GRIMM: Getting an Inside Look at the New Fairytale Drama
As part of a recent press day held in Pasadena by NBC Universal, the cast – David Giuntoli, Russell Hornsby, Silas Weir Mitchell and Bitsie Tulloch and creative team – Sean Hayes, David Greenwalt and Jim Kouf – behind the new NBC fairytale drama Grimm took the stage to talk about their debut season with a panel of press. Fortunately, NiceGirlsTV was in attendance to join in the conversation.
Here is an excerpt of what they had to say about their show:

Cast and Creative Team of Grimm (Photo by Rueben)
Question: Will Claire Coffee’s character be back in season two now that she is without powers?
David Greenwalt: Stay tuned.
Question: Can you talk about the decision to remove her powers and what that means for her future?
David Greenwalt: We thought it was a great thing to use as an exit piece. We had no problem with that; and we thought it would be a great thing to show her as a human, which most people would find as a great relief, but she has been cast out by her mother, by the captain and now she has to wander through the world as a human.
Question: Is there anything about the mythology of the show that has surprised you in its evolution?
David Greenwalt: Everything.
Question: Can you narrow it down?
David Greenwalt: Well, when we first wrote Munroe’s character, it surprised us that to him the Grimm’s were the big bad boogie man of his childhood. That gave us a whole point of view on what the critters feel about Grimms, (allowing us to see) the other side of the coin. We keep discovering more history in the show.
Question: Most couples, when there is a rejection of a proposal, they don’t stay together so can you guys talk about that. Do you think Nick will ever open (or) confide in Juliette?
Bitsie: The reality of it is…I know a lot of fans are wondering how is Juliette so patient with Nick; but she realizes that his Aunt just died. Juliette is a very compassionate and understanding person (she is) forgiving and personally I think she would be crazy to say yes, just yet.
Question to Russell: What was the appeal to do a show like this? What goes into your mind when you decide (to do) television vs. (the) stage?
Russell: I love both to be honest. I think that the ability to traverse both worlds is what appeals to me; but I honestly love procedurals. It was really the script (that appealed to me). I was curious about how they would execute it and it’s been a joy to come to work every day. It’s exciting. (I) look forward to having fun and working with these great actors and play out this role.
Question: (I) was in Portland this last weekend and in every restaurant (I) saw tune-ins for Grimm. People (there) were so vested in the show, keyed up about it. Are (you) enjoying the transition of living there and how (has) the city taken to the cast?
David Giuntoli: What is so great about Portland is that we’ve had a love affair with the town…using it for everything it is and celebrating it. People in Portland…watch it all the time. They are thrilled and tickled that we are showing what the city has to offer. As far as living in the town, it just gets better and better. {Joking} Thank God it’s been a mild winter because sometimes (the city) can’t be seen for months at a time. The people have been wonderful.
Question: Portland has a different look from Hollywood; it (has a) unique cinematography (quality). Is it everything you hoped it would be or were there surprises with the strange locations?
David Greenwalt: We love Portland. We couldn’t shoot the show anywhere else because of the forest, the waterfalls and the gorge. Our great production…keep finding new, weird, strange places (to film); and when I’m surfing (on the) TV, you don’t see anything else like it…that glowing, misty, gingerbread house (where) everything kind of looks like a fairytale. We couldn’t be happier in Portland.

Cast of Grimm (Photo by NBC)
Question: This is the kind of show that fans embrace. Was it the fans that got (Grimm the) second season pick-up? Have there been any encounters that you can talk about with fans of the show?
David Giuntoli: Well, I guess it was the fans who got us the second season pick-up and thank god there are a lot of them, especially in genre television. They are the greatest fans you could hope for. (As for encounters), yes, I (have) had nothing but positive responses. We have fans who have found where we film and…it’s been really positive.
Question to Silas: You are sort of baring the double burden of being the continuing comic relief and the font of exposition. Have you found a way of blending those two together?
Silas: I (have) heard that before. When you’re just doing the exposition on something that everybody knows about (it’s not as relevant or funny), but when you’re expositing about things that no one has ever heard of before, that allows a degree of comedy.
Question: Do you have the same problem that other actors have when saying highly difficult technical jargon or medical shows.
Silas: No, no; it’s a delight! {laughs} Seriously.
Question: How many more characters do you think you will be introducing into the show? Do you have a whole list of the ones you want to roll out?
David Greenwalt: As many as we can pack into that can of sardines. We started with a big canvas of characters. There are new ones coming along all the time. As needed is the real answer to your question.
Question: Have any of the actors had any connection with the paranormal or anything that freaked (them) out?
David Giuntoli: Yeah, I’m a strict non-believer in ghosts, but I’m the worst in that I’m also afraid of them {laughs}.
Silas: I (have) never had anything paranormal (happen to me), but I certainly believe that the perceptive abilities of the human mind far transcend what we (actually) live in.
Bitsie: About 10 years ago my sister and I were talking about something (that happened) when I was four years and she was seven years old. We had never discussed before, but I swear I saw a floating head in the corner (of the room we shared). And, (without my saying anything to her about it during this talk), she (mentioned) about the floating head so…that was pretty creepy.
Russell: {Said with a straight face} Nothing scares me.
NOTE: It was at this point that the make-up artist for the show was brought out along with an actor who will be featured on the show in a new, as-yet unseen – until now – creature. The questions from here on out included that artist and actor:

Grimm Make-Up Artist and New Grimm Creature (Photo by Rueben)
Question: Do they give you (the make-up artist) an idea of what creature they want (to create) and then do you design…it?
Make-Up Artist: Well, they have some digital artists who are part of (the process). They do the concept and then once the role is cast, (I take) their work and the actor,(pulling) them together (in order) to stay true to what they envisioned; but (I) also make it work on the actor or stunt person who has been cast.
Question (to the actor in the make-up): How comfortable are you?
Actor: I make a living {joking}.
Question: What is it like to see this kind of change? Can you take us through what it is like when these characters are changing from human to something mythological?
David Giuntoli: Well, we have really great CGI but really the fun is acting alongside something like this (pointing at the actor in the creature make-up). It’s such a job well done. The actors embody these characters and it is fun to work with.
To see more of the creatures and the adventures of the fairytale world for which Det. Nick Burkhardt has found himself, make sure to watch an all new episode of Grimm tonight (April 27) on NBC at 10/9c.