LOST GIRL Recap: “Into the Dark” (Episode 21, Season 2)
In the penultimate episode of the second season of Lost Girl, the team is reeling from the loss of Fairie Ciara, who sacrificed her life to the Goruda in order to save Bo. A special celebration, in her honor, is being held at Trick’s bar with fiddler players and a good ole Irish toast to the dearly departed. And while the entire team is dealing with the loss, except for Dyson who doesn’t show up until later, they all realize that the big fight is still ahead of them, making it necessary for them to be on guard.

Bo and Trick
Meanwhile, Lauren explains to Bo – who asked if she has slept at all since the untimely death of Nadia (in addition to Ciara’s unexpected death) – that she will sleep once she is able to stabilize Lachlan’s venom, which they desperately need to defeat the Goruda. Thankfully, later in the episode thanks to a little help from Bo, Lauren figures out what needs to be done to Lachlan’s venom to keep it viable. Phew!
But first, Bo tells Trick that she needs to talk to him and accuses him of being her father. Say what?! Well, she seems to think that their blood is the key to a victory against the Goruda and since Trick is the Blood King and her blood can have strange effects on anyone (Fae and human alike) – case in point Ryan going all stalker-y on Bo with the impromptu wedding – she believes they are related. In actuality, she’s not that far off: Trick is her…(wait for it)….grandfather! That’s right Aife (Bo’s succubus mom) is Trick’s daughter. Details on Bo’s dad are elusive, though, as Trick doesn’t seem to know, but warns Bo that her dad terrifies him (so does that mean he knows who it is or not? – by the way, we don’t get an answer on that). But despite the fact that Bo has SO many questions for her grandfather, the impending battle has to be tackled first.

Vex, the Morrigan and Bo
While Bo and Trick discuss their options, Bo realizes that the Nain Rouge (guest star Hayley Nault) has got to be nearby since the little Fae feeds off on being a voyeur to all of the Fae troubles. Bo paces back and forth in Trick’s place, yelling out for the little spectre to show herself, which, thankfully, she eventually does. This time around, though, Bo takes the upper hand, warning the Nain Rouge that she doesn’t want to hear any more riddles, they want the truth. Seeing that she can’t fool Bo any longer, the Nain tells them that they have to present a united front against the Goruda. At first, Bo doesn’t understand, but quickly realizes that they will have to work with the Dark Fae in order to truly defeat the Goruda and that leaves her with only one option: going to the Morrigan (guest star Emmanuelle Vaugier).
Next stop is Lachlan’s funeral where very few Fae have appeared to pay their respects; but Lauren, who tagged along with Bo, states Lachlan’s wasn’t that well known – or that well liked – among the Fae so it’s no surprise (there is also the fact that a lot of Fae are fleeing the city because of the impending battle with the Goruda). Bo comments that if only the Fae knew what he did – sacrificing himself to save all of them – perhaps the Fae community would see him in a different light, but it’s perhaps a case of too little too late. Soon enough, though, the Morrigan arrives, giving Bo her opportunity to broker a deal between the Light and Dark Fae – even though she herself has still not chosen a side. The deal is this: Bo wants Vex (guest star Paul Amos) out of the Morrigan’s prison, as they need his “skills” on their side. The Morrigan, of course, is unrelenting in saying that Vex will stay right where she has him UNLESS Bo can acquire an item from the underground archives contained at the Ash’s compound.

Bo and the Red Caps
Through a crazy series of events that include Bo learning what caused the Morrigan to hate Vex so much (he used his abilities to compromise the Morrigan, getting video of her doing a ridiculous strip-tease for which he used as blackmail against her); the fact that Vex doesn’t actually want to leave the Morrigan’s prison because he is being hunted by a crazy group of Fae known as the Red Caps, who are angry at Vex because of a botched gambling wager; and the fact that not only is the Morrigan but also the Red Caps after the item from the Ash’s compound – that turns out to be a Barnacle Goose (aka Fae Viagra). As you can imagine, Bo goes through a great deal of trouble to get Vex released, saved from the Red Caps, and then get themselves out of (albeit temporary trouble) with the Morrigan only to end up with Vex stuck with her and Kenzi at their apartment.
Elsewhere, Dyson is still healing from his battle with the Goruda’s Berserker minion and dealing with Ciara’s death. Kenzi is right there by his side through the whole thing, though, reassuring him that it wasn’t his fault that Ciara was killed. It was the Gorda’s fault, she yells at him after slapping him. In the end, she makes Dyson go back to the Norn – the ancient tree Fae who took his love from him – and at first the Norn sends them away empty-handed, but never doubt the persistence of Kenzi. She goes back on her own – even though the Norn was completely revolted that Dyson would have the nerve to bring a human into her home – this time with a chainsaw in hand. Kenzi uses her weapon of choice to inflict pain onto the tree inside the Norn’s home, which, in turn, cut right into her own body since the Norn is tied to the tree.

In the end, Kenzi gets Dyson’s love back and he seems to be returning to normal; especially once Bo brings Vex to the team who are all congregated at Trick’s bar, telling them in no uncertain terms that she is the champion and that they will have to adhere to her if they have any hope of defeating the Goruda; and they will have to accept that Vex is on the team. “I have a plan; and if you aren’t on board, now is the time to leave”, she barks at them with Dyson saying “they are all there with her”.
But, in the final scenes, Bo tells Kenzi that “the plan will work as long as there are no other surprises” but then we see Trick at his place under the bar where a strange cloud of black smoke seeps down in the drain on the floor. Could that be one of the Goruda’s henchmen? Could it be someone working for Aife? Or, is there another surprise yet to come?
“Into the Dark” is the 21st episode (aka the penultimate episode) of the second season of Lost Girl. The season finale of Lost Girl will air on the Canadian channel Showcase on Sunday, April 1 at 9 PM.
NOTE: Make sure to check out Showcase one hour earlier for a special behind the scenes/sit down interview with the cast prior to the season finale airing.
What are your thoughts on this episode? Were you surprised by the reveal of who Trick really is in relation to Bo? How about Kenzi stepping up against the Norn and helping to get Dyson’s love back? How about all that Bo had to go through to get Vex on the team? And, what the hell was that black smoke? Please share your thoughts about this episode in the comments section below.
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