LOST GIRL Recap: “School’s Out” (Episode 16, Season Two)
What could be the worst possible situation for our dear succubus Bo to find herself smack dab in the middle? Besides keeping her continued affair with her lover Ryan, the Dark Fae, a secret from her very best friend Kenzi would be having to return to high school. Yes, Bo went undercover at a local high school after a female student collapsed in her English Lit class while giving her report on Romeo and Juliet that quickly evolved into her babbling uncontrollably and then passing out.

First Day Jitters
The girl’s father meet with Dyson at the police station to report his concerns and that, in turn, had Dyson going to Bo for help because there was no way high school students – especially high school girls – will talk to him about any possible drug use, which is what is being blamed for the girl’s collapse.
Meanwhile, Lauren and Nadia are back from their trip to the lake, returning Bo’s car to her and causing an undeniable awkwardness between the trio. That moment is interrupted by Dyson, but allows Lauren to be pulled into the case because she can look into the collapsed girl’s records and perhaps determine if what happened to her was caused by a Fae.

Bo, the Teacher
Dyson and Bo both go undercover, but they need their secret weapon to get intel out of the kids: Kenzi. Bo goes in as the substitute English Lit teacher, Dyson goes in as the guidance counselor while Kenzi is a new student. The first day for all three of them does not go well; as can be imagined, with Bo getting in trouble for changing the curriculum of the class, Kenzi getting on the bad side of the popular girls and Dyson not necessarily providing the best guidance to the students who visit his office.
As their investigation moves forward, Bo begins to suspect the cheerleading coach after one of the cheerleaders collapse, Kenzi makes friends with a boy, Earl, who is a member of the newly formed quiz bowl team – overseen by the Vice Principal – and Lauren begins to make some headway determining what caused the girls’ collapse: weird DNA that she has never seen before.

Bo and Ryan
That DNA turns out to be from a branch of Fae known as Akvans – or dumb Fae. Bo learns from Trick that it is a common practice among the Fae for their children to attend public school with humans so as to learn their customs. It is believed that one of the students is an Akvan and he or she somehow infected the sick girls.
In a sad twist of fate Kenzi falls ill, turning into a crazy math geek. Bo takes Kenzi to Lauren who is able to tell Bo that after looking into the case history of both collapsed girls, they have two days before permanent damage will be inflicted on Kenzi. That concern drives Bo to find the culprit even quicker, figuring out after accusing the Vice Principal of wrong-doing and being proven wrong about that Earl’s dad was behind it all because he wanted his son to have a better life. He used eggs from a rare Fae creature, which is against the laws of the Fae community, and lands Earl’s dad in deep trouble with the Ash. And, poor Earl was distributed the virus by kissing all three affected girls.

Lauren and Nadia
Fortunately once the case was solved, Lauren was able to develop a cure that saved Kenzi as well as the other two affected girls.
In one of the B-stories, Dyson learns that Bo is having an affair with Ryan and he seemed uncomfortable with that idea while Nadia takes a number of photographs of Lauren, seemingly under the guise of seducing her; but in the end Nadia is looking at the photos, which were not of Lauren but of the amulet she wears around her neck. And, Ryan takes Bo back to the school for one dance in honor of the school’s upcoming prom and the fact that Bo never got to go the prom when she was actually in high school.
“School’s Out” is the 16th episode of the second season of Lost Girl. The next new episode of Lost Girl will air on the Canadian channel Showcase on Sunday, February 19 at 9 PM.
What are your thoughts on this episode? What did you find funnier: Bo’s failed attempt to teach English Lit, Dyson’s attempt to provide guidance or Kenzi getting the better of the popular girls she called plastics? Do you wonder just what Bo’s continued relationship with Ryan will bring forth in the long run? Is Dyson slowly starting to get his feelings for Bo back? What in the world could Nadia want with Lauren’s amulet? Please share your thoughts about this episode in the comments section below.