NGTV Guide: Friday, February 10
Nikita – 8/7c the CW
“Rogue” – Percy continues his plan to take back Division by threatening to kill Nikita’s mentor Carla (guest star Erica Gimpel, “Fame”), the woman who took Nikita off the streets when she was a junkie. Determined to get to Carla before Percy, Nikita uses Madeline (guest star Alberta Watson) to send her a message. Percy intercepts the message and it’s a race to see who can get to Carla first. Meanwhile, Amanda tells Alex it’s time for her to take back Zetrov and reveal to the world that Alexandra Udinov is alive.
Grimm – 9/8c NBC
“Tarantella” – Nick and Hank find themselves on the hunt for a deadly heartbreaker leaving behind a web of dead bodies. Meanwhile, Nick’s growing recognition among the creature world is starting to threaten not only his safety but Juliette’s as well, and it may be time for him to take action to keep her safe.
Fringe – 9/8c FOX
“Welcome to Westfield” – Peter, Olivia and Walter come face to face with a mysterious and terrifying Fringe event as they get trapped in a town that there’s no escaping.
Supernatural – 9/8c the CW
“Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie” – Sam is forced to confront a childhood fear when a case takes him and Dean to Kansas to investigate Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie, a local pizza chain that hosts children’s birthday parties. Sam and Dean discover that the victims’ children had recently been to the restaurant and drawn a picture of their worst fear, which then came to life to kill their parent. While Dean confronts the man behind the magic, Sam is left to deal with some very angry clowns.
Merlin – 10/9c Syfy
“A Servant of Two Masters” – While saving Arthur’s life, Merlin is inadvertently captured by Morgana – who delights in torturing the young warlock, then placing him under her control with the use of a Fomorroh, a multi-headed serpent with deadly powers. Armed with the king’s most trusted servant, Morgana sends Merlin away with one mission: kill Arthur.