THE SECRET CIRCLE: “Heather” Reveals Glimpse of the Past
In this week’s new episode of The Secret Circle, Cassie and Adam find “Heather“, a woman who was a close friend of her mother’s, and who was there the night of the fire that killed many members of that coven. What they discover is much more than they bargained for though, and things quickly become quite deadly.
Heather lives with her brother in a nearby town and when Cassie and Adam go to try talking to her, they find her in a comatose state, but there is a strange symbol carved into her wrist. The brother tells them that she has been that way since the fire 16 years ago. Heather suddenly wakes up briefly, grabs at Cassie, then falls back into her coma again. As Cassie and Adam leave, she says that she must find a way to reverse what her mother did to Heather.
Back at Cassie’s house, she invites Adam into her room where she shows him the book she found. He is surprised because the only other member of the coven that has a book is Diana. Adam tells Cassie that each family had a book like hers but not all of them have found theirs. Each book is also different, indicative of the family it belongs to. As they are looking through the book they find the symbol that was on Heather’s arm and the spell that goes with it. It’s a suppression spell. Amelia also included the spell and potion to undo the suppression and she wants to try it on Heather.
As Adam and Cassie prepare the potion, Cassie has to give a few drops of her blood. As Adam is bandaging her finger, Diana walks in. They tell her what they are planning and Dinaa is vehemently opposed to it and won’t allow Adam to go back to the house with Cassie. At first, it appears that Diana is acting our of jealousy, but we find out later in the episode that she actually knew more about why Heather was being suppressed than she would say.
Faye offers to go with Cassie but only if Cassie let’s her see her book. The girls wait for Wade to leave and then sneak into the house and Cassie applies the potion to Heather’s arm. They say an incantation, but nothing seems to work. They scamper away when they hear Wade come back home. As he goes to check on Heather, suddenly something breaks loose from the symbol and works its way up toward Heather’s head. She goes bursurk and throws Wade against the wall, sounding like Linda Blair in “The Exorcist”.
Meanwhile, Diana tells Adam that she recognizes the symbol from her book and shows him. It’s dark magic meant to suppress whatever possessed Heather. Adam tells Diana that Cassie didn’t have that information in her book and tries to get Cassie on her cell phone, but Faye answers instead.
At Cassie’s house, she goes down to get some beverages for herself and Faye, but she finds the front door open. Heather is there and begins talking crazy, wanting Amelia and saying over and over that “it hurts”. Whatever Amelia did to Heather, it made some horrible pain go away. She’s scratching at her arm where the symbol used to be and is very agitated. In her ramblings, Heather tells Cassie that she tried to help Amelia get away with baby Cassie the night of the fire. She said Amelia was trying to stop the fire and protect them all, but then Heather “felt it inside of her.” Heather mentions something about when the Circle gathers, evil is always there too. Then she is thrown to the floor and starts twisting around again. As Cassie tries to help her, she attacks Cassie. Then she hears Faye upstairs and runs after her as well.
Faye is fighting for her life and trying to get Cassie’s bedroom window open to escape. Melissa and Nick are there in his room and Faye finally catches Melissa’s attention. They go flying over to Cassie’ house and Adam and Diana arrive at the same time. Cassie pulls Heather off of Faye and Heather runs out into the street, getting hit by a car. As she dies, a snake crawls out of her and slithers into Nick’s jacket.
Adam helps Cassie clean up her house and they both agree that they need to find out what happened 16 years ago. They realize there is something much bigger and badder out there, but they need to find more information.
In the final scene, we see the snake crawl into Melissa’s ear while she sleeps.
So now we know that Amelia was not evil and that she was trying to keep the demon living inside of Heather dormant. Why she didn’t just try getting rid of it I’m sure we’ll find out in upcoming episodes. Perhaps she wasn’t strong enough. Perhaps the thing was summoned by one of the other coven members. What ever it was, it was too big for that Circle to handle, just like it is with Cassie’s Circle. They are going to need help and I can’t help but wonder, if they all found their books and put them together, they’d learn a lot more about what it is they’re dealing with.
Also, what does Charlie and Dawn know and why are they hiding what happened the night of the fire? And what is it they want the Circle to do for them?
And finally, can anyone tell me why only six kids were needed to form a complete Circle, but when their parents made up their coven, there were certainly more than six members.