Recap: Lost Girl “Something Wicked This Fae Comes”
In the season premiere of Lost Girl, Bo (Anna Silk) finds herself, along with Detective Hale (K.C. Collins) and Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) on the hunt of a Dark Fae monster, let loose by the assault on the Light Fae perpetuated by Bo’s biological mother Aife in the final episode of season one.
The Ash, the leader of the Light Fae, is in a coma and most of the Elders are dead because of this attack. Bo’s lover Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried) hasn’t been seen in three weeks and, in that time, the Dark Fae have been taking advantage, making it necessary for our merry band of musketeers to tackle these monsters without his help.
With The Ash in a coma, his bond with the land is now weakening, allowing a cursed troop of traveling circus freaks, all members of the Dark Fae – who have been damned to walk the Earth, calling nowhere their home – to take advantage of this weakness. They are attempting to steal the most precious thing of the Light Fae: their land.
With Lauren (Zoie Palmer) by The Ash’s side nearly 24/7 – because she cannot trust anyone else with his care – and Dyson missing in action, Bo, Hale and Kenzi have no choice but to track down the monsters, which leads them to the death of what is discovered to be a member of the Light Fae (who happens to works as a tow truck driver) who is flayed (eaten and skinned) by one of the Dark Fae circus freaks.
Meanwhile, Dyson is finally found and brought to Hale by – of all things – his arresting officer. It seems Dyson was letting off a lot of steam, beating up six rednecks and causing some serious damage to a roadhouse bar. This behavior is in correlation with his giving up what he thought would be his wolf side to the powerful Norn in the season finale in an effort to help Bo fight against her mother; but instead he was stripped of the very thing that meant the most to him: his feelings for Bo. He was a bit worse for the wear while being grilled by his partner about his whereabouts but he eventually got pulled into the case of the skinned tow truck driver.

Bo and Kenzi go to the Circus
Elsewhere, Bo and Kenzi pay a visit to the travelling circus where they get to see the “Flayer” himself who is seemingly caged up. Zale, the leader of the circus troop, claims the skinning was an unfortunate accident because the perpetuator inadvertently got loose, which of course was not the case at all. To cover up, Zale tries to entice Bo to join them, but she refuses; and politely warns them that The Ash will be advised, letting them off with a warning since they are “just passing through”. Before leaving the circus area, though, Bo glimpses a seemingly harmless little girl who appears and disappears quickly.
Soon enough the rest of the team learns that Dyson has returned with Bo paying him a visit. Not surprisingly, she hugs him, then punches him and then berates him for being gone for so long. But, she quickly realizes that not all is right in the world of Dyson, but she doesn’t have time to focus on that just yet because of the case with the circus freaks.
Setting out to get more details on the circus members, Dyson and Hale go to their campsite, finding it deserted but with one unexpected clue left behind: the remnants of skin from the tow truck driver that has a map on the inside of the skin. This important clue leads Bo and the team to another Fae who is found dead. This dead Fae had a special sword hidden inside his back that is now missing. It would seem that this dead Fae and the tow truck driver are part of a trio of guardians who protect the elements needed to gain control of the land.
They learn through books belonging to The Ash that Trick (Rick Howland) is holding on to “for safekeeping” that the sword can be used in a special ritual that would allow the circus freaks to take over The Ash’s bond to the land. But in performing the ritual, humans and Light Fae would not only be left homeless but also more than likely end up dead to boot. The team now needs to not only find the sword but also the heart stone that is the key to the ritual. As it turns out, the temporary Elder filling in for The Ash is involved with the Dark Fae circus troop. Through very little encouragement, though, he provides the team with a map that will help Bo and Dyson to track down the location of the heart stone. Unfortunately, they don’t get there in time, which allows Zale to find the heart stone, breaking it open with the sword, releasing a beautiful woman in white, who is the physical manifestation of the land.

Bo (Anna Silk)
The last step in the ritual to gain control of the land is a pagan sexual ritual between Zale and the woman from the heart stone. This ritual takes place at a “sexy pagan underground flash-rave” (per Kenzi), used as a cover for the ritual, for which Bo, Dyson, Kenzi and Hale crash. While tracking Zale down at the party, Dyson kisses Bo to see if a theory of Hale’s would work or not. Earlier, Dyson told Hale about the Norn’s curse; and Hale surmised that maybe Bo’s succubus kiss could possibly cure Dyson (it doesn’t). But Zale needed to be stopped first; and Bo was able to do just that in the nick of time before the ritual could be consummated. Meanwhile, Dyson and Hale stop one of the other Dark Fae circus freaks from performing an incantation that combined with the consummation between Zale and the woman from the heart stone would have given them control of the land. Eerily, Bo glimpses the same little girl from the circus troops’ campsite at the rave; but she disappears quickly once again.
After a celebratory drink at Trick’s bar, Dyson tells Bo the truth about the Norn’s curse, leaving her to deal with those ramifications. Unfortunately, that isn’t the only bad news in store for Bo that night as the disappearing little girl from the circus shows up again, telling Bo that she is a warning of something very old and very powerful that is coming for her.
“Something This Fae Comes” was the premiere episode of the second season of Lost Girl. The next new episode will air in Canada tonight on Showcase at 9 PM.
What did you think of this premiere episode? Did you find the pagan ritual for the land intoxicating? Were you upset by Dyson’s lack of feelings for Bo and that her kiss didn’t “fix” things for them? Were you excited to see Kenzi back in action with the rest of the Fae team? Are you ready to see more of Trick taking charge of the Light Fae? What do you think is the “something old” that is coming for Bo? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.