THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: Dangerous Liaisons Recap
Everything appears to be normal in Mystic Falls, but we all know that won’t last long. Leaving the hospital, Elena backed out of her parking space and BAM! She hit something. She got out of the car to see what it was, and nothing or no one was there. Then Rebekah came out of nowhere ready to attack. Fortunately for Elena, Elijah intervened and told his sister to behave as her mother ordered. She left and this gave Elena and Elijah time to discuss his mother’s intentions.
Elena tells the sexy Salvatore brothers about Esther and her commitment to keep the peace. They don’t particularly feel comfortable with the idea of her being out of the coffin, but Elena assures that she trusts Elijah’s word. There is a knock at the door and Elena finds an invitation to an elegant ball thrown by Esther. There is a handwritten note requesting that she meets Esther in person (ok we know she is up to something). Damon doesn’t want her to go, but insists to accompany her if she does.
Caroline gets a voice mail from Tyler offering his condolences, and letting her know he is still working to break the sire bond between him and Klaus. Once he does, he plans to come home to her. Caroline then receives her invitation to the ball and a beautiful gown from Klaus (I really hope they get together).
At the ball, Elena enters looking gorgeous and Damon practically drools at the sight of her. Stefan tries to hide his attraction to Elena, but we see he melts as well. Elena locks arms with both Salvatore brothers and they escort her inside (lucky girl).
Finn, one of Esther’s sons, tells Elena she can only meet with Esther if she is alone. Damon tries to keep her occupied by insisting she dance with him (which makes Stefan jealous). Caroline enters wearing the gown Klaus gave her (she didn’t have any other options in her closet) and they dance as well. Although she is dancing with Klaus, her eyes are on Matt who is dancing with Rebekah (she only invited him to upset Caroline and Elena). They switch partners; Elena ends up with Stefan and Caroline ends up with Matt.
Elena takes Stefan outside and explains that she needs to see Esther alone, but Damon won’t let her out of his sight. He agrees to help her distract Damon, and she tells him she knew he would help because killing Klaus is all he cares about. He agrees but we see that is a false statement because as much as he tries to hide it, he still has feelings for Elena.
Rebekah reveals to Kol that the real reason she invited Matt to the ball was to kill him. That’s the best way to upset Elena and Caroline. Kol is on board because he appears to want to kill anyone.
Elijah asks Elena if he can trust her to tell him what Esther says to her after they meet. Elena agrees. Stefan knocks Damon out and Elena is free to see Esther alone. She reveals that a witch, Ayana, preserved her body after her death, and she drew power from Bonnie and her mom to come back to life. She tells Elena she needs to get a drop of her blood for a champagne toast that evening to perform a ritual to link her children. When one of them dies, they all will die (I knew there was more to the whole “I want my family to be together again”). Elena gave Esther the blood she needed for the ritual.
Meanwhile, Klaus is happy to entertain Caroline. He shows her his paintings and offers to take her to take her wherever she likes(this is the side of Klaus I love). Caroline isn’t impressed and suggests that he release Tyler of their bond so he can have his life back. She tells him that he thinks no one can love him unless he controls them or buys them gifts, and that doesn’t work with her. Her words obviously hit a nerve, because he asked her to leave.
Rebekah lures Matt outside and after she sees what a nice guy he is, she decides she doesn’t want to kill him. She tells Kol to forget about her previous plan, but we see that he has other intentions.
Elena convinced Elijah that his mother just wanted their family to come together as one. So when it was time for the toast, we see each of her children drink the champagne. They are now bonded (which means the beginning of the end of Elijah and Klaus).
Damon awakens and tells Elena it’s time to leave. He’s mad and admits that he wants to protect her because he loves her and she replies that is the problem. Ouch. There goes sweet Damon. His face hardened and we know he intends to stop caring so much. Kol crushes Matt’s hand and Damon pushed him off a balcony. He leaps off the balcony and pummels Kol which causes a scene for all the Originals, Stefan and Elena. Bad boy Damon has returned.
After leaving a voicemail for Tyler, Caroline finds a new gift from Klaus. It’s a sketch of her and a horse, and written at the bottom it says “thank you for your honesty (so sweet).”
Esther and Finn (her son that knows the plan and is prepared to die), finish the ritual to unite the siblings.
Stefan takes Elena home and she attempts to convince him to care again. Stefan resists because he knows if he cares he will feel pain. He already hates himself for hurting her in the past.
Damon is at the bar and witnesses Rebekah strike out with Matt (who wants nothing to do with her). They both feel sorry for themselves. Damon suggests that she might need someone more durable than Matt anyway. He gives her the smolder we all love so much next thing you know they are kissing and clothes are being ripped off (insert sexy music “Let’s Get it on” by Marvin Gaye here). Happy Valentine’s Day to us!
So what did you think? Are you fans of Klaus and Caroline? Do you think Damon has given up on Elena? How long do you think Stefan will keep up his Bad boy act? Comment below and let me know!
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursday nights at 8/7c on The CW.