THE SECRET CIRCLE: Recap for “Bound”
It’s finally happened. The Circle is now “Bound” and their powers should be more controlled. Faye’s not happy about it, but hey, she can’t have it all as much as she’d like to. Last night’s episode of The Secret Circle provided edge-of-your-seat excitement and revealed some things we needed to know. I like how after only two episodes, things are being explained to us, at least enough to keep us satisfied and not overdosing on unanswered questions.
Cassie seems to be getting more used to the fact that she’s a witch, and she begins to practice using her powers. However, she misfires several times and it’s clear that she has no control. Adam tries to help her but that turns out disastrous too. Yet, she continues to resist Adam and Diana when they try to convince her to join their coven. Faye is against the binding ceremony and tries to influence Cassie to refuse, but Cassie’s not having anything to do with Faye either. Instead, she is happy to do something normal, like helping a new friend sell tickets at a dock-side event. I like this independent Cassie!
Diana admits to Adam that she is insecure and doesn’t know what she’s doing in trying to lead the coven. She’s also concerned about her relationship with Adam, thanks to Faye’s dropping bad seeds into her brain. Adam reassuresher that she has nothing to worry about, but is that entirely true? I think not.
Melissa and Nick have slept together now, and Nick proves to be the ultimate jerk by treating her like a slut. Would it be wrong of me to want to see something really bad happen to that guy? I felt so bad for Melissa, especially when later, at the dock party, she watches as Nick and Faye take some kind of potion that does I don’t know what, and then they dance together. Nick is a pig.
Faye hasn’t learned her lesson yet and tries to provoke Cassie into doing magic with her. When Cassie’s new friend interrupts and then stands up to Faye, Faye sends her flying through the railings onto the rocks below, killing her instantly. Horrified and completely undone, Faye finally agrees that binding the Circle is a must.
Dawn’s father-in-law, Henry, pays a visit thanks to a call made by Ethan who tells Henry all that’s been going on in Chance Harbor, including how Charlie threatened him and almost kills him. Henry is surprised and talks about how his Circle stripped away all powers from Ethan’s Circle, because of the terrible accident that happened. Henry also figures out that Dawn and Charlie are the ones who encouraged the kids to create the new Circle, which was never to have happened. As Henry walks around the dock party, he witnesses Faye and Melissa using magic while playing a game. When he confronts Dawn about it, she denies knowing anything about the new Circle, but she later meets with Charlie and tells him that he has gotten careless. She demands that he give her a crystal that somehow enhances the powers of the person possessing it.
Dawn is on hand when Faye kills the girl, and uses the crystal to bring her back to life. How scary is this crystal?! Later, Henry demands the crystal from Dawn, saying that he is going to take it back to the others in authority (I’m assuming the that’s his Circle) and tell them what’s been going on. Using the crystal, Dawn gives him a heart attack. It appears he is dead, but later, when Faye comes home, she tells her that her Granddad has been called home urgently. The body count is rising between Charlie and Dawn. And isn’t Jane, Cassie’s grandmother, a part of that elder Circle with Henry? Hmm…
The episode ends with the Circle performing the binding ceremony. Now, they are all connected to each other and cannot use their powers without being together. This ensures that no one person has more power than the other. It will be interesting to see how Faye handles this in the coming weeks.
What did you all think of last night’s episode?