BREAKING IN Recap: Panty Party of the Year or Veronica and Oz fight for control
It’s the party of the year at Breaking In. Molly just wants to fit in. Melanie is jealous of Molly, and Cash Cameron and Oz just want to make it to the “panty party”.
8:49 Molly made cupcakes. In the 40 minutes it takes her to park her car, pull the car cover over it and get into the office the cupcakes are gone.
9:18 Two cupcakes later and Melanie is saying they are so good she is having a mouth-gasm. We are introduced to two new characters. One a short nerdy white guy who starts spouting off facts about chocolate and serotonin, and a tall black guy who says nerdy guy is ruining this food for him. The nerd can’t understand how knowledge ruins anything.
As soon as Melanie finds out the cupcakes were made by Molly she throws it out. Cameron is bummed because he didn’t get one.
Cash says Melanie is jealous that there is another office hottie. Melanie says, “Wait? You think she is hot?” Cameron tries to back pedal but Cash says she is, “Slave Leia hot, chained to Jabba for his delight.” Crazy Carol who is standing there chowing down on the cupcake says she would tap that.
Molly announces a meeting and Melanie wastes no time mocking her as soon as she leaves, “pip cheerio, David Beckham.” Cash gives her a look and takes a fake call from jealousy.
Veronica’s meeting is to inform them that they are broke and they need to start getting some clients. She demonstrates this by “making it rain” with a stack of money and telling them they shouldn’t be doing this.
Oz speaks up that he has landed them a doozy of a client but its pro-bono gig. Every time Oz tries to finish his sentence Veronica says pass. She ends with a finger snap and a “Pass-o-doble.” Oz is really not happy about that. Veronica doesn’t really care, Molly has a list of wealthy clients for them to hear about. Molly asks who likes to go to Las Vegas (every one raises their hands) Well good because half way to Las Vegas is The Crazy Horse Indian Casino and Leather Boot Emporium. Crazy Carol is the only one still amused.
They are having some major security issues and need their help. Oz says great! We are going to, “kick the butt out of this job.” He says he will put his best men on it. Then he tugs on his ear, the team sees it and nods. Molly also notices.
Veronica is in her office doing Tai Chi. She also throws in some miming, like being stuck in a box. Molly interrupts to tell on the gang.
Molly says they have a system and they are still looking to Oz as the boss.
The ear tug means ignore whatever Molly said, like staggered lunch schedules.
The tap of the nose means he agrees, like no more porn on their work computers.
The tap on the chin means Molly sucks, like alphabetizing.
Veronica is “ubber pissed”. She tells Molly they are going to play bad cop/good cop…it basically consists of Molly always delivering the bad news and Veronica saying what a bad cop Molly is. Poor poor Molly.
Molly is reading to the group, “Unless you want to lose your jobs there will be an immediate stop to all taps, rubs and tugs. Oz and Cameron laugh, Cash taps his chin. Molly says to stop it because she doesn’t suck.
Oz is impressed Molly figured out their system. She says she has a hyper attentive brain. Flash to her finding Waldo on every page of the book that Cash bought for himself!
Oz stresses that Veronica is the only authority and he is oh so very sorry he got caught.
At that moment an armored car backs into the building. It is carrying a 220 diamond hand sewn bra. Cameron says that Cash, who is looking at it in awe and admiration, is a bra aficionado, you can ask him anything. Veronica asks if he has ever seen on an actual woman.
This bra is the job Oz was talking about earlier in the meeting. Every year Maxim hires them to protect their expensive “boob sling” at their event.
Veronica is less than impressed and says that if they don’t get paid they don’t do the job. Oz says fine, they won’t do the job. Cameron and Cash protest. Oz says he isn’t in charge, no signals from him. He slips his hands in his pockets and sends Cameron and cash a text that says, “I’m tugging my ear. :)”
Cash and Cameron are talking about how excited they are for the party and Cameron is eating pie. Cameron thinks he needs another piece. At the pie table nerd guy and tall guy are talking…tall guy says he just wants to enjoy his pie!
Melanie comes over and says she made the pies. Cameron isn’t convinced since she only uses her stove to light cigarettes. Molly storms over mad because Melanie broke into her car and burgled her pies. “She is a pie burglar!” Molly and Melanie are now face to face. Molly saw Melanie’s file and knows she comes from thief blood. Melanie says that’s great coming from the narc who ratted them out to Veronica. Molly is just doing her job and if you break the rules she will let Veronica know. Melanie says she will have to be less blatant about it then and holds up Molly’s watch. Molly grabs the watch and stomps off. Melanie of course mocks her with, “pip pip cheerio save the Queen.”
Molly is lamenting to Cash and Cameron that she made the pies since they have to work late. Veronica booked that casino job and they have 900 hours of security footage to go thru. They have to find the card counter. Cameron wants to know if they can do the job tomorrow but Veronica says no.
*Of course saying just “no” would be too simple and really not all that funny so she says no via this speech: “Let me just call Chief Running bear and tell him sorry the white man has broken yet another promise. Here let me give you this blanket riddled with small pox. That will make you feel better.”
Cash, Cameron and Melanie are in the van on the loading dock. Oz opens the van door and brings the secret meeting of Contra Classic to order. They have two jobs on the same night which can only mean one thing. Cash says, human cloning. The clones can do the casino job. Melanie says they need two teams to do both jobs and Oz says not with a hyper focused human computer eager to please…Molly.
3:23 “If they want to see booby they have to charm the newbie” Enter Cash telling Molly how he likes her blouse. She says she likes his Kermy too. It’s Yoda not Kermit the Frog and he is mad. Cameron is in the van on an ear piece and tells him to just breathe. Cash can’t help it he yells, “This ain’t no sock puppet!” She says she is sorry but she doesn’t own a telly.
Oz shakes his head and says dimples is up (Cameron). Melanie is less than happy. “Woo her up, take her to diner, go carting, good stuff.” They say Melanie is crazy jealous. Melanie thinks they are crazy if they think Molly Poppins will fall for this and she is out.
There is a knock on the van door. It is nerd guy, tall guy and Crazy Carol. They hear the party is still on and they want in. Tall guy is a foodie and he hears there is going to be small plates at the party. Carol announces that she is already not wearing underwear. Oz takes a moment to process that and says the people have spoken, “Commence John Woo!”
4:02 Cameron is talking to Molly she is all excited because, “You want me?”. She is positively giddy. Cameron is telling her she will be a great addition to the team. Oz hands her pepper spray, a billyclub and a nine millimeter bobcat with laser scope. She looks nervous and thought they were only going to look at blackjack footage. Oz explains they have to get the lay of the land but not to worry. If she does need to use the gun try not to hit any civvies…they sue.
Cash brings over a proton pack and puts it on her. She says it doesn’t look safe but Cash assures her as long as she doesn’t cross the streams she will be fine.
Cameron tells them to have fun. He is staying behind to look through the footage. Someone has to do it. Molly immediately volunteers…happily!
She goes inside and Oz opens his jump suit to reveal a tux, same with Cash. Oz grabs Cameron’s jumpsuit, opens it and he is in his boxers. He looks ashamed but says no one told him they were wearing their tuxes underneath.
Slow-motion entrance to the party, Oz, Cameron, Cash, Crazy Carol, Nerd Guy and Tall Guy. No sooner does Oz say to not draw attention to themselves then Carol spots the open bar. She yells “Body Shots!” and takes off.
Cash takes the bra backstage.
Back at the office Veronica shows up with late night snacks, cans of Guinness, but no one is there. Molly is watching the casino tapes and advises Veronica the others went on a dangerous recon mission. They called her to let her know they were making headway. They have a lead on Gozer the Gozerian. Unsavory sounding fellow.
Veronica isn’t as gullible. She cracks open a beer, chugs it and says it is time for the real bad cop.
Back at the fashion show Cash is in the fitting room. He is so enamored by the pretty ladies that he wasn’t watching the bra and now it is gone.
In the main room Oz is telling Cameron to cheer up. Cameron just wishes Melanie was there. Oz introduces Cameron to, Abe, Abe Froman the App King of the Internet.
*I love Breaking In’s pop culture references*
Cash comes out to find Oz and Cameron. He is freaking out he lost the bra. Oz says to not panic, a bra doesn’t just walk away. Next thing you know Veronica is walking out on the runway. She is strutting in hooker boots and a silk short robe.. Everyone is staring. She has on the bra…which you get to see when she pulls open her robe. She does some groin thrusts and the robot. Shoots her fingers like guns does a little shimmy and walks back down the runway.
Cameron is appalled but Oz says this is her way of teaching him a lesson about who is in charge. Abe takes a video while this is going on and says, “Upload.”
Veronica and Oz are at the bar. She is recalling that she hasn’t done something like that since Spring Break…why ever did she wait so long.
Oz is telling her that no matter how delicious she looked up there it probably wasn’t the best way to prove her point. She wonders what else she was supposed to do.
Oz is trying to explain that her dance routine probably cost them a very very very big job. She is cutting him off because this job doesn’t pay any money. He argues he wasn’t talking about this job.
On cue Abe shows up and calls Veronica the dancing queen. Oz introduces Abe, the internet billionaire to Veronica and Veronica introduces herself as Oz’s boss. Abe shakes his head and walks away. Oz informs her that Abe was this close to hiring them to secure his entire organization but she had to go and “flash your rocks”.
Veronica has the sense to look upset. That is the biggest job of the year. Oz tells her to enjoy her night and walks away.
8:43 The team gets to the office to find Molly wired on Red Bull. She has had dozens of them and feels like, “She was running with them.” She was in the office all night but she caught the culprit. A waitress was signaling, with a tug on her ear. Molly is sorry that chasing Gozer the Gozerian was a waste of time.
Nerd guy starts to tell her who Gozer is from Ghostbusters while Cameron and Cash try to quiet him. We find out his name is Ricky.
Molly wants them to tell her they were at the casino. Oz pats Cameron on the shoulder and leaves to let him explain. Cameron says they went to the pretty lady party but it sucked, parking was a nightmare…
Molly can’t believe they used her for breast. Cash is quick to remind her they were professional “tig ‘ol bitties”
Molly is crestfallen. She is coming off that Red Bull high pretty fast. “Score one for the cool kids” They pretended to like her and tricked her into thinking she was part of the team.
Ricky takes this moment to ask if he is one of the cool kids now. Tries to knuckle bump Cash.
And now for the apologies:
Oz enters Veronica’s office. She is on the couch reading the Kama Sutra because apparently, “Seeing people twist themselves into unlikely sexual positions relaxes her.”
Oz wants to know if she is still mad about the panty party. She is really only mad she has to apologize to Oz for messing things up with “that stupid app king”. Oz just got off the phone with the app king and he hired them. Her dance went viral and made him a fortune. She wonders if her boobs looked fantastic.
Sitting next to her on the couch Oz puts his arm over her shoulder. He says her boos looked like a million bucks. Then he apologizes. He needs to get used to not being the boss anymore.
“Oh my God are we having a momo?” “We were until you said momo.”
Cameron goes outside and can hear Molly crying in her car. He awkwardly climbs into the car where she is eating cupcakes and wailing. He is checking to see if she is okay. She says she is just having a snack break, as she shoves the cupcake into her mouth.
He apologies for using her. She tells him she is used to it. She was a weird home school girl and then at university she was only 14 and no one wanted to be here friend. She just thought it would have gotten better by now.
Cameron assures her he didn’t fit in at first either and if she feels like a freak then this office is perfect for her. He puts out his fist and tells her he know she wants to do it. She fist bumps him and smiles, it was her first time. Cameron insists no one would ever know.
Cameron falls out of her car in his attempt to get out with the car cover still on.
Molly comes into the office and observes everyone. Nerd guy talking while Tall guy is trying to eat. Crazy Carol with toilet paper stuck to her shoe and Cash playing a game.
Melanie is watching Molly. She watches Cameron give Molly a movie and tell her it’s time she watch it. It’s Ghostbusters. “Bill Murray, from the art house films?” Cameron says she will get there…
Cash slides up next to Melanie. He thinks she is jealous. She thinks about it for a moment and then touches her nose…because that is right.
So in this episode Breaking In managed to reference, Star Wars, GhostBusters and Ferris Bueller, The Muppets and John Woo all in one episode. Impressive!
Breaking In aires 9:30/8:30c on Fox.