Joss Whedon’s Update on “Dollhouse”
In an online letter to his fans, Joss Whedon gives us news about what happened when “Dollhouse” briefly shut down. Basically, the entire pilot was thrown out and a new one created, but all for the better. There were also some changes in staff during this time and Joss let’s us know about those. Never fear, sweet Whedon-ites, Dollhouse will air in mid-season.
What’s me up to? I’m glad me asked. Me’ve (I’m not doing that any more) been working on a little show called Dollhouse. Yes, perhaps you’ve read about how it’s blazing an untrammeled path to surefire success, with nary a hitch or a hiccup, just pure blazing blazery, comet-like and meteoresque. What’s that, you say? You’ve read other things? Dark, Yog-Sothothy rumors about shutdowns and delays? Poppycock! They’re true. But I never pass up a chance to say “poppycock”. (“Balderdash” is so ’07. Let it go.) I know there’s been a lot of concern, various fabulous hues of panic alert readiness. So here’s the skinny. Some of the names have been changed.
Read entire post at Whedonesque.
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