
LOST GIRL Recap: “Death Doesn’t Become Her” (Episode 8)

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Sneaking inside The Ash’s compound is not an easy feat and if the way that Dr. Lauren sneaks Bo inside to “meet” her comatose girlfriend Nadia is any example, it would be horrible to see a worse possible way. As Lauren ushers out some of The Ash’s guards, she opens a body bag to reveal Bo is hiding inside. After berating Lauren for the less-than-pleasant smell inside the bag, the “introduction” is made and they talk about trying to find out the truth behind the nail that was given to Bo by The Morrigan.

In another part of town, though, a disturbing event is taking place. A man dressed in a military uniform is digging up a grave only to be found by the unsuspecting groundskeeper, who is then dragged off by a mysterious figure.

As it turns out, the grave that was desecrated belonged to a man named Christoph, who was the husband of Donovan, Trick’s best friend. Bo and Dyson are brought in to help find out what happened to him. When they asked Donovan for a description of the clothing for which Christoph was buried in (which included leotards), they soon learn he had been one of the world’s best dancers.

But before Dyson can get on board the investigation, he needs to get out of a security detail for an important figurehead within the Fae world – The Glave; or more precisely, The Glave’s 21-year-old daughter, Tori. So, of course, he turns to Hale; who agrees to the swap.

Soon enough, Bo and Dyson start their search into where Christoph’s body has been taken by starting at the cemetery. But, thanks to his wolf senses, Dyson quickly locates the mutilated body of the groundskeeper, who was, according to Dyson, attacked by a “cheeno” – a type of Fae that eats human flesh. (Yes, that is as gross as it sounds!)

Meanwhile, back at Trick’s bar, Hale is failing miserably at entertaining Tori, who isn’t allowed to do much of anything that is considered fun to a 21-year-old because of her over-protective mother. The Glave has not only provided Hale with a list of things Tori cannot do but the girl also has to wear a tracking device so her mother can keep tabs on her. The situation is only made worse when Kenzi shows up, learns that Tori is telepathic and then convinces Hale to let Tori “have a little bit of fun”.

Then, Christoph’s dead body is brought back to life by a creepy guy with scaly skin – as if he is slowly rotting away – and it turns out this creepy guy has other dead people serving him as well.

Based on the facts of how the groundkeeper’s died, Bo and Dyson visit Gary, one of the flesh eaters, who is a butcher for the cheeno Fae. At first Gary refuses to give away any details, but soon enough, upon threat of death from Bo, Gary begrudgingly gives them details on his latest customer: the Lich

It is explained that the Lich is part of an ancient royal Egyptian family that found a way to stay alive by not only feeding his body but also his mind on the skills and talents of the dead; who he brings back to life to suit his own purposes. In the Fae world the Lich is considered very bad news.

The situation for Hale where Tori is concerned as gone from bad to worse with Kenzi and Tori partying it up too much at Trick’s bar, irritating many of the clientele. Tori then tricks Hale into making a call to her mother to check in, which allows she and Kenzi to leave without his noticing. (C’mon, Hale, never trust a girl who is denied all that “fun” not to want to ditch you!)

The lead provided by Gary on the Lich’s whereabouts turns out to be legitimate as Bo and Dyson easily find him, advising him they are representatives of the ‘way-station’ (i.e., Trick’s bar) where he inadvertently forgot to report upon entering the city. He claims that he and his entourage, which includes Christoph, who they see rehearsing his ballet moves in the background (apparently the Lich can control those he brings back to life, making them do whatever he wants them to do) are leaving the next day. The Lich is intrigued by Dyson but displays a disturbing obsession with Bo, as he knows she is a succubus: one of the Fae he has never met nor acquired for his “entourage”.

Regrettably, the Lich is unwilling to part with Christoph so Bo and Dyson have no choice but to leave empty-handed. However, the Lich invites Bo and a guest (human only he informs) to return for what he calls an acquisition wine and cheese party later that day.

As Bo reports these details back to Trick and Donovan, Trick warns Bo to be extremely careful because the Lich is notoriously dangerous and, as to be expected, Donovan is visibly upset that they were unable to get Christoph back. Trick and Bo also try to determine what type of power source the Lich may be using to keep himself alive and Bo thinks it might be a strange amulet in a very old painting she saw in the Lich’s living quarters of when he was very much alive. They agree that perhaps the painting is like the legend of Dorian Grey, destroy the picture – or in this instance destroy the amulet – and the power source is destroyed for good.

Meanwhile, Dyson checks in with Hale on his protection detail and quickly learns that Tori (along with Kenzi) has given him the slip; but Dyson assures Hale that he can help track the girls down.

Elsewhere, Bo has asked Lauren to be her plus one for the Lich’s “party” in the hopes that since the Lich has lived for so long that perhaps he will know the mystery behind the nail given to them by The Morrigan, allowing them to get one step closer to helping Nadia. And, as they join the Lich for the performance portion of his party, Christoph is made to dance for them and a Mozart-type musician is made to play for them. It is at this time that Lauren attempts to ask the Lich about the nail, but he seems more impressed with learning that she is the famed Human doctor who found the cure for the Fae epidemic that hit in the Congo than the truth behind the nail.

Tired of waiting for results, Donovan is seen rummaging through Trick’s belongings looking for a dagger so he can rescue Christoph himself; but Trick catches him in time. Trick reminds Donovan that he also knows all about loss (we learn for the first time that Trick had a wife who was taken from him) and that he needs to let Bo do her work, assuring Donovan that Bo is special and that she will find a way to bring Christoph back to him.

Bo continues to try to get the Lich to compromise on the details of the nail, but he refuses. So in a last ditch attempt, she threatens the amulet in the picture, hoping that will put an end to him and his hold on his entourage. But after destroying the amulet, which causes the Lich to fall to the ground, they quickly realize it holds no importance to the Lich’s power. He was merely playing along – for his own sick amusement – and now Bo and Lauren are both in very big trouble.

Enough trouble, in fact, that the Lich now has Lauren and Bo both chained on the impromptu stage and he demands that Bo feed on Lauren until she is dead for his deranged pleasure. When Bo refuses, he has the cowgirl, who is part of his entourage, shot Bo in the gut, making it necessary for her to feed in order to heal. Bo still refuses, making the Lich even angrier. He forces his entourage to unchain Lauren, removing her from the stage and laying her out on a table so he can feed off her while Bo watches. But then something very disturbing happens, Bo stands up as if a force is moving within her, she speaks in an otherworldly voice and sucks out the “chi” – the life essence that is so very important to the succubi – out of every member of the Lich’s entourage, which greatly weakens him and instantly heals Bo. As she comes to with Lauren by her side to unchain her, they are both shocked by her new level of power, but since there is no time to think about those ramifications, Bo rushes to Christoph’s side to return his chi to him.

Once that is complete, Bo forces the Lich – who is now virtually incapacitated because his entourage (except for Christoph, of course) is gone for good – to provide details on the nail by denying him any kind of sustenance. Before he dies for good, he reveals that Nadia was actually cursed; the nail is an African shaman’s cursing nail. He states there is a piece of wood with Nadia’s name on it. They need to find that piece of wood, remove the name and Nadia should wake up.

Back at Bo’s apartment, the partying that Kenzi and Tori have been doing has had an ill-effect on Tori and she throws up on Hale, who has tracked them down (thanks to Dyson). Soon enough, Kenzi gives Tori a cup of coffee, which would typically be a good thing; but they quickly realize it’s not a good thing for Tori. It turns out that she is allergic to coffee and she falls over – apparently – dead. As Hale and Kenzi contemplate their bleak futures, they try to determine where they can go that no one will find them because once The Glave learns what they did to Tori they are dead meat. But rather than admit defeat, Hale races inside Trick’s body with Tori’s body in the hope that Trick or someone there can help. Dyson shows up, takes Tori’s pulse and hits her full on in the chest. That one startling movement kick starts Tori’s second heart – yes, she has two – and she is brought back to live. Later, Hale and Tori agree to keep the past 12 hours just between them, but she does ask to “purchase” Kenzi. And while Hale is briefly tempted – much to Kenzi’s concern, he refuses.

The reunion between Donovan and Christoph is touching and while they could have as little as three days to save their final goodbyes before the Lich’s power is fully gone, Donovan is more than grateful to Bo (and Dyson and Trick) for that little bit of time that he didn’t get to have when Christoph was killed in an accident car crash.

In the final scene, Bo is once again snuck into The Ash’s compound in a body bag so that she and Lauren can talk about their new lead on the nail and Nadia’s possible future. But Lauren surprises Bo (and the audience) by kissing her passionately as the scene goes stark white.

Death Doesn’t Become Her” is the eighth episode of the second season of Lost Girl. Another new episode of Lost Girl will air on the Canadian channel Showcase at 9 PM tonight Sunday, November 20.

What are your thoughts on this episode? Were you disturbed by the cheeno and the Lich? Did you feel sorry for Donovan (and in essence for Trick given the reveal that he had a wife)? Were you surprised that Hale could be tricked so easily by Tori and Kenzi? And how about that whole new level of power exuded by Bo; where did that come from? Please share your thoughts about this episode in the comments section below.

Using her favorite online handle, Rueben is an East Coast-bred gal who is now a permanent Californian and a lifelong tv-oholic. She watches at least 25 TV shows a week, goes to the movies as often as possible, listens to music every waking moment, reads every day and “plays” on the internet every chance she can. Some of her current favorite TV shows are Outlander, Sweet Magnolias, Wednesday, The Mandalorian, The Equalizer, Fire Country, Matlock, Miss Scarlet, Hudson & Rex, SkyMed, The Rookie, Bridgerton, Virgin River, The Witcher, Leverage: Redemption and School Spirits. She is looking forward to new episodes of Reacher and 1923; the finale episodes of Cobra Kai and the debuts of the new dramas The Hunting Party and Suits LA. Follow her on Bluesky or contact her at Please also check out Rueben's Ramblings website for even more entertainment news.