
Lost Girl Recap: “I Fought the Fae and the Fae Won”

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Vodka, a pint of triple fudge swirl ice cream and a large animal tranq dart: that is the way Kenzi rolls when preparing to deal with Bo as she comes down off her break up with Dyson; and Hale is her somewhat unwilling accomplice in this effort – what Kenzi calls “sidekick solidarity”. Surprisingly, Bo is found in red lingerie seated in a swing in her room, seemingly happy, but Kenzi and Hale both doubt her over-compensating bliss with Kenzi stating, “Danger, danger; she’s lost her shit” before asking Hale to leave the room for a girl chat.

Bo tells Kenzi she realizes that Dyson risked everything for her by going to the Norn, showing that he does love her, stressing that she is not letting that go without a fight and telling Kenzi that she will go back to square one with Dyson. “So your big plan is to woo him,” Kenzi asks with Bo agreeing that is her plan.

Meanwhile, a van pulls up to a car inside a secluded alleyway with the driver removing someone wearing handcuffs and a hood over their head. As a transfer takes place, the prisoner, a young woman, makes a break for it with both the van driver and the chauffer in hot pursuit. The woman suddenly stops as if she is giving up, but she quickly turns on her pursuers, hitting them with what appears to be porcupine quills, knocking them down immediately; and off she goes to presumed freedom. Hale and Dyson are quickly brought into the search, meeting up with the van driver in the alleyway to discuss the prisoner’s escape route. The driver then shares that the young woman has been in prison for the past 80 years with Dyson and Hale soon learning the truth behind her release.

Bo at the Gala

Back at the bar, while Bo and Kenzi are questioning Trick about the Norn, a group of well-dressed men walk into the bar (no, this is not the start of a silly joke) with the Light Fae patrons bowing to the lead man, who is soon introduced as the Black Thorn, an emissary from the old country who is there by order of the council to announce that the “Selection Games” will be held in two days’ time to name a successor to The Ash. As the revelry starts at the bar, Bo contacts Lauren (we finally learn she is Dr. Lewis – we never knew her last name until now!) to advise her of the Selection Games, which really seems to upset her, as she looks overly concerned, grasping a necklace that she wears.

Hale then proceeds to explain to Bo and Kenzi that “it’s not like we chose a new government every day” so that means the Selection Games are very sacred. Part of the ritual is a gala and a stag hunt. He also explains about the names used by those in power within the Fae world; the Dark Fae use titles from their warriors while the Light Fae use names from their sacred trees. But, Bo soon pulls Kenzi out of the bar and back to their apartment as she doesn’t want to get involved in Fae politics because that went so badly for her biological mother Aife.

Soon enough the prisoner from the alleyway makes an unexpected appearance in their apartment, begging for Bo’s help because she is actually the stag. The young woman explains that her love for a member of the Dark Fae is what put her into prison with several flashbacks showing the events that took place leading to her incarceration; it is against their laws for Light and Dark Fae to be romantically involved. Just before some of the men working for the Black Thorn as well as Dyson show up to take the prisoner away, she tells Bo that she is not afraid to die, but she needs to know her old love – Haymish – is still alive. As she is led away by Dyson – to be taken to The Ash’s compound for safekeeping until the start of the Selection Games – she tells Bo her name is Sabine. Bo also tells Dyson that they need to talk about their last conversation regarding what the Norn did to them with Dyson begrudgingly agreeing to talk but “not right now”.

Bo then visits the Black Thorn at The Ash’s compound, disagreeing with him about what they call ritual and what she sees as basically barbaric, letting him know that she will be helping Sabine get her dying wish to find Haymish. He, in turn, gives her a dress and invites her and, of all things, Trick to be his guests at the Selection Games.

Kenzi and Bo then join up to track down Haymish who they find living in a seedy part of town. He tells them in no uncertain terms that he doesn’t want to see Sabine; but when Bo tells him that she is the stag, causing him to vanish and reappear before their eyes, slamming the door in their face. While Kenzi tries to convince Bo not to get more involved, Bo tells her they are going to save Sabine without getting caught with Kenzi saying, “why can’t I quit you?”

Bo then sets out to learn as much as she can about the Selection Games from Trick in order to find a way to save Sabine; but in order to do so, they will need someone from a noble family to use their “cunning and skill” at the gala to garner enough votes in order to advance to the hunt. Much to her (and Kenzi’s) surprise, it is revealed that Hale comes from a noble family. They beg and plead for him to enter his name into the political realm of the Fae world and he begrudgingly consents.

As the team (sans Kenzi, as no humans are allowed) descend on The Ash’s compound for the gala, Hale uses his siren power in order to gain votes, Bo uses her succubus power to incapacitate Hale’s competition except for one nobleman while Dyson provides protection. Hale succeeds in getting the votes, Dyson protects Hale from being knocked out of contention and Bo is able to subdue all but one of the male contenders.

The Ash (The New One)

During the gala, Sabine is elaborately dressed, sitting on a dais as all of the Fae in attendance kiss her hand in salute of her impending sacrifice; and Dyson does his best to avoid Bo because he doesn’t know what to say to her while Trick berates him for avoiding her. Bo takes a moment to greet Sabine, letting her know that she found Haymish (and that he doesn’t want to see her) and also tells Sabine about their plan to help her get away without the Black Thorn learning the truth. Then, one of the wait staff drops a tray of drinks, causing Bo to turn, catching a glimpse of a nearly invisible Haymish, who was there to take one last look at Sabine before the hunt. She tracks him down within the compound, chastising him for not taking a stand to protect the woman he claims to love.

The time arrives for the three final competitors – Hale, the nobleman who was able to withstand Bo’s kiss and a noble woman – to be told the rules of the hunt. As each of the competitors race through the forest to track down Sabine, Dyson, Bo and Kenzi all set out to help her reach a sacred bell that she has to ring in order to ensure her freedom; but the nobleman shoots her down with an arrow before she can reach the bell, making him the new Ash (and he proclaims to Bo that she won’t be able to do whatever she wants any longer – ah, oh!).

Unbeknownst to the Black Thorn and his team, an invisible Haymish twisted Sabine out of the way so the arrow couldn’t pierce her heart, hitting her in the shoulder instead. Dyson claims to the Black Thorn and his men that Sabine is dead (it’s, of course, a ruse) and that they would like to give her a proper burial, allowing Lauren to show up to use a special serum to bring Sabine back from the poison coursing through her body because of the arrow in her shoulder; and reuniting her with Haymish.

Later, Dyson shows up at Bo and Kenzi’s place for his talk with Bo, quickly realizing that she is determined to keep their relationship going in spite of what the Norn took from him; but before she can use her succubus power on him (bad idea Bo!) he forcefully tells her they are done and that she needs to move on because he has. She then confides to Kenzi that she will have to pretend that she can just be friends with him, “You’ll lie to keep him,” Kenzi questions; “Damn right,” answers Bo.

I Fought the Fae and the Fae Won is the second episode of the second season of Lost Girl. The next new episode will air in Canada on Sunday night (September 18) on Showcase at 9 PM.

What did you think of the episode? Were you troubled by the ritual of the stag hunt? Do you wonder what the importance is of the necklace worn by Lauren? Were you pleased to see Sabine and Haymish reunited; but stunned by how harsh Dyson was with Bo, telling her to move on? Do you wonder if the Black Thorn will be back to create more trouble? What about the nobleman who is now The Ash; will he make good on his promise to Bo? What do you think will happen next? Please share your thoughts below.

Using her favorite online handle, Rueben is an East Coast-bred gal who is now a permanent Californian and a lifelong tv-oholic. She watches at least 25 TV shows a week, goes to the movies as often as possible, listens to music every waking moment, reads every day and “plays” on the internet every chance she can. Some of her current favorite TV shows are Outlander, Sweet Magnolias, Wednesday, The Mandalorian, The Equalizer, Fire Country, Matlock, Miss Scarlet, Hudson & Rex, SkyMed, The Rookie, Bridgerton, Virgin River, The Witcher, Leverage: Redemption and School Spirits. She is looking forward to new episodes of Reacher and 1923; the finale episodes of Cobra Kai and the debuts of the new dramas The Hunting Party and Suits LA. Follow her on Bluesky or contact her at Please also check out Rueben's Ramblings website for even more entertainment news.