ABC Family
Pretty Little Liars: Breaking the Code – points to ponder
Apparently the universe is out to get my PLL recaps. Long story short, a laptop was thrown. So here is just a quick review of things to remember as you watch tonight’s episode:
1. What was going on with Aria and spiked dog collar choker she was wearing through out the first half of the episode? I could swear the the dog collars went the way of stone wash jeans. Then again stone wash jeans and everything 80s and tacky seem to be making a comeback so maybe so are spiked dog collars. I still have the same plaid pullover I had in middle school when grunge was in, so who am I to say what may or may not be fashionable these days. So maybe this has nothing to do with the actual plot of the episode, but it bothered me ok? So I just put it as a point to ponder. Aria’s fashion sense. Let’s all wait in wonder of what she will wear this week.
2. Why does Spencer against all better judgement always believe her sister? Melissa has never really shown to be a trust worthy person. Not to mention many believe she is caring a demon child. I would keep the holy water on hand whenever she is in the area. But our favorite super sleuth Spencer goes off with Melissa leaving her cell phone and laptop with incriminating evidence on it behind. Nothing about that scene made any sense. I fear for Spencer going off with a possible killer with no way to call for help.
3. Where is Maya?! All episode we see Emily leaving messages for Maya with no response. It makes you wonder if Maya just ran off to San Francisco like she said she was planning to do or if something more sinister is going on? The cop showing up at the door looking for Emily and asking about Maya didn’t help to settle any nervous feelings. Hang in there Emaya shippers. This is going to be a bumpy ride.
4. Is ‘A’ really coming after Mona or is this all apart of a plan to get the girls to trust Mona and reveal how much they know about ‘A’ to her? I still think Mona is one of A’s minions so I don’t trust her. Although I think that if Maya can’t get it together a Mona/Emily pairing would be extremely interesting.
*Side note: Does Mona eat alone in the cafeteria everyday while her supposed “best friend” Hanna is sitting at another table with the other girls? That is not really being a good friend Hanna. Let alone a best friend.
5. Wrencer? Oh my! For those unfamiliar with the shipping world of PLL, Wrencer is the official moniker for the Wren and Spencer pairing. When Spencer got drunk last week, disappointed that she was lied to and stood up by her sister Melissa, she spent a little time with Rosewood’s sexiest medical resident, Wren. We know they have a past , but hello Spencer remember Toby? Have we given up on our favorite little handy man already? Plus if Wren is in his residency that means he has not only graduated medical school, but as completed his internship. That makes him what? About 26 or 27 at the youngest? Spencer is about 16 or 17. Yea, score another one for the Rosewood inappropriate relationship couples. Apparently the age of consent laws don’t apply in Pennsylvania or they just don’t have them.
6. Hanna‘s mom used the same law firm that Melissa Hastings interned at for her divorce. This is the same law firm the girls learned about while investigating the address given to them by the telephone guy Judah. This address supposedly has something to do the mysterious blocked number that Alison was getting texts from oh so long ago. That may be the same person sending them text message. So basically this address may lead them to ‘A’. Well right now it just lead them to Melissa. So more and more it looks like Melissa is A. If she isn’t she is definitely apart of the ‘A’ group.
7. Ezria is finally over!!! Or maybe not. It seemed like Ezra Fitz finally realized that dating a high school student may not work out. He is thinking of taking a teaching position out of state, set up courtesy of said high school student’s father. So yes, Mr. Montgomery trying to get Ezra out of the state may seem a bit drastic, but if you knew a grown man was sleeping with your teenage daughter wouldn’t you do the same? If not worse? Aria doesn’t like this idea and has a whole fit blaming her parents for her relationship woes. Just when you think it maybe finally over, Ella Montgomery, Aria’s mom, comes in to help save her daughter from heart ache. And in tern possibly save her daughter’s relationship with her former English teacher. I understand why Ella is doing it, but I still can’t say I would do the same. Aria needs a serious reality check about how inappropriate her relationship with Ezra truly is. If he loves her as much as he says he will wait until she is 18.
8. Melissa is a member of the NAT (We see all) group. What does this mean? Did she kill Alison or just know who did? Did anyone else scream when she came through the door on that video?
9. Paige, the girl who had a crush on Emily but refused to come out the closet, is back and fully out and proud. YAY for Paige! Will she make another go for Emily now that she is out and Emily could possibly be newly single? Ignore the fumble kiss, I am sure that is not all the game Paige has to offer. My thoughts? Paige stay away from Emily. No one forgot that you tried to drown her. Even if Emily has forgiven you, the Emily stans have not.
10. ‘A’ HAS A GUN!!!!!!!
Hope you enjoyed these 10 points to ponder as you watch tonight’s episode of Pretty Little Liars. My regular recap will be up this week complete with snark and random observations. Remember there are only 3 episodes left (including tonight) before we find out who ‘A’ is. Are you excited? Pretty Little Liars airs every Monday at 8pm est/7pm cst on ABC Family.