
DEFIANCE 3.10 – ‘Of A Demon In My View’ Kindzi Eats Our Hearts Out!

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Defiance - Season 3Berlin finds a rattled Irisa in the remnants of the VC Convoy and isn’t happy about it. You know what they say…the enemy of my enemy is my friend. The unlikely duo sets out in search of the missing Nolan. As it turns out, Kindzi was the culprit. She plans on making Nolan her new “pet.”

The younger Omec successfully operates on the Sheriff by removing the arctech when Doc Yewll defied orders despite the obedience implant. Good for her! Thankfully the device doesn’t work against the truth!

Screen Shot 2015-08-14 at 8.50.27 PMNolan awakes and plays pretty with Kindzi just long enough to get his bearings. Berlin and Irisa crash Kindzi’s party with her new pet giving Nolan just enough time to free himself and discover the incapacitated T’evgin. The Lawkeeper frees Big Daddy and leaves the two Omec to fight it out amongst themselves. Sadly, Kindzi won and T’evgin wound up being dinner!

Screen Shot 2015-08-14 at 8.45.40 PMThe Tarr’s are at odds and Datak is still jealous of the great Purple One.  Datak takes great measure to protect his own family, sadly, he couldn’t do the same for himself! Doc Yewll strikes again and this time Datak winds up in a cage for food! Come on Daddy Tarr use that new arm of yours!

Screen Shot 2015-08-14 at 8.57.08 PMObservations:
• Doc Yewll said it best: “I think it’s you that’s broken. I don’t know if its a result of a trauma or if you’re just a born sociopath. But, there’s a screw loos in that head of yours. And you know I have a higher tolerance for cruelty than most folks……you make me sick and that’s the truth.”
• Loved the 1978 Father Daughter flashback!
• Adina and Stahma are both vying for position. Who wins, is still up in the air!
• Amanda’s Side Braid of Justice better not fail her now!

• Creator of Digital Euphoria! • Extreme southern speaker, big hair believer & professional geek • Follow @PxlWvr or contact at