LOST GIRL Recap: “Fae-nted Love” (Episode 18, Season 2)
The power of suggestion, the power of rare water used at the hand of a Dark Fae or the powers of a succubus are all pretty powerful elements. Each one of these elements has an adverse effect on Dyson, Bo and Ryan.

First, after Bo was attacked by an under Fae, who wanted to kill her, she is seen at home, bleeding pretty badly; and she almost calls Dyson for a “healing” session. But instead she reaches out to Ryan – even though she had decided earlier to break off from him – and he arrives quickly to provide his “Chi” to her. But as soon as she is healed, she kicks him to the curb even though he jokes that he likes to “spoon”.
Soon enough, Bo begins to receive all kinds of expensive gifts from Ryan, who seems intent on winning her over – only to push her further away and makes Kenzi amorous for the gifts. At that same time, Kenzi’s old friend, Tryst the graffiti artist, comes to them needing their help. It seems his grandmother was filched by a traveling minister and he wants Bo and Kenzi to not only work for him – pro bono – but also to catch the bastard who “hurt” his grandma.

Addonc and Bo
Meanwhile, Dyson is brought to the Ash’s compound and ordered to interrogate an underFae named Acher, who is suspected of killing several members of the Fae. Over the course of the episode, Acher slowly begins to work his way under Dyson’s skin; but just when it looks like he has used his ability to talk people into ending their lives, Dyson tricks Acher into revealing what he did to the Fae who were killed. But, as it turns out, what he said to Dyson really seemed to affect him, as at the end of the episode Dyson gets on his motorcycle and drives out of the city. Where he is going or when he will be back is anyone’s guess.
Elsewhere, Bo and Kenzi trace a lead to a Dark Fae known as an Addonc, a water Fae that can shock an individual with water, erasing their memory which reverts them to a child-like state. The affect also makes the individual compelled to do anything for the first person who does anything nice for them. Fortunately for the Fae they can fight the effects of the water, but to truly “heal” those affected must drink water from a rare river. As it turns out, Bo has a bad run-in with the Addonc, who slaps her with his water, making her forget who she is and all about her past. Kenzi, of course, goes to Trick for much needed help and they are eventually able to track down the rare river water.

Bo and Ryan
But, the bad news is, Ryan is the first person to find Bo and because of her affected condition he convinces her to – of all things – marry him! Just what is affecting Ryan isn’t revealed until the end of the episode (more on that shortly); but from that moment on they fly to “the falls” where Bo picks out a wedding dress, Ryan calls the very Addonc who affected Bo to perform the wedding and fairly quickly (fortunately) Kenzi and Trick get there just in time to stop the wedding. If they hadn’t been able to do that, Bo would have been stuck with Ryan as her husband because divorce is frowned upon in the Fae world at least for the first 1,000 years.
Trick quickly deduces what is wrong with Ryan, after Bo admits that she called him for a “healing” session after her failed fight with the underFae. He performs a simple ceremony, using Kenzi as an unusual conduit and brings Ryan back to his senses. After Ryan and Bo both go after the Addonc in tandem and sic the Ash on him; Bo figures out that she bleed on Ryan during their “healing” session, which caused him to have an insatiable desire for her – just like how her mother would control her boy-toys.

Bo, Trick and Kenzi
Needless to say, Bo isn’t happy about this new revelation about her building power and demands answers from Trick; but first they have to deal with their upcoming battle with the Garuta. Once that is over, though, she wants real, honest answers from Trick and he finally seems amendable to that demand.
“Fae-nted Love” is the 18th episode of the second season of Lost Girl. The next new episode of Lost Girl will air on the Canadian channel Showcase on Sunday, March 11 at 9 PM.

What are your thoughts on this episode? Do you agree with everything the manipulative underFae Acher said to Dyson? Do you think that Dyson left only because of what Acher said to him? Were you surprised by what Bo and Ryan did throughout the episode or did you expect that given the sequence of events that led up to the wedding? Were you happy that Trick, with the help of Kenzi, was able to get Ryan back to “normal”? Do you think that Trick will ever really give Bo real, honest answers? Please share your thoughts about this episode in the comments section below.