BethAnne's Babblings
The Vampire Diaries Answers Questions and Creates More, Just Don’t Tell Me!

Stefan and Damon in "History Repeating"
I had no idea what I was going to write about until I watched tonight’s episode of The Vampire Diaries, History Repeating. Here’s the CW synopsis:
Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) gets a break from the mysterious new history teacher, Alaric Saltzman (guest star Matt Davis, ‘Legally Blonde’) and introduces Alaric to Jenna (Sara Canning). Bonnie (Katerina Graham) is having terrifying dreams about one of her ancestors. Despite Elena’s (Nina Dobrev) efforts to smooth things over, Bonnie and Caroline (Candice Accola) continue to argue over the medallion. When the girls hold a seance to help them decide what to do, the results are stranger than any of them expected. Matt (Zach Roerig) comes to Caroline’s aid when she needs a friend. Damon (Ian Somerhalder) finally reveals to Stefan (Paul Wesley) the stunning reason he has returned to Mystic Falls.
First off, if this episode is still unwatched on your recording device, READ NO FURTHER.
I’m still reeling from this episode and trying to figure things out. Like, who turned Logan into a vampire and why? It’s obvious that the new teacher, Alaric Saltzman, is a vampire, but why is he in Mystic Falls? Is he trying to find out what happened to his wife, who’s death was apparently a ‘cold case’ mystery? Was his wife Katherine?
And Bonnie/Emily: why was she with Katherine, a vampire, in the first place? It’s clear that Emily was as powerful as Bonnie’s Gran said, but how powerful is Gran? Will Bonnie become that powerful as well?
Getting back to Logan, he was on The Counsel that knew about the vampires and wanted them dead – again. Now he’s one of them, so what happens now? And why didn’t he go to them first instead of going to see Jenna? What’s his plan? Is he collaborating with the vamp who turned him? Was it Damon?
The questions just keep refreshing with this show and I couldn’t be happier about that. This show literally has me perched on the edge of my couch, gasping in shock with just about every scene. I love how the writers lull you into a nice comfy cocoon with humor and quiet sweetness, then the bottom drops out and you are plunged into that thrill ride that is the roller coaster.
A couple of the scenes I’m referring to would be the ones between Stefan and Damon, throwing darts and a football. It was a lighter, funnier side of Stefan that we saw tonight. He made fun of Damon and himself, and completely turned the tables on his brother. Even shocking him with something Damon didn’t know before about Katherine’s last moments on earth – or so we thought until later in the episode.
Caroline and Matt are the sweetness and a bit of heartbreak that made up the episode. I admit, I like them together and I hope for the best for those two. However, I am quickly learning that with this show, you just can’t get too comfortable. And those characters I thought were just throw-aways? If you wait long enough, you find that they are sometimes key to a storyline.
I’m loving this new Jeremy. Gone is the brooding, angsty young teen. However, I can’t help but feel that his life is about to change drastically and it will be because of this research paper he will do on the history of his family. What will he read in that journal he picked up? Who wrote it? It’s key, I tell you.
And I know I’m jumping around a lot here, but again, I’m trying to sort out what this episode revealed, so bear with me, folks. How did the people of Mystic Falls round up 27 vampires and lock them in a church? We now know that, in fact, they went under the church and were protected by a spell that Emily cast to keep them in some sort of limbo. So was it Emily who contrived that? Was it to make the townspeople believe that all the vampires were destroyed? What did she mean when she kept repeating “Everything is different now”? What is different? And why would she destroy the crystal in front of Damon, knowing full well that he could now destroy her descendants?
Damon is heartbroken now and grieving once more for Katherine, but when his anger kicks in, you know he’s not really going to leave Mystic Falls. Now that Emily broke her promise to Damon, will he now hunt down Bonnie and her gran and destroy them?
Teacher Saltzman – good or bad?
Vampire Logan – good or bad?
My brain is screaming WHAT’S GOING ON? But don’t tell me, all of you who have read the books. I’m loving the adrenaline rush each week.