GLEE: Saturday Night Glee-ver
Saturday Night Glee-ver….I’ve never quite been sold on theme episodes as a whole, so this one is going to be rough, especially if we’re given no context for why we’re going back to disco. But, I should expect nothing more from the show as it stands so I guess that’s a moot point.
Instead of focusing on the music this week, I suppose that it’s easier to focus on the seniors who aren’t finding their own direction (oh I see that pun you did there show, and I’m not sure it’s worth it at this point). So, everyone in the Senior class is sort of drifting, though I think that they’ve always been drifting since the show started. It’s nothing new for them, and I don’t think that it’s worth it to focus on it now. In reality, it should have been something done the first time we met these kids and Will realizes that they didn’t have the dream when he first met them.
While avoiding the Senior dilemma, a student from Carmel High has come to see Kurt and Mercedes to find out a way to perform in his Regionals in a dress, to better suit who he really wants to be, Unique. Never have we seen someone want to dress in drag for something that wasn’t quite related to a lesson of the week, but I have to give this kid chops for wanting to do it.
Was that Night Fever number just a really bad reason to give some of the Seniors motivation or am I just looking for plot and meaning where none exists? Not that Will’s ever been the best about establishing reasons for his choices in music or lessons for the whole club, but when a voiceover makes a point of suggesting that there are students who need direction, I look for the ulterior motive.
Oh, look, I was right! It’s all about the manipulation of the program to make sure that our Seniors don’t end up without a plan or a future. Mercedes is totally right about her dream being so hard to reach, and I don’t really want to be a downer, but she’s right to be nervous about what she wants.
(I will ignore any and all Finn and Rachel drama as I don’t have the energy to devote to their round and round fights.)
Sue, I don’t like this idea of you using Unique’s circumstances to help the New Directions get into Nationals. Though, like always, it’s not like I’d really expect much else from Sue. Kurt is right, Ohio will not accept a boy who wants to dress as a woman.
Santana doesn’t have dreams about being in favor of marriage equality, but she does want fame. Thanks Will for putting words into all of your students’ mouths on a day to day basis. At eighteen, I had no idea what I wanted to do outside of going to college, so I don’t know why Will is so concerned.
Oh Brittany honey! You do not need to combine your cat doing household chores and the sex tape of you and Santana (let me not even get into the fact that high schoolers made a sex tape, as it only depresses me and makes me question the work I do on a day to day basis).
Yet again, I’d love for Will to just stop trying to be that good of a teacher (we know you’re not, Will) and stop pushing dreams into someone face. It’s time that has to help someone figure out their lives. Really.
Brittany’s desire to help Santana be famous, well, it’s noble, but man, I don’t know if I really approve at all. Also, bull testicles…that’s just not something I’d want to eat.
Unique, I want to hug you and keep your spirit forever. Though, to see that in conjunction with the abject horror on Jesse’s face is well worth it. Sue, clearly, this plan of yours isn’t going to work because I want to keep Unique around and just let her sing all the Vocal Adrenaline songs.
Finn’s found his dream, huzzah! Only it looks like he’s following a path for the sake of Will and Rachel. I’ll ignore it, like I ignore most of Finn’s issues (because he’s just so one dimensional most of the time I can’t do anything else.)
At least Sam could give Mercedes something she needed in the moment. I’m still not sure that the YouTube fame is the way to go right now (not that it doesn’t work for many out there), but it’s a risk that I don’t know Sam thought through.
Santana, you really don’t want to be famous for the sake of a sex tape, but I do love that Brittany and Sue were able to get her a full ride to a university; that is pretty awesome. It’s a moment like this when Sue can be a decent human being and actually get something done that will do good in the world.
Glee airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on FOX.