LOST GIRL Recap: Barometz.Trick.Pressure (Episode 13 – Fall Finale)
As the story opens, Bo is talking to Lauren at the apartment, telling her about the idiosyncrasies of her classic car and it is apparent that Bo is lending the car to Lauren and Nadia so they can go out of town together. It is clear that Bo is attempting to be too happy for Lauren and Nadia’s relationship and, in turn, Lauren seems uncertain about it as well. It is then that Lauren tells Bo that she will be back because she has recommitted herself to The Ash because of her belief that he brought Nadia back to her. Knowing the truth and being unable to tell Lauren because of the rule The Ash said applied to breaking the curse placed on Nadia, Bo is upset in more than one way.
Meanwhile in a suburban home in what turns out to be a European city a man is bitching to his wife over dinner about his job at the Royale Celtic Museum and his under-appreciative boss. As he takes a bite of his dinner, he is obviously repulsed by the food, bitching at his wife about burning dinner again. She is visibly angry but instead of arguing with him she picks up a skillet, whacks him over the head with it and then shape shifts into him. (This is the moment where the viewer goes, “what the hell?”)
Back at the apartment, Kenzi and Bo are talking about what they have going for the day with Bo sharing that she is supposed to meet Trick at his bar, but given what Lauren just told her she wants Kenzi to help her break into The Ash’s compound for a little payback. But, unfortunately, that damn promise not to tell anyone, least of all Lauren, the truth of who really broke the curse, Bo stumbles around an explanation to Kenzi on why she wants to “beat the crap” out of The Ash.

Bo at The Ash's Compound
In the end, Kenzi is being far to un-Kenzi-like being rational about what Bo intends to do against The Ash, Bo figures out, by grabbing Kenzi’s phone, that she has been texting with Nate all morning. Bo teases Kenzi about being in love with him – to which Kenzi flat out denies that possibility. Bo tells Kenzi to stay behind for a date with her ‘boyfriend’ that she has The Ash covered on her end.
At the same time, Dyson and Ciara are packing up their apartment in preparation for their move to the new home that Ciara recently purchased and they have a silly moment ‘arguing’ over an old t-shirt of Dyson’s from a Metro Police event that features Hale’s face on it. Ciara tells her that he can’t take it with them and Dyson jokes that the t-shirt is a deal-breaker, but that obviously isn’t the case enough though Ciara places it in the trash.
Bo then meets with Trick at the bar, asking him – somewhat jokingly – if she kills The Ash would the job go to Hale (since he is next in line) or would another stag hunt (how the Light Fae decide who takes over the position upon the death of their leader) be required. Trick, of course, hopes that she is just being hypothetical (which they clearly both know she is not, but they ignore that fact temporarily) and she reveals to Trick that Lauren recommitted herself to The Ash and that she is pissed about that decision given the circumstances. Trick and Dyson are the only ones besides The Ash who know what Bo did to help Lauren and Nadia.
Trick tells Bo that she couldn’t be asking for his advice about The Ash at a worse time, though. That night is the blood moon – something that only happens every 20 years (or so) – allowing Trick to go into a trance and divine the future. He wants to look at the evil that is coming for them based on what the Rouge told Bo during her short and unexpected visit to purgatory. Trick admits the ceremony is dangerous, causing Bo to be very worried for him, but if Trick can get the right ring – a ring that is charmed – it will protect him from the effects of the ceremony. He needs Bo to forget about getting revenge on The Ash (for now) and use her succubus power on a shape shifter (the one who transformed into the man earlier in the episode) named Teague for whom Trick hired to acquire the ring from the Royale Celtic Museum. It would seem Teague is greedy and is asking more payment from Trick, but given that he doesn’t have a lot of time, Trick asks Bo to handle the situation. This will allow Trick to visit an old friend who will provide him with Barometz – a medicine that is part plant and part sheep – that when ground down and inhaled will allow Trick to go into a trance. But the dangerous effect of this medicine is terrible bleeding that can only be staunched by the ring. Trick says this is their only chance to figure out what is coming their way because after the blood moon is gone it will be too late. Seeing his determination, Bo relents and agrees to help as Dyson and Hale walk in

Bo and The Ash
A short time later, Bo is at the meeting place and encounters Teague who quickly shape shifts into Bo, making for a very unique meeting. The real Bo is on one side of the table while fake Bo (Teague) is on the other. He complains that he risks his life for others all the time and he simply wants to get what is coming to him; what he feels he deserves. But knowing that time is of the essence, Bo slowly removes one of her boots and reaches out for his leg with her foot, using her power to loll him into submission and walks out with the ring that Teague had laid out on the table.
Meanwhile, Trick, Dyson and hale meet with Trick’s old friend – a former lover of Trick’s who is now blind. She has the Barometz that Trick needs for the ceremony, but it is soon revealed that she has the power – by the snap of her fingers – to make anyone tell her the truth – whether they want or mean to do so. But Trick warns her that Dyson can rip her throat out before Hale can whistle her into submission. They are at a standstill, but the woman relents, stating she will give him the medicine, but she demands four truths for four questions. One of the questions she asks was what was contained in a box that Trick had during their boat transport to the Americas. He couldn’t reveal all truths about the box, but he did explain it was the head of a very dangerous Fae. One of the other questions was how Trick’s wife was killed and if it was his fault. He states that her throat was slit during the great Fae battle and that if he had used his blood earlier to write the laws bringing them peace sooner – since he was the Blood King during that time period (which shocks Hale since he did not know that truth) – he could have saved her.
The old friend relents, giving the Barometz to Trick and the trio turns to leave with Dyson the last one leaving the door. The old woman propositions Dyson (gross in so many ways) but he clearly states he is taken. She doesn’t believe that and snaps her fingers, causing Dyson to blurt out that “I can’t love Ciara,” which surprises him immensely.
Back at the bar, Bo arrives with the ring and the preparation for the blood moon ceremony is ready to begin. But first, Bo can see that Dyson is out of sorts, but he fluffs it off and then Trick tells Bo to leave The Ash alone. She is also reminded that Dyson and Hale are duty bound to report any threats to The Ash directly, but Bo is relentless – she wants to get proof that he is the evil that the Rouge warned her about – but Trick demands her sternly that she is to stand down. To appease him, Bo relents but asks to take some ‘light reading’ home and while Trick isn’t looking Dyson hands her a scroll and tells her “good hunting”. It is obvious that she isn’t going to leave The Ash alone, just so long as Trick doesn’t find out.

Back at the apartment, Nate comes to visit Kenzi, singing her a song that he found in a box of old notebooks for which she wrote for him back when she was 6 years old. She shares her concerns about Bo without revealing what is going on. And later they finish jamming on the drums and guitar and finally share a kiss. It is then that Nate tells her that he is leaving the next morning for some gigs and he wants her to go with him. It only takes her seconds to kiss him again and say “hells yes”.
The blood moon ceremony is on with Dyson and Hale securing Trick to a chair. He warns them not to wake him no matter what, but if he goes beyond the 30 minute mark, they need to pull him out using any means possible because a few seconds beyond that and it could be fatal. Dyson and Hale start the machine that grounds down the Barometz into a steam for Trick to inhale and place a mask over Trick’s nose and mouth. Immediately, Trick is transported to a dream world, where he is walking through a weird drive-in and then he encounters a cloaked woman who turns out to be his wife. During their conversation, she tells him that an ancient evil is coming, an evil that feeds off the Fae the same way the Fae feed off humans. She tells him that he starved this ancient evil when he used his blood to write the peace laws during the great Fae battle and now they are coming for him. She attempts to convince him to rewrite those peace laws, but he quickly realizes that his real wife would never ask him to do that. It is then that she walks off, screeches a high-pitch scream and disappears; then a man who had been observing them from a nearby car approaches Trick. This man turns out to be one of the ancient evil, a Garuta – what appears to be a winged fire demon – that presumably died off millennia ago. But when Trick dropped his blood to save Bo from her mother that was all the Garuta needed: all of them are coming. It is then that Trick’s time has run out. Dyson and Hale try to get him out of the trance, but the mask won’t come off his face so they pull the plug on the smoke device, but that backfires, causing the smoke to spread through the room, knocking both of them out. And moments later Trick wakes up still attached to the mask with Dyson and Hale still lying on the floor nearby.
During all of this, Bo has snuck into The Ash’s compound, distracts the guards with a false smoke alarm and breaks into his office. She eventually finds the trunk that contained the head that The Ash was looking at in an earlier episode only to learn that there are actually three other identical heads inside. It is mere seconds later that The Ash shows up and attacks Bo. She fights free from him but soon enough they end up in a swordfight that takes them throughout part of his compound. But when Bo refuses to kill him and reveals that she saw a vision of the Rouge, The Ash relents. And, in a surprising move, they end up talking with The Ash claiming that he is actually one of the good guys. He says that he has been testing her, making sure that she wasn’t like her mother; that she could control the anger inside her because he needs her to help him fight the Garuta (the demon creature from Trick’s trance) who he has been hunting for countless centuries. The heads in the trunk are all him, taken for his venom, which is the only thing that can kill the Garuta. He wants her to be his champion, to lead the Fae into battle against the Garuta.
In the final scene, Bo goes back to the apartment where Kenzi is overjoyed for two reasons: having a day of great sex with Nate but that he asked her to go on tour with him. Bo encourages Kenzi to leave with Nate because she’s “gonna get up early and save the world”.
“Barometz. Trick. Pressure.” is the 13th episode and is the fall finale of the second season of Lost Girl. The next new episode of Lost Girl will air on the Canadian channel Showcase on Sunday, January 22 at 9 PM.
What are your thoughts on this episode? Were you surprised by Bo’s over-enthusiasm for Lauren and Nadia going away together? What are your thoughts about Trick using the Barometz to go into a trance? What do you think about the Garuta? Did you see it coming when Dyson admitted, albeit unwittingly, said to Trick’s old friend that he can’t love Ciara? What about the reveal by The Ash that he has been hunting the Garuta and wants to groom Bo to be the Fae champion? What do you think about Kenzi planning to leave town with Nate? Please share your thoughts about this episode in the comments section below.