NEW GIRL: “Moving On” from Mr. Crabs
On the new episode of New Girl, Jess and the boys have a new roomie, Winston (Lamorne Morris). Jess welcomes him into their home by bringing him breakfast and breaking into a Jess song. Later, as she;s playing around with a basketball, she throws it to Schmidt who misses and hits the TV, shattering it. When Jess tells the boys that she has a TV but it’s still at Spencer’s place. The boys try to convince her to finally go and get her ‘stuff’ from Spencer – including a TV – and make a clean break with him once and for all, and they proceed to prep her for that meeting.
Spencer and Jess meet in the park so she can convince Spencer to give her all of her things back. Perfect use of Blind Melon’s “No Rain” as Jess waits on the park bench. Instead of getting her stuff back, Spence gets Jess to drive Rochelle to the airport and she’s in tears the whole way. She was so strong when she demanded her belongings from Spencer and she’s reduced to this. It was sad.
Jess goes to the pawn shop still trying to replace the broken TV, but bombs there. Tries to walk out with a giant TV that’s bigger than she is in a typical desperate Jess move.
Jess goes home and tells the guys that Spencer got the best of her and that he expects her to pick Rochelle up from the airport when she returns. Ladies, there really are guys like this out there, I’m just saying. The boys tell her that Spencer is her “Kryptonite” and give her another pep talk but she won’t go without them.
They all drive to Spencer’s house but she can’t go in and ends up driving around the block – many times. On the notes of Vanessa Williams’ “Save the Best for Last”, Jess finally gets the nerve to go up to the door. Spencer starts to hug her and tell her that he misses her (user loser!). Spotting a plant that wasn’t watered when she left, Jess finally goes bonkers and storms into the house, returning with all her stuff – and the tv – which she drops.
As she finally has the nerve to stand up to Spencer, the guys all come to her support, (Schmidt actually slaps Spencer!), and Jess can finally let go of Spencer. And they have a TV.
The episode ends with Nick taping up Jess’s TV which kind of works but only for watching DVDs. The boys all leave after hearing Jess’s List of Heartwarming Films: Adventures in Babysitting, Curly Sue, Newsies, and Prancer.
Schmidt opts to remain home with Jess.