Molly Tarlov from MTV’s “Awkward”: Not the Meanest Bee-atch on the Block
I spoke with Molly Tarlov, who plays mean-girl Sadie on MTV’s breakout hit Awkward. Sadie is a controlling bee-atch cheerleader who hates on everyone, imposing her “wise words” upon them and finishing up all of her mean advice with “your welcome” as if she’s doing this to better the school community. Pretty much everyone at school doesn’t like her, or fears her, or both. In the past few episodes we’ve seen Sadie try to control everything and everyone around her, leading her best friend to call her a bitch, blame her for her breakup, and leave her stranded outside the winter formal. Perhaps Sadie’s world will change a little next season…?
Unlike Sadie, Molly is a sweet girl from NYC. She moved out to LA to make it in the acting scene, and has found success so early in her career! Here’s what she had to say.
What made you want to become an actress?
I kind of feel like I had no choice, I mean, I would be a really terrible waiter. I feel like I can’t image doing anything else.
What drew you to play Sadie on Awkward?
I think that she’s written so well, and it’s awesome that I get to play the mean girl and there are so many dimensions to her and she’s hilarious. Plus, she’s a cheerleader and I wanted to wear that cheerleading outfit.
Sadie is hilarious, I love the way she controls everything around her. Does she remind you of any girls from when you were in high school? Perhaps channeling an old nemesis?
You know, I’m really not. I never knew anyone like Sadie in my life. Basically, I think that the way that I have found her is I go to the bottom and depth of her soul and go to her human behavior. And I take that and think it’s where she gets how she’s so mean. A lot of the stuff she says is funny though…
We did get to see a softer side to Sadie in “Queen-Bee-atches,” do you think we’ll see more of that Sadie in the near future? Especially the interesting relationship she has with her mother…
I really hope we will. I really love that scene; it was one of the scenes from my screen test to play Sadie. It was a year later when we directed that episode and it was amazing. And I think that we definitely will see more to her softer side. Every character has many sides to them and they get to portray them on the show.
How do you think Sadie will react to the Jenna-Matty relationship?
I would have to say that Sadie would be none too pleased. She was partially happy that Jake kissed Jenna, because then that eliminates her from Matty. She may even call her a “skitch,” perhaps. I think Sadie would freak out, I want her to get over Matty, they’re friends.
What’s it like being back in high school?
It’s cool because I didn’t go to a normal high school. I grew up in the city and went to a small school. We didn’t have cheerleaders or anything like it is on the show. I grew up in NYC so it’s really fun to do because I always had a little obsession with the suburban high school. I’m glad to be back doing it and have no homework.
What’s your favorite part about working on a show and being on set?
It’s pretty crazy that I get to be on a show. It’s literally a dream come true for me. I love acting and I get to do it on a daily basis with a lot of people who are passionate and are great writers. I get paid to go and have amazing fun playtime with some of my best friends. The cast is very close. I know people say that, but we actually are.
Do you hope to make a career in television, or would you like to transition to films one day?
I love TV, especially right now. In these times it’s nice for people to watch TV and good TV is so important. I would like to be in movies while we’re on hiatus. I’ve never been in a movie. I’m also writing some webisodes that I’m going to make with my friends. Sticking my toe into some writing right now. Directing scares me; it’s so much pressure but maybe one day in the far-off future.
You’re now on a hit MTV show, how has your life changed by the overwhelming support and popularity that Awkward has come to receive?
100% and it’s so crazy. I can’t even believe that people recognize me. I can’t believe people recognize me without me scowling, which I don’t do. I can’t believe so many people watch the show. Even middle-aged men will come up to me on the street and tell me that they love the show!
The webisodes Molly mentioned will be a vignette series. For more information about them and all things Molly check out her twitter. @MollyTarlov