
LOST GIRL Recap: “The Girl Who Fae’d With Fire” (Episode 17, Season 2)

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Rather than being able to enjoy having the apartment to herself along with a pint of her favorite ice cream, Bo is surprised by roommate and best friend Kenzi who jumps out at her, wielding a weapon and challenging her to defend herself. This is obviously part of a regular routine between the two girls, but a “fight” that is soon interrupted by a visit from Kenzi’s boyfriend Nate (recurring actor Aaron Ashmore), who noting the oddness of the scene for which he enters upon walking into the apartment says, “you are the freakiest girls I have ever known” – probably one of the nicest things anyone has said to them (wink!)

But a new case arises soon enough in the form of the leader of one of the three most important clans – Mistress Carmody – within the Fae world being incinerated right inside her own office. Hale is first on the scene, but is quickly pushed aside by Dyson – not because of Dyson’s recent descent into dickdom (I mean, let’s face it Dyson is being a dick to everyone lately) but because the case is too close to Hale’s family. As it turns out, Hale’s dad – Sturgess (guest star Eugene Clark) is one the leader of one of the other main clans. Hale has no choice but to hand over the case to Dyson. And, as it turns out, the new Ash – Lochlyn – wants Bo on the case too, urging Bo to work with Dyson to find out what caused the royal leaders death. He fears the Garuta are involved and they could mean even bigger trouble for all of them.

Hale and Kenzi

In the meantime, Hale is on a mission to convince Kenzi to pretend to be his girlfriend for an important meeting of the three main Fae clans, which just so happens to be taking place that very week. Hale desperately needs to get his family off his case and by showing Kenzi off as his girlfriend – even though she is human – just might rile up his family enough to get them off his back. Kenzi begrudgingly agrees, especially after Hale begins to read off a long list of favors he has done for her and ways he has saved her life. There is no better way to guilt Kenzi it would seem than to throw a little truth at her from time to time.

Unfortunately, the eventual introduction to Hale’s father and sister Val (guest star Erica Luttrell) does not go well because they insult Kenzi at every turn. Soon enough, Dyson and Bo show up at Hale’s family home to advise Hale’s dad of the imminent threat to his life; and Bo witnesses first hand their mistreatment of Kenzi, who storms out giving Hale flack for their behavior. Also not missed by Bo is the fact that Val is hitting on Dyson.


Later on Trick invites the other leader of the important Fae clan to meet with Dyson and Bo about the threat to his life; but it’s too little too late as the culprit has already paid the leader a visit. The only difference this time from Mistress Carmody’s untimely death is that the incineration of this male leader doesn’t happen immediately but rather slowly and right in front of Trick, Dyson and Bo. This allows Trick to determine the cause of their evaporating into dust: an underworld Fae known as a Cherufe. It seems the Cherufe are extremely powerful creatures that are like a walking lava pit. The Cherufe was the cause behind the infamous disaster in Pompeii, which the Fae called “the rape of scafati”.

The Scafati turns out to be the fourth most important clan of the Fae – the one clan that was more powerful than the other three clans combined. As Sturgess (Hale’s father) admits to Bo before he traps her inside a hidden room in his wine cellar, the other three clans conspired against the Scafati, making a deal with the Cherufe to destroy the Scafati so the other three clans could wrest control of the Fae world. The Cherufe destroyed the Scafati and was promised the oldest daughter of each remaining clan every 800 years, but the three clans reneged on that deal, burying the Cherufe under the mountain of Pompeii. After 2000 years, the Cherufe obviously found a way out and was coming back for its revenge.


In the end, the Cherufe shows up at the Hale family home during the important meeting of the three clans and nearly takes out Kenzi; but working together – thanks to their regular routine of fighting at home – they take out the Cherufe using a gallon of liquid nitrogen that just happens to be in the kitchen. As Bo says, ‘thank god for Asian fusion’ or they just might not have been able to defeat the Cherufe.

A few smaller stories within the episode for which to take note are that Nate really pushed Kenzi to tell him the truth about Bo and Kenzi because of all the weird things that always seem to happen to them. And while she fibs and makes up a story that they are spies in the witness protection program – which, of course, Nate doesn’t believe – Kenzi is going to have to figure out a way to bring him into the fold or come up with a much better cover story.

Hale and Bo

Also, Dyson has finally pushed too far with his not feeling anything anymore because despite at first trying to ignore the advances by Hale’s sister Val, Dyson gives in to her and nearly has sex with her during the important meeting of the clan at Hale’s family home – while it should be noted that Bo and Kenzi were fighting and defeating the Cherufe at the same time – AND having Hale catch them in their tryst with Dyson fluffing it off as their ‘two consenting adults” who can do as they please. That all seemed to be the final line in the sand for Hale, who eventually punched Dyson in the face and left with Bo and Kenzi.

Lastly, Nadia was caught going through Bo’s trunk of weapons (she and Lauren paid Bo a visit earlier in the episode because Lauren needed to provide Bo with intel on what she found from the incinerated body of Mistress Carmody) and then later Nadia cutting her hand with a knife at Lauren’s home and pretended to not know what she was doing anymore to Lauren. But, there certainly seems to be something much more devious going on than meets the eye.

The Girl Who Fae’d With Fire” is the 17th episode of the second season of Lost Girl. The next new episode of Lost Girl will air on the Canadian channel Showcase on Sunday, March 4 at 9 PM.

What are your thoughts on this episode? Are you getting sick of Dyson the Dick and want to see him get straightened out sooner rather than later? How about that dress that Kenzi was wearing? Didn’t she look amazing? How about the great assist by Kenzi in helping Bo defeat the Cherufe? What do you really think is going on with Nadia and what kind of trouble is this going to bring to them all? Please share your thoughts about this episode in the comments section below.

Using her favorite online handle, Rueben is an East Coast-bred gal who is now a permanent Californian and a lifelong tv-oholic. She watches at least 25 TV shows a week, goes to the movies as often as possible, listens to music every waking moment, reads every day and “plays” on the internet every chance she can. Some of her current favorite TV shows are Outlander, Sweet Magnolias, Wednesday, The Mandalorian, The Equalizer, Fire Country, Matlock, Miss Scarlet, Hudson & Rex, SkyMed, The Rookie, Bridgerton, Virgin River, The Witcher, Leverage: Redemption and School Spirits. She is looking forward to new episodes of Reacher and 1923; the finale episodes of Cobra Kai and the debuts of the new dramas The Hunting Party and Suits LA. Follow her on Bluesky or contact her at Please also check out Rueben's Ramblings website for even more entertainment news.