Melissa's Musings

Ugly Betty: Reflections Before the Finale

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This weekend I caught up on several hours of television that had accumulated while I was traveling over the past couple of weeks, including the last 2 weeks of Ugly Betty. It’s been bittersweet these past few weeks, watching a show that I loved, then wasn’t sure about, then loved again, then knew was going to end soon.

Photo of America Ferrera as Betty Suarez on Ugly Betty

I'll miss you, Betty.

When Betty Suarez arrived on our screens four years  ago, I had a weekly TV night with my mom, younger sister-in-law, and any other girlfriends who happened to be in town. Thursday nights were for watching The Office, Grey’s Anatomy and Ugly Betty.  Wow, I’d forgotten I used to watch Grey’s. Back to Betty: we enjoyed watching her stumble around the superficial halls of Mode, find her footing, and begin the change the people around her. There was some weirdness toward the end of season 2 and a lot of season 3 when it seemed like there was some epic behind-the-scenes struggle over whether the show was an over the top soap opera or a dramedy about a young woman trying to follow her dreams. Thank goodness season 4 veered sharply toward the latter and gave us some introspection, character development, and some very funny moments. This season has been so good that I am sad our time with the Suarez clan and the wackadoos at Mode is almost over, but at the same time, seeing what a mess the show can be without a firm hand, it does feel like this is the perfect time for the show to go out strong.

Betty is poised to achieve her dream of running a serious magazine and has the self-confidence and experience to make that believable; Hilda is married and seems happy; Justin has made a major announcement and is as content as a teenager can be at the moment; Amanda is striking out on her own, sort of, to realize her own potential as a stylist; Marc seems to be having some epiphanies that will, I hope, leave him happy when the final credits role on Wednesday; Wilhelmina showed a little heart but is still the b!tch we’ve come to love; and Daniel…oh, Daniel. I think he’s going to have the biggest epiphany of them all.

I’ve avoided spoilers for the series finale, preferring to be surprised, but this is a feel-good show. No matter the individual character outcomes, I know it’s going to end on a positive, hopeful note. I’ll miss Betty, but I’m ready to wave goodbye as she enters the next, off-screen chapter of her life.

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