Emily Deschanel & David Boreanaz Ready to Get in Bed Together
In the latest issue of TV Guide (scans are in the Gallery), Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz show off some trademark Brennan and Booth banter as they discuss their characters’ season finale coupling on Bones. Are they worried about ratings dropping once their characters finally get together? No, says Deschanel:
“It’s dangerous when you get two characters together – a lot of shows fizzle out when that happens – but then the audience really wants it. So you have to be creative. We’ve already kissed, even though Brennan was blackmailed into it, and we enjoyed it a little more than we’d like to admit. Once they get together, their relationship will only be stronger.”

photo courtesy of Fox
Boreanaz gets right to the heart of their relationship when he says, “We’re always put in situations where we have to live together and pretend we’re having sex, but the show revolves around how much they care for each other in tender and loving ways.” That is what sets Booth and Brennan apart from many of the other “will they or won’t they couples” on TV; their genuine affection for each other and real friendship means adding sex to the mix will, as Deschanel says, make them stronger.
The real fun begins when the two start talking about how The Big Scene will go down. Boreanaz claims that he’s going “all in. I’m not going to be wearing a sack.”
“What?” exclaims Deshanel. “This is the first I’ve heard of that!” Boreanaz quickly amends his position to say that he’ll be respectful, he’ll be wearing his underwear and place a pillow strategically.
“I am totally a gentleman. You’ve got a delicate flower here. You can’t bruise the petals.”
“Hey, how’d you like a little knuckle sandwich?” retorts Deschanel.
Talk then turns to whether Brennan will ask Booth to be her baby daddy. Deschanel posits that Brennan will approach that decision scientifically but would probably decide Booth would be a good co-parent. Of course, she’ll want to do a DNA screen first.
“You think I’m going to get pricked? Forget it, I’m out!” says Boreanaz.
“You don’t get pricked, you get swabbed for DNA,” Deschanel reminds him.
“No one is swabbing anything. We could do a whole episode about why she can’t get my DNA. There are so many possiblities with a show like this, but the important part is that these two characters are together and making it relatable.”
Relatable indeed. Bones finally returns Thursday, March 12 at 8/7c on Fox. You can read the entire interview in our Gallery. Thanks to SpoilerTV for the scans.