BethAnne's Babblings
Thoughts On “The Vampire Diaries”
I didn’t read L.J. Smith’s Vampire Diaries book series. I’m watching the show having only a general knowledge of what to expect from listening to the buzz, following the Tweets, and watching interviews with the actors and Kevin Williamson. For the most part, I liked it.

Nina Dobrev as "Elena"
What I Liked:
The tone of tonight’s pilot episode is one of sadness, loss, anger and jealousy. There is also mystery. I felt like I came in during the middle of the story at times. I’m sure Stefan’s history will be explained without me having to go and read the books. Frankly, I just don’t want to at this time. But the show had me curious enough to want to know more about him and his lost lady. What happened to her? Why does Elena look almost exactly like her? Did Damon, his wicked brother, do something to her? Or try to? Ah, yes, I was drawn in.
I liked the fact that although Damon is pretty nasty, he is a vampire and seems quite content with that. He seems to enjoy the power that comes with his undeadness. And apparently, feeding off of humans has made him stronger than Stefan. I’d like to know why these two brothers hate each other so much. Were they like that before they became vampires? Was it because of Katherine? How did they become vampires? More questions. I like that.
The vamp brothers can walk around during the day – because of rings they wear? What are those? What are they made of and who gave them to the guys? If this pilot episode was meant to make us ask these questions, thereby grabbing our attention enough to want to continue watching, it worked. I like shows that begin like this, as long as we finally get the satisfaction of finding out the answers to all the questions.
It’s too soon to decide what I think about the other characters on the show. I think I’ll need to get back to you on that. So far, I really like Damon. He’s so deliciously evil, cold and calculating. He’s a great villain. Stefan is a tragic figure, sad and angsty. Elena – I’m having a hard time with her. I can’t decide if I like her or if she bores me. The jury is still our on her.
Overall, I’m curious enough to want to continue watching the show, even though I feel like I may not belong. Will it be wrong if I really, really like Diaries? It’s about high school kids, for pete’s sake! However, I was a huge Veronica Mars fan, so maybe I can join the club after all.
What I didn’t like:
There wasn’t much that I didn’t like about The Vampire Diaries, but what bothers me a little is Elena. She’s supposed to be 17, yet she looks like she’s only 12. I have a feeling that’s going to bother me as the story unfolds.
My conclusions:
People have been comparing Diaries with Twilight. I think Diaries is much darker and heavier. I think it may be meatier. I didn’t like the Twilight movie. (Believe me, I tried to like it. I saw it twice.) Stefan is a much more troubled soul than Edward. Damon is wicked and he likes it. Jacob was just a growing and changing, typical teenage boy. Elena has more layers to her than Bella, and certainly Nina Dobrev is a much better actress, even if she does look younger than 17.
Pilots are often just the catapult used to launch us into a television series. If done well and smart, I’m usually on board for the whole season. I think I may be around for the finale.
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