What Halloween Means to This NiceGirl
I am, more likely than not, in the minority when I say that I am not a fan of Halloween. Never really have been into the whole “holiday” and to be quite honest, I don’t see it as a “holiday” – I don’t even really see it as a day to be celebrated.
Clearly, like I said, I’m in the minority when you look at the plans made by many of the TV networks with their 13- or 30-days of Halloween, encompassing programming meant to thrill, scare or terrify their viewers.
You can also see it in the stores where Halloween decorations, costumes and candy (the only thing I like about Halloween – sorry, I’m a choco-holic!) reign supreme and haunted houses pop up all over the place not to mention pumpkin patches galore, corn mazes and freak shows abound at amusements parks and other local attractions. And, of course, you can’t escape it at the movie theatres either where the studios seem to thrive on releasing movie after movie that, simply put, scares the pants of movie goers.
Now this is all well and good for the folks who thrive on having fun on Halloween, the kids who love to trick or treat and the folks who seem to live to scare their neighbors with elaborate decorations; but for the minority, like me, I’d rather avoid all the creepy “stuff” and patiently hold out until all the madness dies down.

The Good Witch's Family
Maybe the only good thing that Halloween holds for someone like me (well besides chocolate, that is!) – who doesn’t get into the celebration aspect of the “holiday” – are the occasional fun Halloween-inspired TV episodes of my favorite one-hour dramas or some of the made-for-TV movies that will be airing very soon.
Case in point is the next installment of The Good Witch movies from the Hallmark Channel – “The Good Witch’s Family” which will debut next Saturday at 9 PM. Granted, Hallmark is known for their family-friendly films and programming; but for a lightweight like me (sorry, I just can’t handle the blood and gore that is usually associated with Halloween), this is just what I can handle. It also helps that I have been a fan of Catherine Bell since her introduction on JAG way back in 1996.
But what I’d love to know is what do our readers like best (or least) about Halloween? Do you have kids and enjoy seeing them dress up to go trick or treat? Do you have a love affair with decorating your house or holding the best Halloween party in town? Or, would you rather avoid the “holiday” (like me) and hold on until the bumpy ride is over? Please share your Halloween customs below.

Evil Minion by Debi Winger
Artist Spotlight: This month’s artist’s spotlight is on Debi Winger, who started drawing at a very young age; that soon become her favorite pastime activity. Debi would go through paper like water, and fortunately, her mother happily indulged her, buying her pad after pad after pad.
Saturday morning cartoons were her first inspirations: Hanna Barbera, Bugs Bunny, Popeye, Josie & the Pussy Cats, “basically any old school cartoon,” Debi shares. And, she wouldn’t just sit and watch, she would jump out of bed, grab her pad and pen, sitting in front of the TV until noon drawing the characters she saw on the screen and soon making her own.
Debi always loved art in grade school and high school. Early on her love of art lead her to various projects in school such as designing t-shirts for the swim team, making holiday cards, illustrating the school newspaper, designing banners and much more. Outside of school, she honed her skills by illustrating advertisements for her mother’s salon, making greeting cards for a local gift shop and doing various drawings for townspeople.
Over the years, she had to put project and the pursuit of her illustrating on the back burner, but she never left it completely. As Debi shares, “how can you leave something you truly love?” She proudly states that she still goes through pad, after, pad, after pad while watching TV.
But now she no longer puts her love of art on the back burner thanks to the support of her loving family. She is busy drawing, painting on canvas and participating in various art shows. She illustrates an on-line comic book, sells on Etsy and does face and body painting on a regular basis. Her future goal is to complete illustrating a children’s book.
Some of her favorite artists and inspirations are Gary Larson, Bill Watterson, Tim Burton, Dr. Seuss and Mad Magazine’s Sergio Aragones. When she was very young and would buy Mad magazine, the first thing she would do was search for his little mini drawings all in the corners of the pages; so when she had the opportunity to meet and speak with Sergio at Comic-Con, that was a big thrill for her.
Her featured piece “Evil Minion” was inspired by her love of classic films such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz, which, of course, is the inspiration behind her spotlight piece. As Debi explains, “He’s a rather young monkey, but clearly (he) has an attitude already even when surrounded in a nest of pretty poppies. He doesn’t have his little vest yet, just his evil little hat…maybe that’s what is making him a little upset?” This piece was done in water colors and pen.
What makes her happy, besides her husband and four dogs, is simply sitting and drawing all the ideas and characters that come to her mind. You can find her handiwork at her Facebook page and you can contact her via email at d.doodles@gmail.com.
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