LOST GIRL Recap: Episode 14 “Midnight Lamp”
Living with a roommate can be a unique experience that doesn’t always work out for either party; but when you look at Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) and Bo (Anna Silk) on Lost Girl, you can’t help but be a little envious of what they have. Until one morning when Bo is home alone because Kenzi is off on tour with her new boyfriend Nate (Aaron Ashmore). This situation leaves Bo with too much time on her hands and an unwelcomed guest showing up for an unexpected visit. That visitor is none other than Lochlyn, the new Ash, who needs Bo to bring someone to him who “has wisdom on how to tackle their new enemy.”

Ryan and Bo
That ‘someone’ is a world famous actress named Sadie (guest star Lauren Holly from NCIS) who is actually Fae; more specifically she is a Gen – what modern society knows as a Genie. But, unlike the image that we all have of what a Genie ‘should’ be, Sadie is from that because she feeds off the adulation of her fans to the point of killing them if she is extra ‘hungry’.
And, just like the myth of how to trap a Genie, the Gen can be controlled in one of two ways: entrapment them inside a lamp – or really any kind of carefully crafted containment vessel – or by putting your mark or brand on them. Either of these options is easier said than done, though. And that is where Ryan (guest star Anthony Lemke) – the stranger from Bo’s surprise birthday party who presented her with that unique gold bracelet – comes into play because Bo is sent to him to acquire the lamp that she needs to entrap Sadie.

Sadie and Bo
Through a comedy of errors – so to speak – Ryan just happens to be at the same bar where Sadie is hitting up a new collection of fans for her feeding pleasure. This opens up Bo’s opportunity to use the music box (aka the Genie lamp) for which Ryan created to trap Sadie; but that backfires when the ‘lamp’ is dropped to the floor, sucking Sadie inside along with a shocked Ryan and Bo. The rest of the action plays out inside the damaged music box as Ryan works to get them out safely while trying to evade a very angry Sadie; but things don’t go that well and with a little outside help from Dyson, Trick and Hale – thanks to a momentary trick-of-the-trade by Ryan using the control system within the music box – they are pulled back out of the ‘lamp’ after Bo tricks Sadie into allowing Bo to put her brand – a hickie – on her in order to keep her controlled. Sadie is then turned over to Lochlyn, but in true Bo fashion, she demands that the Ash gets the information he needs from her and then sets her free.
Elsewhere, Trick shares with Dyson and Hale that he learned that the Garuda are still very much in existence – thanks to the vision from his drug-induced state in the fall finale; and Dyson pays a visit to the Norn who took his love for Bo in exchange for saving her life at the end of season one. He needed to find out why he said that he could not love Ciara when pressed by Trick’s old-time friend (and former lover) Wai Lin; and as it turns out, the Norn didn’t just take his love for Bo, she took the emotion itself, leaving him empty. And, before the end of the episode Ciara finds out the truth about what Dyson sacrificed for a woman he has only known for, essentially, a few months, leading to her ending her relationship with him.

Trick, Dyson and Hale
As the episode comes to a close, Bo gives in to the advances of Ryan, but is surprised by his reveal that he is actually a member of the Dark Fae. That truth only fazes her momentarily and her ‘interlude’ with Ryan could be the start of something special or could be her undoing.
“Midnight Lamp” is the 14th episode of the second season of Lost Girl. The next new episode of Lost Girl will air on the Canadian channel Showcase on Sunday, January 29 at 9 PM.
What are your thoughts on this episode? Was it great to see Lauren Holly playing a Genie? How much fun was it to see Ryan and Bo work together to get out of the music box? Were you surprised to see Dyson go back to the Norn? How did you feel about Ciara breaking off things with Dyson? Please share your thoughts about this episode in the comments section below.