NECESSARY ROUGHNESS: Terrell Owens & Marc Blucas Talk Finale
I was recently lucky enough to be apart of a round-table interview with Marc Blucas from Necessary Roughness and Terrell Owens, who will be guest starring on tonight’s season finale on USA Network.
In this episode as the Hawks head into playoffs, Dani (Callie Thorne) takes an unexpected new client, and Matt (Marc Blucas) and Dani must address the relationship. As well, TK (Mehcad Brooks) must face his biggest rival, played by guest star Terrell Owens.
Both Marc and TO were wonderful to interview, they were open and easygoing and I’m extremely excited to see this finale episode! Here’s what they had to say:
Terrell, what sparked your acting bug?
Terrell Owens: Well, I’ve done a few things throughout my career playing football, so I’ve done a lot of cameos here and there, and as of lately, I’ve done a lot of acting. I did a comedy last year called Dysfunction Friends that’s hopefully going to be hitting the theaters this fall, just did, obviously, Necessary Roughness, did an episode on Single Ladies, just taped another little episode on Good Christian Belles (aka G.C.B.) that’s going to be on ABC sometime in the fall. I’ve just had a lot of people that have told me that I was very comfortable in front of the camera. A lot of people have kind of hinted on me doing commentating, broadcasting, things of that nature, but I have a lot of friends that are in the industry, a new friend in Marc Blucas who I’ve known for a while, and Mehcad Brooks. And I’ve had, I mean, a great cast of people that I’ve worked with along the way, so I’m very fortunate and thankful to USA and everybody that brought me aboard to play and participate with this role of Necessary Roughness.
Marc, what was it about this particular role and this show that brought you back to television?
Marc Blucas: You know, so many times actors are so drawn to the character that’s so opposite of them. We want to play roles that have nothing to do with ourselves so we can create a character that’s so unique and so different than what we’re used to doing in our daily lives. But to be honest with you, in this particular case, obviously I was not near an athlete to the caliber of (unintelligible) stature, but it’s just so nice for me having been a college athlete and been around the world of sports for so long, to play a character that that was his career, that was his passion. So, much like T there, he says he’s transitioning into maybe doing this a little more, and you know I was kind of the JV version of that.
Terrell, since this is such a dynamic rivalry between The Minefield and TK, in what ways did you relate to both characters?
Terrell Owens: Well, I’ve been where TK is with this character, so I can definitely understand what he’s going through. But then at the same time, I’ve gone against, you know, The Minefield before, so I kind of know the disposition, the mindset of a DB like that that he’s going against. So again, I was definitely totally opposite of someone that I would play. But again, me being around, you know, football and me understanding the mindset of a defensive back, it wasn’t too hard for me to transition into, but I just really just listened to the director and as far as the direction that they wanted me to take the character to. And at the same time, I kind of just took upon that character of myself – with myself and I just tried to make the best of it.
How true to life do you find the show from what you know of it so far, as far as the football aspect; training, player interactions, and stuff like that? Do you think viewers are getting a more or less accurate glance of what pro football is behind the scenes?
Terrell Owens: Well, yeah, definitely. I think there are some definite parallels to what’s goes on in the football world and what you see on the show. And I think that’s what’s so refreshing about the show, because these are the type of things that players go through on an everyday basis that really that the outside world and the fans really don’t get to see
Terrell, what have you learned from this experience? What are you going to take away from working on Necessary Roughness?
Terrell Owens: Just talking with Mehcad and some of the casting directors, they told me to just be confident. I’m constantly asking questions as to, am I getting what they want or what they need? Everybody was very pleased with my acting skills, considering I’m trying to transition. And me being a football player and a lot of football players that have tried to do it, it doesn’t come off naturally and genuine. And considering that I haven’t taken a whole lot of acting classes, but I’m starting – I’ve signed with an agent and I need to get into a lot more acting classes to really perfect the craft and really dig deep into developing characters or what have you.
Now that you’re starting to do some acting, how do you think that your fans feel about this shift?
Terrell Owens: Well, I think it’s a great thing for myself and, for the fans alone, because again, I know that I’m going to be transitioning from football where I’m on TV, Monday, Sundays, or what have you. So, when I make this transition, whether it’s doing TV shows, movie, or what have you, they’re still going to see TO or Terrell. So, that’s definitely my dream, going from the big screen on the football field or the big screen in your TV to still – on the big screen in your living room, or going to the movies. I have a lot of confidence in myself that I can do it, it’s just a matter of me really getting the experience, being on set more, getting more roles, developing those characters, and building my portfolio. This is definitely a great stepping stone for me.
Going out on to the football field there’s a certain feeling of nervousness and excitement, is that the way that you’re feeling now about acting?
Terrell Owens: Well, I mean there is that little bit of anxiety. You get on set and you really don’t know how the cast may think of you or anything like that. So regardless of that you just want to go in and just fit right in and be comfortable and try to, take the direction of the directors and try to stay along with the storyline. You don’t want to go in when you have people that are in front of you where the continuity is there, the flow is there, and then as a backup player you go in and then the flow isn’t there. I’ve seen a few episodes and, kind of got a feel of the show, watched the pilot, listened to the directors, the producers, or what have you, and you know I just try to take The Minefield to the level of where they wanted it, and so I’m hoping that that they’re pleased.
Marc, in this last episode we saw Matt lay it out for Dani basically saying, “Hey, I’m here, so do something about it.” But, if she doesn’t I’m guessing he’s not going to stick around; is that kind of what we can expect to see play out in the Finale?
Marc Blucas: Yeah. You know, I thought that the writers did a really nice job of like – of kind of teasing that place in life in this episode that just aired. And then in the Finale, Matt really lays that on the table and just say, “Hey, look, this is where I’m at professionally. This is where I’m at personally. This is where I’m at socially. These are the things I want in my life.” And he spells it out to her and says, “Hey, look, I have an opportunity to go somewhere else,” and I’ve really tried to play Matt in a way that is very straightforward and blunt. I think that’s both strong and I think it’s vulnerable at the same time. We know exactly what makes us happy. And while you look at the end of the day, Matt and Dani only had one night together, but he sees the potential for something more and he wants to explore it. I like that he really spells it out for her in the end, and then you’ll see how she responds.
We just saw that Matt in the last episode got to meet Dani’s mother. With the idea of maybe becoming more of a presence in her life, how do you think Matt would interact with her children?
Marc Blucas: You know it’s funny because when we wrap we joke – the actors that play the kids and I, we were all hugging and saying, “It was so nice to work with you. Congratulations on your show,” because we don’t have any scenes together ever. When I worked and met with Concetta that day that was the first time Marc and Concetta met as people. It’s a different world for Matt to be into her home life. I think that Matt is a very fun, easy going guy so I look forward to the scenes that he has with them. And it’d be interesting and fun to just explore Matt being a little bit more of a disciplinarian figure – you know, disciplinary figure to those kids since they don’t have a male influence in their life. It would be interesting to see the tension and whether it’s some relief for Dani or some discomfort.
What would you say has been the memorable moment on set while working on this episode in particular?
Marc Blucas: Look, this is our last episode and it’s a good one. And it was our last episode and for us to like be winding up a season, you know, it’s that feeling that like school’s out; you’re ready for summer. And it’s always nice when you have a curve ball or a surprise thrown at you, and when Terrell signed up to do this we were all very excited about it. Not only was he perfect for the role, but it’s exciting to have an elite athlete come and join our show that has athletics as a primary story point and backdrop for us. And so, as an actor and as a football fan and as an athlete, for me to start my day in the Georgia Dome playing catch with Terrell Owens before I do my acting, like that’s a good thing for me. That’s a good thing for me.
Terrell Owens: I would say just being on set was a joy for me. You know, we aspire to actually being a part of the show. I sat down with the casting directors, the executive producers, and I didn’t really know what The Minefield character was going to be like until I actually got the script and started reading through it. So for myself, just the moment, just being around the people. I’m trying to grasp everything that I can as far as watching these guys act and perfect their craft. USA Network has given me the platform to do that, and so I’m hoping they’re pleased with what I gave them, and they can take me seriously down the road.
Necessary Roughness concludes a stellar first season tonight at 10/9c on USA Network.