QUANTICO Recap: Alex

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Quantico is back and they wasted no time setting up the next big mystery.

Back in the Quantico timeline the NAT’s meet the class one month ahead of them. It isn’t a happy meeting and despite some serious rivalry by the end of the episode the two classes are combined. The drama that will come out of this will be nothing short of epic and it gives us a whole new pool of suspects.

That’s right, suspects. In the present time Alex and a few others are testifying in front of a Senate Committee. Alex is steadfast in her belief that someone was setting up Elias, making him do these awful things. She is the only one that believes this. Shelby, Natalie, Miranda, they all tell her to let this go, there is no evidence to support this theory. She is just prolonging the suffering they all have over the loss of the 32 agents that died.

After Ryan talks to Alex she goes in front of the committee and says she was wrong, there is no evidence, she thinks Elias was working alone.

That evening Alex is drowning her day in a bottle when she hears a phone ringing. She finds a cell phone hidden in her apartment. A distorted voice leads her to a dark street corner where Natalie is standing with a bomb strapped to her. The voice says some eirie things about Alex having watched her since Quantico and ends with “You may not have been a terrorist before but you will be one now.”

What did you think? Will the team get over their current issues and start working together? How long will Alex let this mastermind manipulate her? Did you notice that Caleb wasn’t mentioned in the present time line? Is he dead or just otherwise occupied?

Quantico airs 10/9c on ABC

Leah reads constantly, sing incessantly and watches TV what her Mother would consider an unhealthy amount. You can find her on twitter @IamPollyP or contact her via email at