2 BROKE GIRLS: “And the Breakup Scene” And Brooklyn Mud

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The new episode of 2 Broke Girls delivers the laughs for the second week, and this Nice Girl is still delighted. In “And the Breakup Scene”, Caroline thinks that Max is taking her breakup with Robby really hard and tries to help her along by distracting her with the cupcake business. Max is still not convinced that they could make it a success and doesn’t trust in Caroline’s business abilities.

As Caroline and Max begin to work out the kinks that come with living together, Max begins to feel that her once wide open space is is shrinking. There’s a horse living in her backyard and Caroline, having trouble sleeping on the couch, moves into Max’s bed until something else can be worked out. Robby comes in during the middle of the night, thinking that he can come back home now and that all is forgiven. This guy is a real piece of work and no offense to the actor, but I hope he’s not there to stay. He’s the most annoying thing on the show, self-absorbed and womanizing. He’s really an insult to Max and even Caroline’s intelligence.

Caroline is still trying to find ways to show Max her gratitude for all she’s done for her, so she takes it upon herself to call Robby to have him come and pick up his things at the apartment. While there, Caroline tells him off, effectively denying Max the satisfaction of doing it herself. This makes Max angry and the girls have an argument which results in Caroline moving out. She’s got nowhere to go however, and returns to Max’s apartment – after getting drunk.

The episode ends with the girls back together again but with a better understanding and respect of each other’s boundaries. I’m hoping that as the series progresses, we see the best qualities of both girls rub off on the other. Max was pretty unforgiving of Caroline and I think she was awfully mean with the jabs she took at Caroline.  Caroline, in the other hand, needs to learn that a simple ‘thank you’ is all that is required.

My favorite moment came when Caroline goes into the backyard to say goodbye to her horse and slips on the manure covering the ground. I’m a huge fan of slap-stick comedy, so this made me roar. I had to pause my DVR!

Tonight’s tally – $364.25.

Liz is a wife and mother of three from the Nashville area who likes being able to discuss her favorite TV shows with adults sometimes. She is addicted to the Sookie Stackhouse novels and was a huge fan of the HBO series based on the books, True Blood. Her other favorite shows include Chuck, Grimm, Pretty Little Liars, Blindspot, Heroes Reborn, The Goldbergs, Sleepy Hollow, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Agent Carter, just to name a few. Contact her at