GLEE: “Asian F” Gets Emotional

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It’s another week of Glee and, I’m sure another week where I’ll find something that makes no sense. Let’s dive right in and start before I get the better of myself and go for a very stiff drink.

No teacher should ever tell his students it’s about doing their best or doing better when it comes to something like an extra-curriculars, Will. The side of me who wants to be a teacher just wants to hit Will over the head for this right now.

So Emma has a collection of bridal magazines and Will has a porn collection. I’m not sure that those are equal things in anyone’s eyes, no matter how Will tries to play it off that way. Wanting a wedding and wanting to get pleasure, so not the same thing. I will not even begin to touch the idea of discussing or implying that there’s porn on an 8 PM show.

It’s nice to see Mike Chang’s dad, but talking about Asian F’s (A-’s) just reminds me of all of my fellow classmates from high school. It is not the fault of Tina that Mike has an A-, nor is it Glee Club’s fault either.

Coach’s Beiste is hilarious as both the football coach and co-director of West Side Story. I’m more than happy to see Puckerman as part of the dance troupe.

I’m so with Mercedes’ new boyfriend there–she’s better than Rachel, and she needs to realize that. This solo is just a testament to how strong a singer she is, a fact that is swept under the rug more often than not. That turned into a great audition song for the play.

That’s continuity again for the show–thanks for remembering that Tina had a stutter way back when.

Feminism from Brittany, complete with real historical facts that have existed. I’m almost shocked that Brittany can remember facts like that, and this dance number is something I’ve been missing from the show–a little heart that makes me want to care about these kids as characters.

As we come back from the commercial, of course the battle for Maria is down to Mercedes and Rachel. Oh, “Out Here On My Own” as the song for callbacks; I’m so down for that choice and the ways that each of them can sing it.

Mike Chang, I can tell by the way you talked to your dad, you don’t really want that Chem tutor, or to go to the Lima Bean. It’s too bad your father won’t let you do anything but be that perfect model minority. (Eww, gross, did I really just use that in this recap. My school life is rubbing off here. Sorry!) Hallucinations are never a good sign for anyone, especially someone with that much pressure. Poor guy. Watching him audition for Riff, this is going to break my heart. The football team busting in to dance with him is also a nice touch–even if some of the guys Beiste recommended are just awful at dancing.

Kurt just won points as the world best boyfriend for the random flowers, and then Blaine lost them for not giving him a hug back.

Mercedes’s freak out might be a bit of an over-reaction, but I think she needs to vent her frustration after two years. Using Dreamgirls as a backdrop is a nice touch–there is so much in Mercedes that reminds me of Effy.

Mike going back on all these Asian stereotypes is not going to turn out well, but right now I give Momma Chang lots of love for telling her son that he needs to do what he loves. My heart’s growing three sizes with Mike teaching his mom how to dance.

Now it’s time for the Diva-Off, complete with Fame and an auditorium filled with people who have a stake in the result. (Why cut against each girl’s strengths in the song, though?)

Back we go to the awkward story of Will meeting Emma’s parents. It is really awkward, let’s just leave it at that. Gingers only? Really? We’re back to a self-righteous Will. Just what we all needed.

Oh the hell Rachel? I’m about ready to punch her for trying to stand out. Rachel, you’ve had plenty of time to stand out so far, and you’ve managed to not capitalize on it each time. Now, you have to trample on other friends for it. Not cool.

Decision time for the play, and the directors went with both of them. I’m not sure I agree, and Mercedes did what I think she needs to do and quit. She’s got her pride to worry about, and I think it’s time she stood up for herself.

For Rachel, even having the part alone isn’t enough–she needs that Senior Class President too.

Will, you’re not actually very good at offering support to the people who need it. If your solution is “Fix You”, there’s really something wrong. It’s a moment like this that I wish I could back to sometime in 2004 when Kirsten Cohen got into a car accident to this song. Really. Better use of the song there than this right here, especially since Will’s been a bad example all episode.

That last moment, with Mercedes joining Shelby’s group, I should have seen it coming, but I think Mercedes needs that moment to shine more than she’s had in the two years of Glee.

Again, the show is going with numbers that aren’t always popular, but that hit the right emotional notes for the episode. It’s hard to take so many emotional moments in all of these episodes. It’s almost firing on too many cylinders to have everything blow up each week.

Glee airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on FOX.

Roz lives in the Los Angeles area, and has been a long time California girl. Despite her better judgment, she enjoys shows about the shallow sides of her home city, but will also find time to watch iZombie, Jane the Virgin, and much more. With a love of history, she also watches anything that is grounded in real life, including Victoria and black-ish. Having worked with children, she also follows shows she knows they watch (reminding her of those days of yore for her in the process). Contact her at