THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Recap: The Cursed and The Damned
I’m filling in for Lisa this week so bear with me…
To recap last week: Ric is a killer, the Brothers Salvatore found some White Oak, Bonnie’s Mom took off and Elena cleaned up another bloody crime scene.
We start with Elena at Ric’s delivering coffee and chocolate muffins, except when Damon opens the door he won’t let her in. After being suitably evasive as to why she can’t see Ric, she gives in, leaves the food with him and goes. When the door shuts you see Damon, Stefan and Ric getting ready to cut up the Wickery Bridge sign with a power saw. They are turning the sign into stakes.
I find it funny to hear Stefan chide Damon about his whittling skills, or lack thereof.
*The word whittling just makes me giggle.*
Ric announces that he is going to turn himself into the sheriff. He says he has a homicidal alter ego and unlike some people (Damon) he would like to take responsibility. The Brothers Salvatore say he isn’t turning himself in, Bonnies herbs are working and they have Originals to kill.
Damon then give Ric back his ring, tells him despite his qualms to put it on. They are going vampire hunting and he needs to be wearing it.
Cut to Elena and Caroline walking into the woods. Elena is telling Caroline it was Ric that killed her Father, but you know, he’s fine now thanks to Bonnie’s herbs. Caroline does not look okay with it, but Elena reminds her Ric can’t help it, it’s a supernatural thing that is happening to him. He didn’t ask for it.
This seems to make Caroline slightly better with the whole thing. Elena reminds her that she didn’t give up on any of them when they turned and she can’t turn her back on Ric now.
Caroline smiles, “Elena Gilbert, Savior of the cursed and the damned.”
Matt shows up and wants to know why Stefan asked them to be there. The Beautiful Brothers Salvatore show up and ask where Bonnie is. Bonnie is given a pass since her Mom just ran off, again.
*Poor Bonnie has had a string of awful lately.*
Stefan pulls out a stake and tells the impressed group they found some white oak and can now kill Klaus.
Elsewhere Klaus catches up to Finn on the street and wants to know where their Mother is. Finn doesn’t want anything to do with Klaus though. Klaus wants Finn to come back to Mystic Falls, he found a witch that can unlink them. Finn doesn’t want to be unlinked. Klaus does some threatening. Finn vampire speeds his way into an alley where he runs into Rebekah. She is on Klaus’s side however. Klaus comes up behind Finn and throws him into a few walls. He isn’t going to let Finn take the rest of them down.
The Fellowship of the White Oak, Stefan is telling them they are all armed and The Originals are all linked. They only need to grab one of them.
For instance, Scenario One involved distracting and grabbing Rebekah while keeping Klaus occupied. This job would fall to Caroline since, according to Damon, Klaus is obsessed with her. Matt would distract Rebekah since she is desperate and lonely. Damon will grab Rebekah’s arms and Stefan will stake her. Down go The Originals.
They just need to hide their stakes and take the opportunities they are given. Damon looks at Elena and says no more last minute acts of mercy. She says after what happened to Bonnie’s Mom it won’t be her that breaks down. Damon calls Caroline, Barbie and Matt, Lost Boy…which again makes me giggle.
They have 12 stakes, 12 chances. They can do this.
Back at Klaus’s mansion Finn comes flying thru the door. Klaus and Rebekah walk in behind him. Finn is still adamant about not helping them. Klaus points to the top of the stairs, enter Sage. Finn is surprised and so happy. He runs over and hugs her.
Rebekah snarks that true love prevails. Klaus says it has its uses. Rebekah has something she needs to take care of, retribution from Damon Salvatore. If he wants to know what Damon did he can ask Sage.
At The Salvatore house Damon is hiding the white oak stake under some fire wood. Ric is mocking his hiding place, which is nice. I miss when they were friends, before Damon killed him that first time.
They hear a noise and go downstairs to check it out. Damon looks back up the stairs as Ric comes tumbling down them. Damon turns around and Rebekah stabs him with a, “Hello Lover.”
When we get back from commercial Elena is on the phone leaving another message for Bonnie. She isn’t returning her calls. She turns around and see Finn and Sage strolling through town square. Through the power of Caroline’s super vampire hearing we hear Sage saying she has brought him back to where they used sneak away and meet all those years ago. He figured she must have moved on and she says she never stopped loving him. She doesn’t want him to die. Finn actually smiles…which might mark the first time that has happened.
Stefan is on the phone with Elena, she is telling him Finn is back in Mystic Falls and is here with a girlfriend. Stefan wonders out loud how Finn could have a girlfriend when he has been in a coffin for 900 years and then it dawns on him it must be Sage.
This is their opportunity. Elena tells Stefan to get Damon and get down there. Just then Stefan sees Ric bent over on the stairs a gash on his forehead. Ric tells Stefan Rebekah stopped by.
Rebekah has Damon “strung up” from the ceiling with his wrists in bear traps. He quips that even for him this is pretty kinky. Rebekah is mad. He pretended to be interested in her, he slept with her so his trampy friend Sage could steal her thoughts and now he is going to pay. Her plan is to bleed the vervain from his system. She rips open his shirt *thank you writers* and starts cutting him.
Damon, being ever sarcastic, wants to know what she is going to do when the vervain is gone, compel him to be her boyfriend. Rebekah says no, probably compel you to kill your brother or Elena. That sobers up our pretty blue eyed Salvatore.
Klaus comes in to give his opinion, maybe hanging him upside down would be a good idea. She tells him to go manage his witch and leave her to this.
Klaus does go to his witch in the other room. IT’S BONNIE! She is there under duress though and Klaus reminds her that if she calls anyone to her aid he will kill them. Bonnie tells him this isn’t an easy spell to undo, she might not be strong enough. Klaus tells her to have some faith in herself. Then he calls Kol and ask how Denver is. He is watching Jeremy and has the video of him playing with his dog to prove it. Bonnie looks pained.
Caroline walks in on Ric nursing his wounds and says, “Hear you had a run in with Buffy the vampire.” Ric says he will live. He wants to know what she is doing there. She says she is just checking in on him, in case he isn’t…him. She also has more herbs for Ric to drink. She sits down and says Elena told her everything. Ric is sorry, he doesn’t even know what to say. Caroline tells him that right after she turned she killed a guy, a stranger, just because she could and she liked it. He isn’t the only one with blood on his hands, they all do. Ric isn’t ready to be absolved yet and reminds her the blood on his hands is her Fathers. She says the guy she killed could have been a Father too. She isn’t going to judge him, she is going to take a page from the Elena Gilbert handbook and choose to believe he can be saved. Ric smiles back at her.
Elena and Stefan are on the street near The Grill. Matt has his eyes on Finn in The Grill. Stefan wants them to plan their next move. Elena is more concerned right now with getting Damon back from Rebekah. Stefan is pretty sure the plan was see an Original, kill an Original. Elena can’t believe it. Stefan says Daman would want them to kill Finn first. Elena counters with if their roles were reversed Damon would stop everything to go save Stefan. He insists he know what Damon would want and if she isn’t going to help him kill Finn he will do it himself. Stefan leaves her standing on the street alone.
We pan in on Damon hanging from the ceiling bleeding and sweating.
*I really wish I could say he looked bad*
He looks up to see someone walking into the room. It’s Elena. He tells her to get out of there, Rebekah will kill her. She opens the bear traps and he falls out of them. She is trying to half carry him out of the house when he collapses. He needs a minute but she won’t leave him. Elena tells him to drink from her wrist, with a slight hesitation he does, while staring intently into her eyes. They lean in to kiss. Suddenly Damon’s eyes open. He was dreaming/hallucinating. He tells Rebekah to stop messing with his thoughts. He couldn’t have hurt her that bad, right. She didn’t really think he like her. His insults really piss her off and she stabs him in the stomach. He screams out.
From another part of the house Bonnie hears the scream and asks what it was. Klaus says not to let it bother her, but Bonnie insists Klaus bothers her, period. Klaus wants her to stop being so emotional. He understands things have been rough for her with her Mom leaving, again. He could help her find her Mother, bring her back, or just parts of her. Klaus, in what seems to be his favorite threat, tells Bonnie he will hurt the people she loves until she helps him. He gives her the vials of his sibling’s blood and bites his own hand. She picks up the cup from the table and he lets his blood flow into it.
Sage and Finn are still in The Grill. Sage is chiding Finn for never having had Tequila. Matt is watching them from the bar.
*I am thinking if I hadn’t seem my true love in 900 years I wouldn’t be out drinking in public, I would be having a more private reunion, but the writers don’t agree with me*
They do their shots while Stefan watches and listens to them from across the room. A guy named Troy walks by the table and says Hi to Sage. Sage tells Finn she turned Troy, in this enemy territory she needs the back up. Matt walks by their table and Sage orders another round of shots. Matt detours by Stefan on the way to the bar and palms a bottle of something.
Flash to Bonnie chanting and mixing The Originals blood in the cup on the table in front of her.
Finn wants to know how many people Sage has turned. She doesn’t know, a lot she guesses. He shouldn’t judge her though, he turned her. Finn says, “My passions overtook my morals.”
Back to Bonnie doing more chanting.
Sage and Finn do another shot with a toast, “To living life to its fullest”.
Finn and Sage spit their shots out…vervain. They look over and see Stefan give them a head nod and walk out of The Grill.
They get up and follow him out.
Bonnie is still chanting and the blood she has poured on the table is starting to split apart.
Stefan is in the alley behind The Grill with his White Oak stake ready. Finn turns the corner and Stefan tries to stab him, but Sage grabs Stefan and throws him to the ground causing him to drop the stake. Finn goes to grab the stake while Sage holds down Stefan.
The chanting Bonnie is doing is getting louder, the blood separates and the flames of the candles grow.
Finn tries to grab the stake but is shot with a cross bow by Elena. Matt grabs the stake off the ground and stabs Finn before pulling Elena back into The Grill. Sage rushes to Finn’s side crying over her love.
Finn dies and bursts into flames.
Bonnie looks up from the separated blood pools on the table to Klaus and takes a deep breath.
* I don’t even fast forward through this next commercial break. I needed a moment. It was sad to see Finn die after being reunited with his true love and it was great to see Matt, Elena and Stefan work together.*
When we get back Rebekah is wiping blood off of her hands. She thanks Bonnie, who is being escorted out of the house by Klaus. Klaus says to excuse the mess, Damon hurt Rebekah’s feelings. Bonnie looks at Damon turns away and tells Klaus she wants to get out of there.
Stefan and Elena are back at Salvatore House. Elena asks about Ric and Caroline says he is fine. He had Bonnie’s herbs and then went home.
*I cannot believe that no one is watching Ric at all times seeing as they can’t be certain he is “cured” yet but again the writers don’t hear me so…”
Caroline wants to know if it worked, did they kill Finn? Stefan says he won’t be happy until he sees Klaus’s dead body himself. No sooner has he said this then Bonnie calls Elena. She gives them the bad news that Klaus made her do the unbinding spell so he is still alive and well.
Poor Bonnie gets off the phone with Elena and breaks down in the driveway, sinking to the ground and weeping.
Stefan is mad. He tells Elena to stay with Caroline and he will call her when it is over. Elena wants him to stop, Klaus is too strong. He shouldn’t act in anger. Anger is what gets things done he says. Elena counters with it might get him and Damon killed instead.
Stefan is adamant; Klaus does not get to survive this. Not after everything he took from Stefan.
As Stefan leaves Caroline looks at Elena and says she misses well-adjusted Stefan. She doesn’t even get the whole sentence out when the front door opens and in flies Stefan.
*The flying through doors is a theme in this episode.*
Sage walks in, backhands Caroline and says she is here for Stefan. Elena tries to flee but Troy is there to grab her. Stefan tells Sage he had to kill Finn. Sage doesn’t seem to agree and kicks him around a bit. Suddenly she starts to cough and her nose bleeds. Stefan has time to get up. She really doesn’t look too good and when she goes to punch Stefan he easily blocks it and throws her down. She calls out to Troy to help her but he also starts coughing and they die, right there on the floor.
Elena and Caroline can’t figure out what just happened. Stefan says it must be the bloodline. They killed Finn who turned Sage and Sage turned Troy. When an Original dies their bloodline dies too…that would mean all vampires would die if they killed The Originals.
Stefan, carrying a duffel bag, enters Klaus House. He walks into the room Damon is still dangling in. Stefan yells for Klaus. Rebekah and Klaus show up and ask what he wants. Stefan throws the duffel bag at Klaus’s feet and says he is here to make a deal. Damon tries to object, but he is pretty weak and Stefan isn’t planning on listening to him.
There are eight white oak stakes in the bag, he will trade them for Damon. Rebekah says it isn’t possible that they found any white oak but Stefan counters with you better believe it, in fact Finn is dead.
Rebekah is shocked he killed her brother. Stefan pays her little attention and keeps talking to Klaus, Damon in exchange for the last eight weapons that can kill you.
Klaus goes over to Damon, grabs him by the throat and compels him. He tells Damon to leave. Damon proceeds to try to rip his hand from the bear trap.
*It is not a pretty sight*
Caroline and Elena are still at the Salvatore’s place. Caroline has disposed of Sage and Troy. She wants to know where Stefan is. Elena says he has gone to make a deal. They still have three stakes though. Now they just have to figure out which Original to save. Elena is talking out the family tree. Katherine turned Damon and Stefan, Katherine was turned by Rose but they don’t know who turned Rose. Elena hopes it wasn’t Klaus, because she wants him to die. Caroline gets a horrified look on her face realizing Klaus sired Tyler. If they kill Klaus they also kill Tyler.
Klaus stops Damon from ripping his hand off. Now that he can be compelled he asks him if there are any more white oak stakes out there. Damon says there are eleven total left. Stefan makes a face but assures Klaus he will go get the remaining three.
Klaus, not loving the betrayal, suggests maybe he will have Damon chew out his own tongue. Stefan asks what we have all been thinking, “What is wrong with you?”
Klaus wants to know what is wrong with Stefan. Does he have no appreciation for him? Klaus gave Stefan someone to loath, to turn his anger too so he doesn’t have to turn it on himself. Klaus says he gave Stefan’s life a purpose. In fact he thinks Stefan should thank him.
Stefan has heard enough. He slams Klaus against the wall and holds one of the stakes over him. Klaus tells him to step down or they both die. Off to the side Rebekah has been watching all of this. She declares this ridiculous and takes Damon down. She calls it a sign of good faith. Return the stakes and they live. She grabs the duffel bag and walks out.
Klaus wanting the last word and apparently never getting tired of saying this, threatens to wage war against everyone they love if he doesn’t get the stakes.
*It occurs to me, not for the first time, that while Klaus says he loves his family he doesn’t really get love. That is why he keeps using this threat. He doesn’t have anyone he can’t live without, like the Salvatore’s do. So while it is an old threat it is an effective one.*
Rebekah and Klaus are talking in the room Bonnie did the spell in. Rebekah can’t fathom Finn is dead. Klaus says he was an embarrassment and good riddance. Rebekah is taken aback. Klaus in a foul mood says he slept in a box longer than he lived as a man and was a love sick fool. Finn is better off in death.
Rebekah wants to know if this is how Klaus would speak of her if she died. He doesn’t answer her, instead giving her crap for letting the Salvatore’s loose with two stakes that can kill them.
She shakes her head. While our beautiful brothers Salvatore’s fight, and fight a lot, they would die for each other. That is what family really means, and yet Klaus destroyed his own family. Klaus is sulky, he wanted a family but they didn’t want him. Now that they aren’t linked as soon as he has the stakes he is leaving, with Elena, to create a new family of hybrids. If she stays she is just as pathetic as Finn.
Elena sees Stefan sitting on the edge of a bed looking down at a white oak stake. She wants to know if he is okay and he says he will be when Damon gets back from Ric’s with the last stake. She says he scared her today, he wouldn’t have survived a fight against Klaus and she would have lost him. Stefan says he doesn’t have to worry about that anymore because Klaus isn’t worth all this time and energy he has wasted hating him. It was for nothing, it’s over and they lost. He is back to where he started. Elena says he did beat Klaus by being a better person then him. Stefan says he lost so much in the process though, hating Klaus was easy. It allowed him to ignore all of the things he let slip away and now he has to deal with it. He wants Elena to admit he lost her. She says she can’t, she has never stopped loving him. He knows he tried to push her away and this is all his fault. Even the fact that she is also in love with Damon could have been avoided. She tries to protest but not even the most oblivious person wouldn’t find it believable. Stefan tells her he loves her and he always will but she needs to look him in the eye and tell him she doesn’t feel anything for Damon. She can’t.
*I assume having Stefan so close and with his hands on her face is making her woozy but that is really only part of it.*
Elena says she doesn’t know what she feels. Stefan takes his hand off her face and leaves the room.
We end with Damon looking a little bedraggled at Ric’s apartment. He needs the stake they gave him, except it isn’t where Ric left it. Damon says it couldn’t just vanish. They both realize at the same time, Ric’s “vampire hating alter ego” hid it.
Which means Ric isn’t cured and Klaus is going to be pissed.
I liked the episode. Finns death was actually touching, Damon and Stefan’s love for each other despite their issues is always so great to watch and we may be getting a little of our old lovable Stefan back.
The Vampire Diaries airs at 8/9c on The CW.