Revenge Recap: Duplicity
This week on Revenge Emily got very creative.
Dr. Michelle Banks is Emily’s therapist; turns out she was also the conniving doctor to young Amanda Clark, and she made a deal with the devil. You know what happens when you make a deal with the devil? Eventually, you get burned…
Tyler is also quite schemey this week. He ruins Emily’s dinner-date with Daniel by hiding Daniel’s phone and telling him Emily cancelled on him. When Daniel goes by Emily’s house later that night he finds her eating with Jack (who stopped by to thank her for bringing Sammy back). After thinking she got stood-up, Emily invited her surprise house guest in to share in the meal. Upset about what he saw, Daniel allows himself to succumb to Tyler’s peer –pressure (seriously, dude, you are way too old for this) and gets super drunk. He makes an ass of himself at Jack’s bar and returns home to his bitter mother. Tyler is clearly trying to break Daniel and Emily up so that he can have his party-going friend back, but I have a feeling his plan may not work out.
The biggest shock was that Tyler was completely sober when he arrived back home, but he had been taking shots with Daniel all night. Does he have a magic liver? Did he fake actually throwing down those shots? Is he a wizard? I guess we’ll find out soon, either way I don’t like him.
Jack and Declan find their mother’s old engagement ring and Declan wants to sell it. Unfortunately, Charlotte tells him it’s fake. At least he appears to be winning her over, good choice Charlotte. In other news, Jack is not going to sell the Stowaway. He’s hoping something will happen this summer to keep him around.
Victoria’s husband is still sleeping with Lydia. He’s an asshole and we hate him. “We” meaning everyone in the world. Have I mentioned he’s an asshole? Well…he is.
At the Grayson residence Victoria is throwing a mother-daughter tea with Dr. Banks to raise money for charity. At the tea Emily pulls out her magician ways and rigs the DVD so that Dr. Banks’ recorded sessions appear on tape. Many a secret is revealed, including one of Emily’s (so clever). Unfortunately for Charlotte, Victoria is caught on tape saying that she doesn’t feel connected with her daughter and sometimes wonders if she should have had only one child. HUGE BUMMER. Charlotte runs out the party upset and rightfully so. Victoria then threatens to “destroy” Dr. Banks and banishes her like she does with everyone else. Apparently, banishment is a solution to many problems.
Dr. Banks then goes missing, her office ransacked. The police come to question Victoria, who was last seen threatening the woman in public. However, Victoria explains to the po-po that she didn’t threaten to hurt her, only to banish her. Obviously that’s a good answer…? Frank the security guy who works for the Grayson’s sends them away and tells her he’ll take care of it.
Where is Dr. Banks? Remember when I said she made a deal with the devil, well the devil is Victoria Grayson. Victoria convinced Dr. Banks to keep young Amanda in isolation and never allow her to see her father. She wanted her to convince Amanda that her father was an evil man who hurt many people. Somehow, Emily has video footage of her old sessions from childhood, and they are really really sad.
For her revenge, Emily has her locked up in a storage unit where no one can hear her cries. Eventually, an anonymous tip is called into the police leading them to Dr. Banks’ location. Her career has been destroyed and she was kidnapped and locked-up just like little Amanda, well played Emily Thorne.
In the end Frank tells Victoria that the storage unit that Dr. Banks was found in belongs to Grayson Global. Uh oh.
What did you think of this weeks episode? Do you think Tyler will break up Emily and Daniel? Will Victoria get blamed for kid-napping the doctor? Will Declan and Charlotte be more adorable next week?
Let us know in the comments below!