LUCIFER Roundtable: Anything Pierce Can Do I Can Do Better

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The murder of a prima ballerina is a slight inconveniece to our heroes as they attempt to navigate the murky waters of the Lucifer-Chloe-Pierce triangle on this week’s episode of Lucifer. Did they reach land safely or crash on the rocks? Karen, Melissa, Cay, and Lisa drop anchor.

So basically the whole episode is pairings either to keep together or split up Pierce and Chloe. Charlotte and Amenadiel vs Maze and Pierce – Do you like the pairings?
Karen: Again, Maze is getting on my last nerve. SHAPE. THE EFF. UP. She hurt Trixie so much that she had to run out of the room! NOBODY HURTS TRIXIE!!! I admit, I liked Charlotte a lot in this episode. She and Amenadiel worked together fairly well. He had no idea how to “go undercover,” and she’s got street-smarts. She’s quick on her feet too. I like them as partners in crime.

Melissa: Amenadiel and Charlotte make a surprisingly good team. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of them working together. Maybe even a spinoff series so we don’t have to deal with this Lucifer-Chloe-Pierce BS anymore.

Lisa: I’m definitely not a fan of Maze and Pierce working together. I also second everything that Karen said. Nobody hurts Trixie! Charlotte and Amenadial were surprisingly a good team. I enjoyed them together and I didn’t think that I would so that was a nice surprise.

Who’s going to “win”?
Karen: Ugh. Why is this even a thing? I mean, I was warming up to Pierce and now I’m loathing him after this “I actually love her” turn. Talk about breaking the bro code. And Chloe should know better. She’s hurting Luci and doesn’t care. I get that she wants him to reach out, but jeez…

Cay: I actually like Charlotte and Amenadiel, but Maze and Pierce’s plan is even eviler than I expected. How quickly we forgot that Maze is a demon, right? She’s very good at this torture thing!

Melissa: WTF is going on? Chloe isn’t that desperate for a man. At least not the Chloe we knew from seasons 1 and 2. Nor is she vindictive. WHY are they making her out to be some damaged, low self-esteem girl who agrees to marry the first man who asks because she thinks she can’t have the one she really loves? When did this turn into an effing soap opera? I am thisclose to done with this show.

Lisa: Amen!! What in the world? Mel worded it perfectly, and I am not a fan of the love triangle and Desperation that Chloe suddenly has. She’s better than that and deserves better than that.

Cay: Exactly – it seems so out of character! She was so damaged last week and now she takes him back? Because Luci was trying to compete with him??

The EP says, “Lucifer missed his chance” with Chloe. How do we feel about that?
Karen: This CANNOT BE TRUE! I mean, I know it’s true, but just no. I hate this. Lucifer needs to have his happy ending. From day one (I mean DAY ONE – as in his fall from Heaven) he’s been given the short end of the stick. He’s a victim of circumstance. He didn’t ask for his job, but he did his duty as long as he could stand it. Daddy apparently knew about Luci’s defection before it happened, because Chloe was placed on earth earlier than Luci’s appearance. If Cain was meant to be with Chloe, why was Luci’s reaction organic? I’m just so angry about the whole thing. LUCI AND CHLOE 4EVA! Showrunners be damned!

Melissa: No. Just…no.

Lisa: Karen you crack me up! I do not believe he has lost his chance but I’m still salty how everything turned out.

Cay: Once again, Luci is clueless, but Pierce, really?? I can’t say enough how out of character this is and how just dumb it is!

Karen: @#%@%$@#$#$ Nuff said.

Melissa: CO-SIGN

Lisa: *eyeroll* Next question.

Cay: STUPID! That’s all I can say.

Karen: Tom Ellis. His portrayal of Lucifer’s pain in the last 5 minutes of the episode was amazing. From Dr. Linda’s appearance in Lux onward. It made me hurt.

Melissa: Trixie. She did what I wish I’d done, which is turn around and walk out on this nonsense.

Lisa: Lucifer for me. Tom Ellis always gives a great performance, but I agree with Karen the last five minutes I felt it.

Favorite line/scene?
Karen: Charlotte being caught by Pierce/Cain after the motorcycle chase. I liked seeing how good she was when in that tough situation. Also, the subtle disgusted shudder after having to act attracted to him was GREAT.

Melissa: That scene between Charlotte and Pierce was probably my favorite, followed by Lucifer deducing that the man (what’s his name) was a stalker based on the “clues” in the apartment.

Lisa: I don’t know if it’s because I was hungry, or craved sugar, but the lemon bar scene was off the hook to me. wanted a bite of that damn lemon bar! Lol

Cay: Dr. Linda going to Luci’s place to talk to him. I wish I had a Dr. Linda in my life.

LUCIFER airs Monday 8/7c on FOX

Leah reads constantly, sing incessantly and watches TV what her Mother would consider an unhealthy amount. You can find her on twitter @IamPollyP or contact her via email at