Melissa's Musings
Burning Questions: Merlin, Leverage, The Closer, Etc.
I’m catching up on the TV I missed while getting ready for Comic Con, attending Comic Con, going to my grandfather’s funeral, recovering from Comic Con…my DVR was bursting with new episodes of shows like Merlin, Warehouse 13, Leverage, The Closer, Hung, True Blood, and Barefoot Contessa. Yes, Ina Garten is my hero, why do you ask?
As I cozied up to all my TV friends and watched what had been going in their lives while I was away, a few burning questions arose:
- Is anyone else struggling with “Gwen” on Merlin being Morgana’s maid? And having zero chemistry with Arthur? I’m all for fresh takes on old stories, but that “fresh take” is really bugging me.
- Just how many “artifacts” are out there disturbing the space-time continuum anyway? While I’m enjoying Warehouse 13, and LOVE that we see snippets of cases that are not the main plot for an episode, it’s a little disturbing to think that Great Aunt Agatha’s portrait might have supernatural powers.
- If the people who get their comeuppance on Leverage know who delivered said comeuppance, how are Nathan & Co. safe from retribution? Are they counting on shame and humiliation keeping the rich and powerful from coming after them?
- Kyra Sedgwick facing off with Mary McDonnell on The Closer was amazing. Strong women doing their jobs without resorting to ‘sex appeal’. Fab. So why the extended Kitty B-storyline this season? Sure, it gave us a chance to see the softer side of Brenda, but my goodness, did it need to last 5 episodes? It just felt sappy and out of place.
- Is it really against the law to have a tent, or “temporary structure”, on your property for more than a week? If those cops on Hung were right, I need to let my brother know because he’s had a tent up in his backyard for the kids to play in all summer…
- How was Godric able to come to Sookie’s aid so quickly on True Blood? He’s a 2,000 year old vampire, one of the most powerful beings on earth, yet the Fellowship of the Sun doesn’t have him restrained? Also, since when is Andy Bellefluer the only sane person in Bon Temps?
- Does eating like Ina Garten prevent aging? Seriously, the Barefoot Contessa has been married for 40 years and looks like she’s 35 years old. I need to know her secret.
These are the things that roll around in my mind after a weekend of watching TV almost non-stop. Don’t worry, I was also unpacking, doing laundry, editing articles, and answering emails. Also, mowed the lawn and went to the county fair. My life is totally well-rounded. Totally.

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