
LOST GIRL Recap: “Raging Fae” (Episode 10)

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Having sex anywhere she needs is a unique “skill” for which Bo has mastered, but inside a stretch limousine at the docks with Kenzi at a not-so-discreet distance is just a little unsettling. But that fact doesn’t seem to faze Kenzi at all as she is talking on her cell to a friend, trying to schedule a brunch, and she keeps interrupting Bo and her latest conquest, to make those arrangements.

As Bo leaves the limo after healing from what is revealed to have been a jump out of a third floor window because of a case, Bo tells Kenzi about the vision that the Rouge gave her while she was in limbo. Kenzi, of course, is freaked out that Bo might kill Trick if the vision comes true; but Bo wants to have time to process the meaning behind the vision. But before they can talk much more about this latest development, Bo gets a call from Lauren and the duo rushes off to the car. Unbeknownst to the ladies, though, a woman is sitting nearby in her car taking pictures of Bo. It seems that this woman has been looking for Bo as she says that she has finally found her.

Meeting the Ogre

Bo and Kenzi meet up with Lauren who is treating a badly injured large man named Oscar, who turns out to be an Ogre. He explains to the ladies that he has been involved in illegal fights – that are seen internationally via the net – at a nearby gym run by a pillar of the Fae community named Ferrero. The most recent fight that caused his injuries was with, of all things, a human who seemed to possess unbelievable power because Ogres are virtually unbeatable.

Oscar was brought into the illegal fights – which are totally secret and by invite only – by Ferrero as a way to stop the human fighter from winning. It seems his invitees were getting bored because the human fighter was winning too much so Ferrero decided to bring a Fae in to the fights to spice them up; but that obviously back-fired.

Now that Bo knows that a human is being unduly used by the Fae for these fights she is determined to bring it to an end; but after she consults Dyson, he tells her that as it stands, Ferrero would only get a slap on the wrist because the Fae community doesn’t view humans the same way as Bo. But, if she can get hard evidence that the human fighter is somehow being given Fae powers by Ferrero, well, then Dyson can seek justice.

Kenzi Being Surprised by Mel

Bo sets out to get inside the gym, calling Kenzi to join her, but Kenzi is stopped at the apartment door by the woman who was photographing Bo earlier. She tells Kenzi that she knew “Beth” (Bo’s name when she was younger) because they were friends in high school. She also revealed that Beth dated her older brother Kyle who was killed followed by Beth virtually disappearing off the face of planet. The woman has spent the rest of her life trying to track down Beth to bring her to justice; but Kenzi doesn’t believe the woman, telling her that she has the wrong woman.

Meanwhile, Bo is at Ferrero’s gym and after defeating one of his female fighters named Thrasher, he takes her back to his office where he demands to know what kind of Fae she is, threatening her with some kind of spikes that eject from his knuckles. “The unaligned kind,” she answers, making it apparent to Ferrero that she is the succubus that all of the Fae know about. Bo comes clean, to an extent, that Oscar recommended she look Ferrero up if she needed some quick cash. Because she knows about Oscar, Ferrero tells Bo about Mike, the human fighter, who will put up against a formidable opponent in the next fight in order to entice the fight’s worldwide audience. Bo will also be involved in that next fight pitted against Thrasher.

Bo calls Dyson, letting him know that she has worked her way into the next fight and that she is going to use her power on Mike to learn how he is getting the Fae powers. But Mike is giving instructions to his young son, Tyler, and she isn’t able to question him fully. Instead Ferrero starts giving Mike a hard time about his son being at the gym again with Mike quickly flying into a rage and just as quickly passing out.

Back at the apartment, Kenzi defends Bo to the woman, who is adamant about involving the cops; but Kenzi tells her that she knows “the best homicide cop in the city” who can help them instead. Kenzi takes the woman to Hale who, once she tells him her story, asks to speak to Kenzi in private. Kenzi begs Hale to help Bo in any way he can, but because Bo has not chosen a side within the Fae community, he can’t help her.


Bo is then seen helping Mike after his collapse and she, once again, tries to question him. He explains that he doesn’t remember anything when his rages hits and he claims that he is not doping, but Bo isn’t buying it. He says he has one more fight and then he is done with Ferrero; his debt to the man will be repaid. Mike explains that Ferrero is “a stand-up guy”. He gave Mike a free membership to the gym, paid for Mike’s wife’s funeral and even gave Mike a loan when he lost his job. Being in the fights was Mike’s way of repaying Ferrero, but if he wins the next planned fight, he won’t have to fight ever again.

It is at this time that Tyler shows up with some kind of energy drink for his father for which Mike explains he has been using as part of his training for all of the fights. Bo takes the nearly empty bottle to Dyson at the police station with the hopes that he can have it tested to determine if its contents will be the concrete proof that Mike is being doped by Ferrero. Bo is then surprised by the woman, Mel, who Kenzi took to see Hale. Mel freaks out demanding to know what she did to Kyle as Hale drags her off and Bo races out of the station.

Kenzi catches up with Bo back at the apartment where Bo is packing to leave. They argue because Bo is upset that Kenzi didn’t tell her that Mel was in town. Bo also reveals to Kenzi some of her past – including that until she hit puberty, she thought she was human; that her parents taught her sex was evil. So when she had sex with Kyle and he died – because of her then unknown succubus power – Bo truly thought she had the devil inside her. This was what led her to run away; and now she has to run away again.

But before Bo can do that, Dyson calls about the test results on the energy drink. It turns out that the drink consists of a biological compound that matches an amphibious Fae – basically a frog or toad. In short, Mike is drinking frog nectar that is causing his incredible strength, power and rage black-outs; but there is a good possibility that the next time he uses the drink it could kill him.

Dyson and Ferrero

Soon enough it is time for Bo’s big fight, which will allow Dyson a chance to find out who is the frog inside the gym; but visions from her past (because of Mel’s surprise “visit”) get the better of Bo and she loses her fight; and Ferrero catches Dyson before he can investigate. This leaves Dyson with no other choice but to go to The Ash, who tells Dyson in no uncertain terms that he is to leave Ferrero alone and to back off his investigation.

Of course, Dyson doesn’t back off and he starts to investigate Mike’s life and, in turn, Tyler’s life. [And in a somewhat surprising reveal we see Tyler squeeze his own sweat into his dad’s energy drink: he is the frog.] At the same time, Dyson and Bo discuss what he learned about Mike and Tyler – that a Fae couple and their son were lost in a bridge collapse where Mike was one of the firefighters involved in the rescue. According to the records from the incident, the boy was never found so Dyson and Bo believe that Mike took the boy in and he and his wife raised him as their own.

Rushing back to the gym at the start of Mike’s big “final” fight, Bo confronts Tyler about what he is with Tyler admitting he was just trying to help his dad. But Bo explains that Mike will die because his body cannot handle the frog nectar. With some encouragement from Tyler, Mike stops the fight but his opponent isn’t willing to give up so Bo steps in, using her power to stop the giant fighter.

Later on Bo is shown facing Mel, intending to tell her the truth; but Mel tells Bo that Hale told her the truth: that a serial killer, using an organic compound, was behind her brother Kyle’s death and that Bo ran because she saw the killer. She continued that Hale is Bo’s handler from witness protection and now that she knows the “truth”, Mel will keep Bo’s secret; she will protect her.

Bo and Trick

As it turns out, Bo learns that Hale didn’t want to tell Mel those lies, but Trick convinced him to do it. Bo is upset with Trick about that because she feels that Mel deserves the real truth, but Trick reminds her that the Fae need to remain secret and he yells at her that she still doesn’t think she is one of them. In anger, Bo tells Trick about her vision from the Rouge, but Trick tells her not to believe everything she saw as it could have a very different meaning. However, when Bo walks away it is plain to see that Trick is troubled by the reveal.

And while The Ash told Dyson to leave Ferrero alone, it turns out that Thrasher was actually working for The Ash, investigating Ferrero. And when The Ash shows up at Ferrero’s office, the gym owner admits to The Ash that he has a dark storm raging inside him (sounding reminiscent of what the Rouge told Bo while in limbo), making him push the envelope with the illegal fights. The Ash can’t risk their exposure – Tyler revealed his ‘frog side’ during his dad’s fight and that went out on the net before Ferrero could pull the plug – so in the final scene The Ash is seen going after Ferrero in what was assuredly not going to lead to a happy ending for the pillar of the Fae community.

Raging Fae” is the tenth episode of the second season of Lost Girl. Another new episode of Lost Girl will air on the Canadian channel Showcase at 9 PM on Sunday, December 4.

Using her favorite online handle, Rueben is an East Coast-bred gal who is now a permanent Californian and a lifelong tv-oholic. She watches at least 25 TV shows a week, goes to the movies as often as possible, listens to music every waking moment, reads every day and “plays” on the internet every chance she can. Some of her current favorite TV shows are Outlander, Sweet Magnolias, Wednesday, The Mandalorian, The Equalizer, Fire Country, Matlock, Miss Scarlet, Hudson & Rex, SkyMed, The Rookie, Bridgerton, Virgin River, The Witcher, Leverage: Redemption and School Spirits. She is looking forward to new episodes of Reacher and 1923; the finale episodes of Cobra Kai and the debuts of the new dramas The Hunting Party and Suits LA. Follow her on Bluesky or contact her at Please also check out Rueben's Ramblings website for even more entertainment news.