FRINGE: “Everything In It’s Right Place” Recap
Nerdy Lincoln, tired of being the odd man out in his own universe, volunteers to visit the other side and give them details of their recent encounters with David Robert Jones. At least over there he can hang out with Olivia without having to watch her moon over Peter. If there’s anything worse than being dumped, it’s being dumped and forgotten.
On the other side, a woman leaves an office building and is aware of someone or something following her. She walks faster, but a man attacks her. The attack is short-lived, because someone else attacks him. The woman gets away, but her would-be attacker, not so much.
Nerdy Lincoln arrives on the other side and is welcomed by Fauxlivia, briefly. They have a case to get to, so she drags him along. On the ride over, he gives Fauxlivia details of the Jones events, including the information that Jones was drugging Olivia with cortexifan. He tells her there were unforeseen side effects, but doesn’t go into the whole “she literally forgot I ever existed” details. Fauxlivia tells him the bridge has helped to heal the amber areas. She doesn’t’ know how it works, but she’s glad it does. She also finagles his middle name, which Alt-Lincoln has kept from her all these years. She promptly uses it to tease Alt-Lincoln, who can‘t believe his alter ego gave up that information so easily.
Alt-Lincoln tells them what happened, and it’s just the latest in a long line of would-be attackers having the tables turned on them. This time he left a mangled body behind, but in all the other instances he took it with him. Fauxlivia wonders what has changed.
We see the same guy whose body they have found, only this version of him is alive and hiding out in a van, trying to not be noticed by agents. The agents are searching the area and are alerted that there is human tissue somewhere nearby. They go inside the church as the man watches from his van. Inside, they find all the other bodies that were previously unaccounted for.
Fauxlivia continues dragging Lincoln around like he‘s her new BFF. She’s about to send him back to his universe because she‘s busy with the case and has no time for the Jones debrief, but he’s in no hurry to go back. He asks to stay and help, and Olivia and Alt-Lincoln let him. He’s taken aback when a soldier stops him and thanks him. Fauxlivia tells him that on their side, Lincoln and his team are heroes for the things they’ve done to repair their universe.
At a soup kitchen, the earlier would-be-attacker introduces himself as Canaan. The lady in charge gets him some food, then offers to find him a place to sleep. As he devours his meal, someone at the table tells him he has something on his neck. He touches it, his neck is covered with blood. He rushes away.
Olivia, her partner Lincoln, and her other partner Lincoln, investigate the scene where all the bodies were located. They’re all covered in goo. Lincoln finds a locket with a photo inside it, which could help them identify that victim. He wonders if they can trace time of death, and wants to see surveillance of the area around the building.
Back at Fringe Division, Lincoln has Alt-Astrid researching security video from the area surrounding the church, and Alt-Lincoln wants to know why he doesn’t want to go home. The two Lincoln’s compare stories and discover that their early lives were identical, but can’t determine where their paths diverged. They are nothing alike now. Their bonding is cut short when Astrid identifies the woman in a locket photo, and discovers security video of her. The date of the video is two days after the woman disappeared. Lincoln suspects it is a shape-shifter. They take their suspicion to Alt-Broyles and fill him in, unaware that he’s working with Jones. Alt-Broyles tries to shut the problem down before it gets out of hand, he chastises Lincoln and basically tells him not to let the door hit him on his way back to the other side.
Canaan is watching kids play soccer, and looking very sad. He goes to an abandoned house, where a couple of junkies are shooting up. One of the junkies goes to the restroom, and the other is attacked by Canaan. He pulls what looks like an umbilical cord out of his throat and puts it into the junkie’s mouth, changing bodies with him. Unknown to him, the other junkie is watching from the doorway.
At Fringe Division, Alt-Astrid receives a report of the incident and identifies the junkie that Canaan attacked. Lincoln hasn’t left yet, and wants to help since it is likely a shape-shifter and they are responsible for his partner‘s death. Alt-Broyles is stuck, he doesn’t want to appear suspicious, so he allows Lincoln to accompany Fauxlivia to the scene. Alt-Lincoln is already there, directing the team. Fauxlivia and the two Lincoln’s each lead a team into the abandoned house the junkies were using. Alt-Astrid finds the guy they’re looking for on the surveillance camera and all teams pursue him. The guy gets a jump on Nerdy Lincoln and is about to shoot him, but changes his mind and runs. The others surround and apprehend him. When Alt-Broyles gets the news, he calls and informs Evil Nina of the route they will be traveling with the suspect. She tells him they will take it from there.
Nerdy Lincoln wants to interrogate the guy before they move. Fauxlivia is reluctant, they’re moving him in minutes, but she gives him a few minutes anyway. Lincoln asks the man why he didn’t kill him when he had the chance. He looks through all the licenses the man carries in his wallet, and asks about all the mementos he’s kept of the people he killed, how he got mixed up with Jones. The man says there are people who are bright lights, unforgettable. He wasn’t one of them. When he was gone, people just forgot him and moved on. He wanted to be needed, or at least missed. For that he needed to be more than he is, unique, and David Robert Jones understood that. He was to be the first in a new breed of human beings. Lincoln points out that he is disposable to David Robert Jones, but the man denies it. Jones promised to come for him, to fix him. Lincoln ends the interrogation, and they move the suspect. A sniper fires on them from across the street before they get to the transport vehicle. Fauxlivia goes after him and shoots. It appears she hits him, but not before Alt-Lincoln is hit by one of the snipers bullets. Alt-Lincoln tells her that someone had to have known they were transporting him. Nerdy Lincoln tells the shape-shifter that this proves he was expendable to Jones. He can continue being Jones puppet, or he can make a stand. He has to choose.
In Fort Lee, New Jersey, Evil Nina welcomes the sniper back. He tells her it’s done, the loose end is tied up. He tells her Olivia nearly took his head off, but he got away. Alarms go off, alerting them a security breach in the building. The sniper is really Canaan, having shifted into the sniper. Fauxlivia leads a team in, but Nina is rushing to make a get away. She doesn’t get far before she’s apprehended.
Nerdy Lincoln is elated over all the information they confiscated. There is a tracking module, and they found the hub. They will be able to track every shape-shifter in Jones network if they can hack it. Alt-Broyles interrupts to speak to Fauxlivia privately. He tells her that Alt-Lincoln didn’t make it, Fauxlivia has lost her partner.
Nerdy Lincoln takes Canaan, in his new “sniper” body, back to his universe. He’s on their team now. Lincoln gives him a pep talk, then goes back to the alternate universe, to see if he can help Fauxlivia with her grief. He finds her, staring at photos of her and her Lincoln, then thinks maybe he made a mistake…the last thing she needs is to see his face right now. She’s okay with him being there, though. He tells her he thought he’d stick around for a while and help her, his side has collected a lot of intel on Jones. She thanks him, and he continues to keep her company as she looks at the photos of she and her Lincoln. RIP Alt-Lincoln, you will be missed.
Fringe airs Friday’s at 9/8c on Fox.