NEW GIRL: Breakups, Passion and “Tomatoes”
Last night’s New Girl was all about breakups, passion and Tomatoes, as Cece and Schmidt call it a day, Jesse searches for passion with Russell and Nick replaces women with vegetation.
Let’s start with Schmidt going to Cece’s apartment. She tells him that the whole almost-baby thing has made her think again about their relationship. She tells him the she doesn’t think it’s going to work out and breaks up with him. Her roommate, Nadia, is there and she’s one crazy lady. She comes on to Nick and he asks her out right there in front of Cece. Hey, she ended it, right?
Meanwhile Nick calls everyone to the roof where he gives this speech about giving up women, after his failures with Caroline and Julia. Instead, he’s going to grow tomatoes! Nick is very bad at growing tomatoes.
Everyone is sick of Winston and Shelby and their obsession with each other. Ah, young love! He can’t stop talking about her and Schmidt and Nick, especially Nick, are so over it. However, it’s Winston that gets Nick to see that he needs to stop wallowing in his pity party and get back on that horse. Go out and find someone new. So, he does. Only she’s not new, she’s Caroline.
Jesse runs into Ouli at the gym in the steam room and Jesse ends up inviting her to dinner with her and Russell. Dinner turns out very bad when the two of them begin arguing in the restaurant. But as the argument heats up Jesse notices that so do Russell and Ouli. The sexual tension was almost suffocating.
Later, Jesse tries to create that same spark she saw between Russell and Ouli, by trying to get him angry with her. But it doesn’t work out the way she was hoping and she asks Russell to take her home. Outside her apartment, Russell tells Jesse that he’s already done the heated, angry passion thing and he’s over it, but Jesse tells him that she’s not. She wants the passion. Exit Russell.
When Jesse walks into her apartment, Caroline comes out of Nick’s bedroom looking for the bathroom. Jesse and Nick have a huge fight and she accuses him of not living up to his potential and being a coward. He’s angry at her for trying to run his life when he thinks she’s crazy and shouldn’t be advising anyone about anything. I love these moments when Jesse is completely serious about what she’s taking a stand on. She is so passionate herself that I can understand her desire to be with someone who can share her passion.
Meanwhile, back in Schmidt-ville, Cece comes home and asks Crazy Nadia how her date with Schmidt went. She tells him he’s in the hospital and laughs about it. Yeah, I can see why she was kicked out of Russia. Cece rushes to the hospital and finds Schmidt there and he tells her his penis is broken. Then he proceeds to explain how it happened and Cece finally gets angry enough to shout out that she doesn’t want him sleeping with anyone else at all because she “likes” him. She finally admits it to Schmidt. They make up and get back together again, which I’m so happy about because I think the two of them are perfect together. They balance each other out so nicely.
Next week, Justin Long returns in “Backslide”.
Photos: Greg Gayne/FOX