FRINGE: “Enemy of My Enemy”
Last week on Fringe we learned that David Robert Jones, a nemesis who was killed in season one in the original timeline, was the man behind the new hybrid shapeshifters. We also learned that the new alternate universe Broyles was working with him. Another of the jaw dropping changes that we have learned about since Peter changed the timelines.
This week we open in the alternate universe, where AlterBroyles watches video of Fauxlivia and the two Lincolns entering the building and only one Lincoln leaving. By checking blueprints he figures out that they “secured” NerdiLincoln in a maintenance closet. He takes a syringe full of some yellow substance and is on his way to pay him a visit when he is intercepted by Walternate and Peter. Walternate wants NerdiLincoln released immediately, then wants to speak to Broyles privately to tell him what he has learned about the shapeshifters infiltration of high security positions.
Broyles tells Walternate that Fauxlivia and AlterLincoln are chasing down a lead, which may give them some answers. The aforementioned arrive at the industrial park they were headed to and find David Robert Jones there in his lab. He kills one of his shapeshifters in front of them…then asks them to imagine, if he would do that to someone he loves, what he would do to someone he doesn’t. He wants them to take him to their leader.
Back at Harvard in our universe, Olivia drops by to ask Astrid to run DNA tests on the blood sample she took from the observer. She doesn’t tell her why, but does tell her that Peter and Lincoln are on the other side and didn’t return, she’s on her way to confess to Broyles.
In the alternate universe, Jones is brought into Fringe division. Broyles tells them to lock him up, and not in the maintenance closet. Score one for AlterBroyles! NerdiLincoln is excited to get answers about shapeshifters finally, but Peter is ready for a hasty getaway to the other side…until he sees Jones. He knows he can help them.
Broyles interrogates Jones, who remains evasive as ever. He wants the hard drive from the office of shapeshifter Brandon. Oh, and a cup of tea. Jones crossed from the other side, they don’t have any information on him in their universe. Peter convinces them to let him question Jones, he knows his background. When Peter questions him about his scars, the team notes his pulse rate goes up. Peter mentions the state Jones was in the last time he saw him and suggests maybe he’s found some way to heal himself. He claims to not know Peter, and Peter tells him how he closed the portal on him and cut him in half. Jones points out he’s still in one piece, and he’s done talking to Peter. The interrogation is interrupted by a woman calling the Fringe division and she wants all parties present to be able to hear her. She is a doctor at a hospital emergency room and says she only wants them to listen. She sets off a device, walks down the corridor and secures the door with a crutch just as a toxic smoke clouds the room. The Fringe team can hear as all the people inside the emergency room die.
Back in our universe, Olivia arrives to confess to Broyles, but he already knows where Peter and Lincoln are. He received word from his alter ego, who is just as amused as he is, which isn’t very much. He shows her Jones file. She hasn’t heard of him, but they know he’s now made his way to the other side.
Back in the alternate universe, the Fringe team learns there were 16 people in the ER and all are dead. Jones has told them they have only minutes before it will happen again unless he is released. Walternate appears concerned and orders him released. Lincoln argues with Walternate, saying it won’t help to let him go, but to no avail. Olivia reveals that the information on the hard disks he demanded was satellite images. AlterLincoln returns from fetching Jones tea and suggests that perhaps it would help to install a tracker on him. Everyone agrees it‘s a good idea, and it’s a good thing because he’s already planted it in Jones’ tea. Olivia and the two Lincoln’s are to start surveillance immediately. Broyles gives Jones the hard drive, removes his cuffs, and sets him free.
Jones wastes no time in arranging his escape from their view. He has a package dropped in a public place, including a thermos and a lot of cash. He starts giving away the money to passersby and it creates a crowd, blocking him from the crews direct line of sight. Suddenly Astrid’s tracking monitor shows not only his tracker, but dozens of others. He had trackers implanted in the money, somehow he knew their frequency. As the Fringe team closes in to get a closer view of him, he drinks from the thermos and his tracker disappears from the monitor. They can’t find him in the crowd and he slips away in a waiting vehicle. AlterBroyles sees him, but since he’s working with him he says nothing, just watches him go.
Walternate and Elizabeth dine together, and he’s visibly troubled. Jones escape was his fault, it was his decision to let him go. He’s also upset about Peter. He can’t help Peter with the machine, and the other Walter refuses to. He couldn’t save his son long ago, and he can’t help him now. Elizabeth thinks maybe she can.
Astrid has all the satellite photos from the hard drive. Jones was looking for something, those images were to help him find it. Peter asks to look at the list of locations. Astrid seems quite impressed Peter is from a different timeline, almost in awe. NerdiLincoln approaches Fauxlivia with his concerns over Jones knowing their frequency on the tracker. Someone on the team must have told him.
Peter shares what he thinks Jones is after. A mineral. On it’s own it’s harmless, but if processed properly it can be used as a power source. In the original timeline, Bell had made a battery with a small part and Jones had stolen it. Peter thinks Jones figured out Bell’s process and possibly how to weaponize it. They deduce which satellite map Jones had, the one most likely to contain it, and send a team there to find him. But when they arrive there is nothing there. Peter tells them of an access road they should guard, but there is no road there. He realizes the satellite photos are for the other universe. Back in our universe, Jones team is set up to receive him and he makes it through unscathed.
Gene makes an appearance! Walter is brushing Gene in the lab when his agent babysitter announces he has a visitor…Elizabeth. She came to talk bout Peter. He knows she’s not his Elizabeth, but he seems very moved and emotional seeing her. She says last time she saw him, he had come to save a boys life. Now she’s come to do the same. Elizabeth forgives him for the things he did. There is some of their Peter’s in this Peter, and he needs help getting back to the people who love him. Walter is afraid, but she tells him Peter is too.
Broyles welcomes Peter and Lincoln upon their return. They go straight to the location of the satellite images, armed, and a shootout ensues with Jones team. Jones escapes in a truck with Olivia in close pursuit. Peter yells into the radio for her not to go, the portal will close behind Jones and she will be killed. He begs her to trust him. She stops just in time, her vehicle cut in two, but she is safe.
The Fringe teams from both universes meet to discuss the situation, with Walternate leading discussions. They know who their mutual target is now. NerdiLincoln points out that Jones has always been a step ahead of them, he’s holding all the cards, but Peter points out they have him. He saw how nervous Jones was when he questioned him. They all have to work together. They stopped him once before and can stop him again.
Olivia wants to get started debriefing Peter on Jones case right away, but he wants to sleep first. She expresses her gratitude for him saving her at the quarry, and Peter goes to get his rest. Walter shows up at Peter’s home. He tells him his mother was a wonderful woman, every version of her. Peter realizes that she came to see Walter. Walter knows Peter must miss those he left behind, and he will help him get home. Peter tells him that he spent several days with the other Walter, surprised to learn he’s not the man he thought he was…but he’s not at all surprised to learn that this Walter is.
Jones types on a computer that Phase one is complete and asks about phase two. The return message on the monitor says she’ll be ready soon. We see the hand of the mysterious writer as they type the message, then the camera pans to reveal that it is none other than Nina.
It’s starting to feel like all roads lead back to Nina, isn’t it? It will be interesting to see what else she’s been up to as the story unfolds, and so far I have absolutely no theories as to who the “she“ is that will soon be ready. I was happy to see Walter finally coming around to Peter and step up to help him, since he’s the only one that can. All he needed was forgiveness to alleviate some of the tremendous guilt he felt over all that happened in the past because of his inability to let go of Peter. This should get his brilliant mind back on the case, and I have to confess that I have missed Peter and Walter’s bond, even if this isn’t his Walter. Walter should thrive now, just as the original timeline Walter did with Peter there to encourage him.
Fringe airs Fridays at 9/8c on FOX.
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