SMASH Recap: “The Movie Star” (Episode 11, Season 1)
The main focus of this episode was finding out what movie star Rebecca Duvall (guest star Uma Thurman) can bring to the role of Marilyn in the newly named musical ‘Bombshell’. And what does the big star deliver? Not much, quite honestly. Not only can she not really sing that well, but she shows the atypical diva-like attitude – at least to a certain extent.
In the beginning, her lack of musical prowess is blatantly obvious to everyone except Rebecca (or so it would seem) and that builds tension among the creative minds who are stressed over the fact that their “star” cannot sing. And, Marilyn has to sing, as Julia clearly barked to everyone who would listen. The ensemble members are also less than impressed too.
The situation doesn’t get any better as the episode moves along with Rebecca suggesting that there should be less music and dancing and more story – more depth to Marilyn herself – but that doesn’t really make it a musical now does it, right?
In the end, after an awkward visit by a drunken boyfriend (that was just really a pathetic scene to say the least) as well as a work session between the creative minds and Rebecca, the ‘star’ admitted that she has her faults and the team shouldn’t be afraid to just talk to her about them. Rebecca then tells them that the songs need to be dropped down an octave for her (limited) vocal range; and she also asked if she should hire a vocal coach. As you can imagine, yhat was met with an immediate agreement by Tom, Julia, Derek and Eileen.
There was also a final number that featured Rebecca and the entire ensemble performing another new song in full costume that, while not completely horrible, would have been made all the better if Marilyn had been played by Ivy or Karen (but that’s just my personal opinion).
Other storylines in the episode included:
• Tom and Sam finally going out on a date with an extra nudge or two from Julia;
• Tom being thoroughly surprised that Sam puts a stop to the “let’s jump in bed right off the bat” because Sam is old fashioned, believes in God and would rather take their budding relationship slow;
• Leo failing two classes in school (why is this kid even featured), forcing Julia and Frank to meet with the school’s guidance counselor, who is on the much-unexpected receiving line of Julia’s too-much honesty speech;
• Ivy being brought back into the fold in the ensemble, as a way to help with the issues surrounding Rebecca’s singing;
• Derek still having visions of Karen in full Marilyn costume, this time singing to him after he asks how she is doing now that Rebecca is there, taking over the role;
• Karen and Ivy somewhat bonding over their fate and Rebecca’s lack of talent;
• Dev and Karen having relationship woes because of him not telling her about his getting passed over for the promotion at work and his spending too much time with that sexy reporter;
• Eileen trying to brush off Nick, the bartender, but him not taking her “I’m a busy woman” answer sitting down; and,
• Ellis making an even bigger ass of himself; this time by sidling up to one of Rebecca’s assistants even though he thinks the guy is a “loser” (why is Ellis still in this show?)
“The Movie Star” is the 11th episode of the new series Smash on NBC. The next new episode of Smash will air Monday, April 23 at10/9c.
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