Rueben's Ramblings
It’s Time for the Upfronts
Starting next Monday the annual network upfront presentations will be made to the advertisers in New York by the major networks: ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC and The CW. This is the time when each network presents plans for their fall programming, announcing which existing shows will return for another season and which new shows have been picked up.
Much has been speculated by critics and avid TV viewers alike as to which shows will be back for more adventures and which pilots will get a coveted spot in the fall landscape on the major networks. At least one network really needs to revitalize their programming while one network is already in great shape. Meanwhile, there are two networks that simply need to tighten up a few gaps in their schedule and perform some fine tuning in their line-ups. The last one still needs to find their niche for each night of the week, but that network is slowly working its way to a more winning formula. I will leave the answers as to which network is which up to each reader’s perspective; but I have a feeling you are all smart enough to figure out that puzzle, right?
So, get out your calendars and mark down when each of the major networks will make their presentations to the advertisers, holding the collective futures of our favorite shows in their hands. Here is the line-up:
Monday – NBC and FOX
Tuesday – ABC
Wednesday – CBS
Thursday – The CW
It should be noted that a number of the cable networks have already made their upfront presentations over the last week (or so) and while those networks should not be overlooked – especially the USA Network – because each of them are starting to make their marks with good programming – it is always the major networks that get all the most attention.
As the announcements are made by each of the “big five,” you can count on a lot of breaking news about the prospective programming, but please keep in mind that while the announced line-up is what is planned for the fall by each network those plans can change very quickly and unexpectedly.
We here at NiceGirlsTV will do our best to keep you up-to-date on the new shows to take note of for the fall and to rejoice along with you when returning favorites are announced.
Happy Viewing!

Musician Spotlight: Coldplay are an English alternative rock band that was formed in 1997 in London by Chris Martin (lead vocalist, keyboards and rhythm guitar) and Jonny Buckland (lead guitarist). They were later joined by Guy Berryman (bassist) and Will Champion (drums and percussion). They released the EP called “Safety” in 1998, which led to their being signed to independent label Fierce Panda; which, in turn, saw their three-track EP called “Brothers and Sisters” released in February of 1999. One year later they achieved worldwide fame with their first single “Yellow” followed by the release of their debut album called “Parachutes”. Their second single “Trouble” became their second Top 10 single. In 2002, the band released their sophomore album called “A Rush of Blood to the Head,” but it was another three years before they released another album – this one called “X&Y”. Another three years passed before their fourth album “Viva la Vida” was released, garnering them not only favorable reviews but also several Grammy nominations and wins. In 2009 their first live album was released called “Left Right Left Right Left”. The band is reportedly working on their fifth album. Overall, Coldplay have sold over 50 million records worldwide. For more information on the band, please visit their website here.