THE SECRET CIRCLE: Development of Powers
The Secret Circle is one of our favorite new shows of the fall season and we’ve only seen the pilot episode, so far. However, I think it will be interesting to see how the Circle’s powers develop as the show progresses. Will these powers change from person to person? We haven’t seen whether or not each individual Circle member has a strength that they are “known for”. There are questions that we already have, and since we don’t want to pull Kevin Williamson away from The Secret Circle or The Vampire Diaries just yet, we’re going to list them here and see if we can follow these powers as the season unfolds.
What powers have we seen?
So far, we’ve seen Charlie create plumbing problems just by dumping a bottle of water on the road. We’ve also seen him start fires by lighting matches and fill up Ethan’s lungs with water to simulate drowning. Does this mean his strength is in controlling fire and water?
Faye walked out onto a pier, putting out the lights on the boats she passed, then calling down the mother of all thunder storms, which included some nasty lightening strikes. Her strength could be controlling the elements of the air, but she too started a fire in Cassie’s car.
Adam was able to put out the fire and then show Cassie how to lift a drop of water off of a leaf. Nick opened Cassie’s curtains in her bedroom.
We haven’t seen anything else from the other Circle members yet, nor have we seen what Cassie’s grandmother, Jane, or Faye’s mother, Dawn, can do, though we know they are also witches. And can Ethan do anything but drink and read the stars?
Then there’s Cassie, herself. She started out as a non-believer until Adam helped her lift those water drops. Then she calmed the storm that was created by Faye. The others in the Circle have had time to read their family journals and learn how to practice spells. Cassie is a newbie but she showed great ability very soon after she finds out she’s a witch.
Control, Control, You Must Learn Control!
It was clear from the opening scene that Charlie has complete control over his power, and we can assume that the other adults do as well. Among the Circle, however, we’ve seen a decided lack, which is why Diana wants to perform the binding spell. I don’t know what this binding spell is all about yet, but we know it is needed to keep the Circle’s powers in check, now that Cassie is there to complete the complete circle of six. Faye thinks she doesn’t need this control but when she calls down the thunder storm, she cannot stop it.
Adam tells Diana that he and Cassie did magic together, but that he “lost control”.
When Diana tells Cassie about a terrible accident that happened with the last Circle, she thinks that something “went horribly wrong” and people were killed. Obviously there was a lack of control, even among the adults.
Unlimited Power?
How far will the Circle be able to go with their powers? Diana tells Cassie they would be able to do great things with their power, but they need to learn to control it. What kind of great things? I’m thinking this goes beyond securing an A on a test. Charlie has shown that he is very deadly with his powers but is he limited? Is he stoppable?
Since Faye has discovered that she can do more things with Cassie as part of their Circle, will she become more power-hungry or has she already seen that without the binding spell, ciaos ensues? The idea that “we can do anything we want” seemed to feed her like a drug.
Working Together or Better Apart?
It will be interesting to see how the Circle will perform after the binding spell. Do their powers compliment each other? Adam was able to lift more than one water drop when his energy was combined with Cassie’s. Faye told Diana that the fire in the car became out of control when her energy combined with Cassie’s. Then again, Cassie was able to calm the storm alone. So does that mean she is more powerful than any of the others in the Circle? Does she need another’s energy or will she be able to tap into her own power, without aid. Her mother’s letter specifically told Cassie that she had “great power inside her”.
As The Secret Circle rolls through the rest of the season, we will be watching to see how these powers will grow and change in each Circle member, as well as among the parents.