about it for awhile (as) I wanted to find the right project, (but) after awhile I thought I’m worrying too much about this, worrying too much about leaving something behind, little of which was under my control so I thought well let me just do what I do which is play the character and build it as best I can”. He further shared that “I’m always going to play someone verbal and a little eccentric”.

Jim then explained how he ended up playing his character, sharing that it was “because of The Count of Monte Cristo and Kiefer Sutherland”. He was in Iceland filming The Prisoner and was out with his agent when Kiefer came over to them to say how much he loved The Count of Monte Cristo. This took place around the time that the last episode of 24 was being filmed; and as “luck” would have it, a volcano blew up that stranded everyone there. “Every night I (would) meet up with Kiefer and about the 7th night, I turned to my agent, saying if you ever find another “24” let me know and sure enough within a few months they found (Person of Interest). So, you could say this all came about because of a volcano.

Michael Emerson - Photo by Genevieve Collins

Then it was Kevin’s turn to share how he came to be cast on the show, joking that he filled out an application for ad seeking a “Milwaukee guy”; then he explained that “it was funny, I worked with Greg on Cold Case, I was in a movie with Jim called Unknown and I worked on Lost, but never had a scene with Jim in the film nor with Michael in the show so it was kind of a weird thing”.

A discussion was then held about the great guest stars who have been featured in the show over the course of the season; but Diane was unable to get Greg or Jonah to comment on whether Paige Turco or Enrico Colantoni would be back next season. But Jonah did share, where Enrico is concerned, that “we haven’t seen the body so that means he could be back”.

Kevin Chapman - Photo by Kevin Parry/Paley Center

Speaking to the challenges of playing their characters, Jim shared that “it’s hard to keep up with the pace of this show. That’s a challenge in and of itself but that’s also one of the greatest parts of the job”. Michael stated that “I tend to be the barrier of exposition and…I think we’ve found a way to handle that artfully. It sets the stage for my greatest pleasure…when Finch gets to leave the library and go out in the world like Reese. Kevin then explained that his schedule is a little different from everyone else because he may only have to work the first couple of days and then come back on the last day. “By that time everyone has worked like five 16-hour days and here I come (in) all excited”.

Other areas of discussion included:

• Jim sharing that he has a select group of Navy Seals for which he trains with as well as a training with Mossad agents, stunt choreographers and a 7th degree black belt;
• That New York is the other star of the show; in fact they film outside six to seven days out of their regular shoot, which is extremely unusual for network television;
• That locals don’t always like to have the camera crews in their neighborhoods, with each of them sharing funny encounters with residents who are angry over the show blocking sidewalks or making noise; and,
• Shout-outs were given to the writing staff and several Bad Robot team members, who were in the audience.

All too quickly it was time for audience questions and then the panel came to an end with the actors and creative team giving of their time for photos and autographs with fans.

Make sure to tune in to CBS tonight at 9 PM for the next new episode of Person of Interest.

Using her favorite online handle, Rueben is an East Coast-bred gal who is now a permanent Californian and a lifelong tv-oholic. She watches at least 25 TV shows a week, goes to the movies as often as possible, listens to music every waking moment, reads every day and “plays” on the internet every chance she can. Some of her current favorite TV shows are Outlander, Sweet Magnolias, Wednesday, The Mandalorian, The Equalizer, Fire Country, Matlock, Miss Scarlet, Hudson & Rex, SkyMed, The Rookie, Bridgerton, Virgin River, The Witcher, Leverage: Redemption and School Spirits. She is looking forward to new episodes of Reacher and 1923; the finale episodes of Cobra Kai and the debuts of the new dramas The Hunting Party and Suits LA. Follow her on Bluesky or contact her at Please also check out Rueben's Ramblings website for even more entertainment news.